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Everything posted by Tam

  1. Thanks. For the record, I used to cut up old polo shirts when I was a kid and hand-sewed bits to other shirts so I'd have Star Trek TNG shirts to wear when I was playing "Away Team"... and last year I pre-ordered the Collector's Edition of the Star Trek Online game, just so I'd have the shiny metal pin. ^_^
  2. Tam

    Hi! :)

    Hello and Welcome to the world of Equestria! Our forums here are still warming up to all the new guests but I'm sure we will all find a home here. Now that you've officially introduced yourself be sure to check out the Equestrian Rules! And while you're in the "getting started" area you might wanna take a look at some freebie graphics if you find yourself bored with your current icon. If you're into RPing and want to help get the ball rolling faster in that area for big adventures and epic quests be sure to stop in the Questions and Suggestions area to add your ideas in the map making process and species list. C: We hope you stick around! Very cute icon. <3
  3. I was under the impression Wakfu (sequel to Dofus) -was- out. Just not in the US yet.
  4. We would love to add a dragon template if you made one! I wish you lots of luck! Eee, character concept making is so much fun.
  5. Actually just today we got our most official map made! When my fellow admin Tam wakes up I will be uprooting all of the RP section and reforming it to fit the map we have made with both show references and our own places. Map so far can be found here! Soon as I get that section in order tomorrow I will post a sticky in each area explaining what's where and why it is so you traveling types have things to reference. C:
  6. Hello and Welcome to the world of Equestria! Our forums here are still warming up to all the new guests but I'm sure we will all find a home here. Now that you've officially introduced yourself be sure to check out the Equestrian Rules! And while you're in the "getting started" area you might wanna take a look at some freebie graphics if you find yourself bored with your current icon. If you're into RPing and want to help get the ball rolling faster in that area for big adventures and epic quests be sure to stop in the Questions and Suggestions area to add your ideas in the map making process and species list. C: We hope you stick around!
  7. Tam

    Hey there!

    Hello and Welcome to the world of Equestria! Our forums here are still warming up to all the new guests but I'm sure we will all find a home here. Now that you've officially introduced yourself be sure to check out the Equestrian Rules! And while you're in the "getting started" area you might wanna take a look at some freebie graphics if you find yourself bored with your current icon. If you're into RPing and want to help get the ball rolling faster in that area for big adventures and epic quests be sure to stop in the Questions and Suggestions area to add your ideas in the map making process and species list. C: We hope you stick around! >guinea pig named Waffle. That made me giggle. Hope your blog runs well! They're so much fun to keep.
  8. Hello and Welcome to the world of Equestria! Our forums here are still warming up to all the new guests but I'm sure we will all find a home here. Now that you've officially introduced yourself be sure to check out the Equestrian Rules! And while you're in the "getting started" area you might wanna take a look at some freebie graphics if you find yourself bored with your current icon. If you're into RPing and want to help get the ball rolling faster in that area for big adventures and epic quests be sure to stop in the Questions and Suggestions area to add your ideas in the map making process and species list. C: We hope you stick around!
  9. Hello and Welcome to the world of Equestria! Our forums here are still warming up to all the new guests but I'm sure we will all find a home here. Now that you've officially introduced yourself be sure to check out the Equestrian Rules! And while you're in the "getting started" area you might wanna take a look at some freebie graphics if you find yourself bored with your current icon. If you're into RPing and want to help get the ball rolling faster in that area for big adventures and epic quests be sure to stop in the Questions and Suggestions area to add your ideas in the map making process and species list. C: We hope you stick around! OMG I MADE A DRAGON JUST LIKE YOUR ICON FOREVER AGO. SEE? That is so cool we had the same idea. I hope we get more dragon characters. Mostly I wanted to see the red dragon from "DragonShy" ep be all cute and tiny like spike!
  10. Hey, welcome to the forums. I'm always happy when a lurker decides to poke out and say hey. Thank you for the complements! Three of us were involved in making things look the way they do. Also, I love your avatar. I hope you stick around -- don't be shy!
  11. Tam


    I -think- that's the sleepover with Twilight / AppleJack / Rarity.
  12. I think it's fantastic there's a cartoon based on a MMO. Or was the MMO based on the cartoon?
  13. I've only been able to play for one day, but I'm on, uh... Driftwood or something? >.>
  14. Tam


    Official killed? 4 cereal?
  15. I'm hoping to go to AC, but it depends on if I have a room or not. I'm sort of waiting to hear back from someone on that. If it doesn't work out, well...
  16. They're actually sold out, so unless he already got a spot... he's so not going. I wish I was! I just couldn't swing it this year.
  17. Welcome to the forums, Juneiper! You'll find people into a bunch of the same stuff -- it's funny to see how many folks like Doctor Who here already.
  18. Hello and Welcome to the world of Equestria! Our forums here are still warming up to all the new guests but I'm sure we will all find a home here. Now that you've officially introduced yourself be sure to check out the Equestrian Rules! And while you're in the "getting started" area you might wanna take a look at some freebie graphics if you find yourself bored with your current icon. If you're into RPing and want to help get the ball rolling faster in that area for big adventures and epic quests be sure to stop in the Questions and Suggestions area to add your ideas in the map making process and species list. C: We hope you stick around! You definitely seem excited. lol
  19. ...Remind me why I'm married to someone so odd, again?
  20. Tam


    Ohh. Well that's for uploads, which have been disabled for now. BUT! to help clear up some of the confusion, it should read 32kB, which I think is a better limit. Thanks for bringing that to my attention!
  21. Tam


    My Spike icon is 16Kb; I don't think it tests the file size for linked avatars. Did it error for you when you linked to your normal avi?
  22. Tam


    Much better, Kash. Thanks for working with us - and welcome to the forums!
  23. Tam


    One of those would be just perfect! Lol tam.
  24. Tam


    Hello and Welcome to the world of Equestria! Our forums here are still warming up to all the new guests but I'm sure we will all find a home here. Now that you've officially introduced yourself be sure to check out the Equestrian Rules! And while you're in the "getting started" area you might wanna take a look at some freebie graphics if you find yourself bored with your current icon. If you're into RPing and want to help get the ball rolling faster in that area for big adventures and epic quests be sure to stop in the Questions and Suggestions area to add your ideas in the map making process and species list. C: We hope you stick around! Oh god you're sig... lol That actually might be just a tad to trippy to openly post everywhere with. xD;;; I might have to ask you to swap it out for something not so... Colorful.
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