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Everything posted by PonyHooves

  1. "The fireworks will be set off later on in the evening." Golden Heart informed them. "Hey, aren't you going to cut the cake together. I'll take a photo!" Pixie Parcel said. "Okay... It will be another one for the memory book." Gerty replied with a smile. Pixie Parcel walked into the other room to collect the camera while Golden Heart walked into the kitchen to collect a knife. The three meeted up in the living room where the party was. Golden and Gerty stood by the cake. Both of them were holding onto the knife. Pixie got ready to take the picture. "Say dandelions!" Pixie spoke with a smile. The pair both said the word 'dandelions' as the picture was taken. Pixie smiled. She had taken a good photo. Usually, when she took a photo it always appeared to be blurred or distorted. However, this time it looked good.
  2. Golden Heart took a closer look. He was worried that the Chimera had punctured one of his lungs. The stallion knew that he needed to take an x-ray beforw he could act on the healing process. But he needed to relieve some of the pain so that his patient woulde feel comfortable lying still. "Okay... I'm going to give you some pain relief and then I'll do a chest x-ray... You may have punctured a lung." He informed the stallion so that he understood what was happening. Golden Heart searched for a veing in the patient's leg. Ge then inserted an IV drip containting fluids that would keep the patient hydrated while relieving most of the pain. The pain relief could not take away the full extent of the suffering. However, it would make the pain manageable. He secured the drip bag on a stand before he went to get the x-ray machine.
  3. Paw Print smiled at Braeburn's enthusiasm. He was a kind sales pony. She liked how he looked forward watching Tricks perform alongside her. The mare turned to him and said. "I'm awful glad yer' lookin' forward ta' watchin' Tricks perform with me. Yer' jus' a little sweet talker, like the honey is when it comes ta' taste." The mare then turned back to HoneySuckle. His offer of a honey biscuit for Tricks seemed very kind. She looked down to her companion before asking. "Tricks ol' buddy, what are ya' goin' ta' do for the nice stallion?" The mutt looked up to her as if he knew what to do. He stood tall on his hind legs and walked backwards in circles. Without warning, he fell backwards onto his back and seemed to be playing dead. He got up a few minutes later and bowed before the stallion. Paw Print smiled brightly. She was glad that he still had it in him. The mare turned back to HoneySuckle. "So how much do I owe ya'?" She asked.
  4. All of the food was ready. The Golden, Gerty and Pixie worked together to put the food on the table. They knew their guests would be here soon.
  5. "Of course I'll help him... Bring him through for me please and then rest up easy, my fine fellow, so you can catch your breath." Golden Heart replied. He had a feeling that he would see that Earth pony again. After all, the Everfree forest is a dangerous place for anypony. It is even more dangerous to those who are recovering from injury or ill health. However, Golden wasn't there to lecture the poor pony until he fell asleep out of boredom. He was there because he had a duty of care towards all of his patients. The stallion wasn't one for mindless chit chat either. The earth pony did look in bad shape, even by a slight glimpse. Golden began to wonder if it was a good idea to tell him about Zecora. But he had no time to dwell on the past. Golden Heart had to stay in the present tense for his work to be done. He lead the way to his office and held open the door as a kind gesture.
  6. My dad fell down the stairs while holding me when I was a foal and as he protected me, I felt something. And I'm not talking about a bump to the head!
  7. I think I've gone insane because I tried to walk through a wall today. Now my friends call me Casper.
  8. They shared a few jokes while they worked. It was just like old times again for the family.
  9. "Pranks? That's not very nice! Was it that pesky colt from over there?" It seemed as though, that colt was well known to prank everypony. But The mare hadn't seen him prank anypony else. Then again, the only time she ever passed his house was when she had to deliver some letters. Never the less, he was just a colt and still had some growing up to do. "He annoys pretty much everypony around Cloudsdale, but still, if what you say is true, then it sounds like it's not just him. Don't you ever get annoyed?" Annoyed... Of course Pixie was annoyed by him. But she didn't even know what he looked like. He was so well hidden. She had only seen what had already hit her and knew it was him. Still, she couldn't punish somepony else's child. It was wrong. She put up with it because she had to. Pixie also couldn't hold a grudge and so she just let her anger disappear. It was the same thing every time. She felt angry at first, but then it went away as the day went on. "I'm supposed to be at a meet-and-gree - I mean, somewhere, but I don't wanna go. I can help you with your round if you need company. Though it looks like you're almost finished." It was true that she was nearly done with her round. But this pegasus interested her. She seemed to care about the treatment of postal workers. Pixie respected that about her. "Well your welcome to join me... And I don't hold grudges, so I let my anger leave me." Pixie replied.
  10. "I can make d-daisy s-sandwiches, but not much else. I n-need some groceries.." She seemed to be trying hard for the stallion. But after what he had heard, Whisperpaw felt as though his stomach had betrayed him. He didn't want Seaspray to be sad. She was a beautiful mare and one who had so much love to give. He could see that from the moment he first layed his eyes on her. He looked at her and said. "We can go shopping together tomorrow... I don't mind helping with grocery shopping." Whisperpaw spoke in a gentle tone. "And... I'm not a fussy eater... But if you need to go shopping, I can take up the daisy sandwich offer in the morning so we can eat them together for breakfast."
  11. Pixie Parcel was taken by suprise when another pegasus collided with her. But this young pegasus was kind and was quick to help such gloomy looking mare. In fact, the pegasus was so fast, that with one blink of an eye, she had already picked up all of the contents. But what suprised Pixie even more was how much she cared. "Uh, are you okay? You like kinda angry." It was the first time any pony took the time to ask her if she was okay. The young mare usually was ignored because everypony knew that she'd just been pranked and accepted it as the normal thing to see. It was just one of those thinks that Pixie had to deal with. A prankster was just a prankster after all. "It was just a colt pulling a prank on me... This time it was a storm cloud charged with lightning... I'm okay with it though. Being pranked is something all postal workers just deal with." Pixie replied with honesty in her tone. It was clear that she was used to such awful treatment from fillies and colts.
  12. "U-um, my house isn't very clean.." She didn't have to worry about that. Whisperpaw's house had been taken over by the animals he took care of. It had bird perches hanging from the ceiling. There were beds in all of the corners and bowls of food scattered round the room. At times the stallion windered if his house would ever look clean. He tried keeping it clean. But it always looked a mess straight after. "My house is full of animals and the things that I use to care for them are everywhere... I-I don't mind." He tried to re-assure her. Whisperpaw's ears flattened backwards against his head when he heard the loud clatter of hooves on the porch. It was just too loud. However, the stallion danced on the spot to calm his nerves. Loud noises may have caused him to flee in fear before. But he was determined not to allow that to happen. "Umm.. Would you maybe like something to eat, or are you t-tired?" He had to think for a moment. Whisperpaw hadn't eaten in a while. But he didn't want to bother Seaspray. The stallion didn't want to be a burden to anypony. However when his stomach made a rumbling noise, Whisperpaw blushed bright pink. It was embarrassing. It seemed as though he didn't have any self control when he was hungry. However, words spoke better than his stomach. "If its n-not t-to much trouble, then yes p-please... B-but if it is then, I'll wait until breakfast." He spoke in a shy whisper.
  13. Pixie Parcel was delivering letters as she had always done. The mare adored her job and wouldn't change it for the world. But some ponies liked making it hard. However, she always thought of the positives. 'Ponies do get excited when they recieve letters from their friends and when parcels are involved they're even happier!' She reminded her self as she reached the dreaded cloud house where the prank loving colts lived. The mare shuddered upon her approach. But she couldn't skip the address. Pixie flew closer to the door. Suddenly it started to rain on her. She could hear childish giggling, but couldn't see anypony. The mare sighed. Despite the fact that they were illusive, they still managed to be noticed. She knew she wouldn't ever catch the little rascal. He was always too quick for her. The rain was flattening down her mane and tail so that they hung below her. Pixie posted the letters and recieved an electric shock from bolt of lightning. Her mane and tail looked burned. Both stood on end as though she had seen a ghost. Her job was done and so she flew away from that single storm cloud, while mentally cursing that evasive colt who always pulled pranks on her. The mare flew away. Her round was finished. She merely had to check out at the postal depot and then she would be free for the rest of the day. Pixie was glad about that. She wanted to relax. Work was getting quite stressful. However, the mare did not complain. She had gotten used to the dreaded house. But the pranks kept on changing so that she could never predict what would happen next. That annoyed her, but she let go her frustration. He was only a colt after all.
  14. "I live in Cloudsdale... But I spent my fillyhood in this house with my parents." Pixie replied. "Its cherry and rasberry punch." Gerty nearly tripped over her own hooves. Golden caught her with her wings and helped her back up. He didn't want his clumsy wife to have any accidents on their special day. He already saw her in his clinic more than any other patients. Then again, that's what tends to happen when a doctor falls in love with an accident prone earth pony. He even gets to spend time with her at work. He still didn't like the thought of her getting hurt though. Gerty smiled and thanked him. She felt lucky that she had fallen in love with such a gentlestallion,
  15. As she arrived in Stalliongrad, Paw Print looked around. It hadn't changed a bit. It still looked like it did when she first visited. It made her smile slightly to think that things didn't change. Then it got her thinking. 'I wonder if I'll see my friends... With everything looking the same I am sure that it will be the same... At least I think so...' The mare started to trot in the direction of the cafe, hoping to see the others. She saw it up ahaead and smiled. It was still there in all of its glory. Her smile grew wider and her heart skipped a beat. She thought they could be in there. That thought made her feel happy. Paw Print reached the doorand took in a deep breath. It was time to go back to where her friendship had started and she knew it.
  16. Golden, his wife and his daughter worked together to make the dinner. They knew it would take a long time to make.
  17. *Watches man wrestle imaginary bear and lose* That's one tough bear!
  18. She was offering him a place to stay for the night. It was an offer Whisperpaw couldn't turn down. He always wondered what it would be like to wake up and be with somepony in the mornings. He always wanted to wake up knowing that he wasn't alone. There was nopony he'd rather spend it with than Seaspray. She seemed to understand the stallion. He wasn't a pony who she'd choose to avoid. He felt the same way about her. The unicorn wanted to be with her and not apart from her. "Thank you... I'd love to..." He replied while he began to blush.
  19. Two days after he had met the heroic earth pony, Golden Heart was returning to work. His daughter had her usual work round back. That meant he wouldn't see her this morning. He sighed softly to his self as he put on his doctors jacket. The stallion flicked through his morning letters. He didn't have many of them. They were all junk mail for some reason. He tossed them into the small waste paper bin before he sat down at the front desk and waited for the first patient of the day.
  20. Gerty stood up sharply at the sight of Granny Smith's mallet. She hid behind Applejack. Then the mare began to think for a moment. One of them said she'd hit her head bucking a tree the wrong way while the other said she'd hit her head falling off a wagon. It didn't make any sense. One of them had to be telling a lie. The mare began to feel very suspicious. Something funny was going on and she could sense it. But what if they were scared that she'd hate them if they told her what actually happened? Gerty decided to play along with it for a little while. However, she was trying to avoid Granny Smith, who seemed to like the idea of hitting her with different objects. Gerty saw the elderly mare as a dangerous pony when she had any sort of tool on her, especially a mallet!
  21. Whisperpaw saw that Seaspray was shivering. He huddled up close to her so that she could share his body heat. He could feel the cold. It was sending chills down his spine. However, Whisperpaw chose not to react. He preferred to give up his warmth for Seaspray. She asked him if he had anywhere to stay. But the stallion didn't have a home so far out. He looked at her with gentle eyes. "No... I don't have anywhere to stay." He replied honestly.
  22. After his work was complete, Golden trotted out of the clinic. The grey stallion stretched out his wings and took to the sky. He felt the cool breeze ruffle his mane and feathers on his wings. He smiled brightly as he looked down on all of the houses and shops in Ponyville. When the stallion spotted his home he came to a gentle landing. Golden Heart opened the door to see that his daughter had already arrived. Pixie Parcel was their daughter who lived in Cloudsdale. It was a rare treat for her to come to her parents house for a visit. She raced towards her father and burried her face in his wing. She had missed him.
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