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Posts posted by GingerbreadSpy

  1. So, I haven't started any RP threads yet. Figure I probably should give that a try. I don't want to start an RP thread without knowing if someone will participate or not, though, so here I am.

    Here's the idea I have. Honeydew's parents (melon farmers) are taking a much needed and long overdue vacation from the farm and from Uncle Cantaloupe. Problem is the young farmhands that work the farm are also going away for various reasons. So, Honeydew's parents need someone to supervise and take care of the farm. They choose their only daughter, Honeydew.

    The horror. Honeydew hasn't worked on the farm since she was a filly, and her parents are just pushy enough to overrule her own pushiness and resounding "NO." She can't just let the farm go, either, because regardless of her rough edges and dominating personality, she isn't heartless.

    She has the brilliant idea to put up notices about help being needed on the farm. Room and board free and a few bits for your trouble.

    Let's see what happens when you mix a once-country-pony-turned-city-pony with a few country ponies, shall we? :D

    RP thread here: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/15460-farmers-wanted/

  2. I am definitely not referencing a mental illness (she's fine, just overenthusiastic about her work). I'll reword it (I didn't think it came off as such, given the silliness involved, but I'll take care of it.)

    I'll work on expanding on things, then.

    Thank you for the pointers. :)

    Heeeeeey, wait just a second.

    History:[colour=#663366]Describe in detail your character's history. Tell us all about his or her life. Be as creative and descriptive as you can, darling; with any truly great design, true perfection comes in the details! As a general guideline, these are some of the basic questions you might consider answering about your pony in this section:[/colour]
    • [colour=#663366]Where was your character born?[/colour]
    • [colour=#663366]How was life for him or her growing up?[/colour]
    • [colour=#663366]Who are his or her parents and how do they get along with your character?[/colour]
    • [colour=#663366]Is there any other family we should know about?[/colour]
    • [colour=#663366]What is his or her life like now?[/colour]
    • [colour=#663366]How did your character get to where he or she is?[/colour]
    • [colour=#663366]Where does he or she hope to go from here?[/colour]

  3. Honeydew's eyes narrowed, apparently suspicious and unconvinced about anypony arriving to pick up anything, but she decided not to push the issue since there were more important issues to push. "Inspiration is a myth. If I relied on inspiration to write, for instance, I'd be out of a job. I do know all about the out of the ordinary, though..." She tilted her head up slightly, looking thoughtful. She paced past another chair, giving it an interested look before turning towards Oak Splitter to answer his question.

    "The Mares in Black, naturally. They tend to show up under... mysterious circumstances, and nopony knows much about them. I didn't expect them to show up here in Whitetail Woods, though! I was just investigating a rumor I heard about Bighoof. Hardly anything to get worked up about." She tensed up suddenly, then pounced onto a wooden table and lifted her right foreleg into the air dramatically. "OR SO I THOUGHT! Upon finding near conclusive proof of Bighoof's existence, I was surprised by a noise in the bushes! And that's when I saw a dark pony shape approaching. Knowing what I know about the Mares in Black, I ran as fast as I could and found sanctuary here!"

    She hopped off the table. Her pink eyes shined, and the smirk on her face had become impossibly huge and smug. "And so, more pieces of the puzzle fall into place. You know, there's a lot of theories circulating around about Bighoof. Some say Bighoof is a figment of ponies' wild imaginations. Some say Bighoof is the result of mistaking the identity of a particularly big pony. Some say Bighoof might be a remnant from the past... But me? I think the truth goes much deeper than that. If the Mares in Black are involved, that means Celestia's involved, which means the Starmanes are most definitely involved. And now, now I've got photographs!" She rushed over to Oak Splitter, completely ignoring any sense of personal space he might have. "Don't you see?" She put her two front hooves together. "It's ALL connected! I'm so close to discovering... THE TRUTH!" One could practically see the emphasis in her words.

    "Fitting that I should get such a wealth of information here in Whitetail Woods. I've long suspected that the Everfree Forest's multitude of oddities and dangers were part of a front to distract from other more dangerous and mysterious places. And so, here's Whitetail Woods, supposedly your average, everyday forest. Except that it isn't! This is the FIRST lead I've had in a while that helps support my theory. Clearly, I need to stick around here much longer and do some more investigating. But first, I might lay low in Baltimare. No telling whether the Mares in Black might be looking for me..."

  4. "Name's Honeydew," the mare said automatically, as she inspected his golden hoof. She gave a satisfied nod. "Good. Looks like you're not in league with the Starmanes. Those egotists just love to put intricate designs on their horseshoes, which may or may not be part of an ancient language prophesying the Equestrian apocalypse. Or so I've heard." She looked up from his hoof and peered at him closely. Very closely. "You certainly don't sound or look like a Freemason, either."

    Honeydew flashed a grin at Oak Splitter when he asked his question. "Excellent observation... Oak Splitter, was it?" She shot a look back at the door, then back at him. "The question is not whether I saw anyone else coming on my way here. The question is... Did I manage to lose them or not? Because they were not just your average pony coming to pick up an order." She shot a look towards the pencils that had fallen earlier, then raised her brow at Oak Splitter. "I would hope a pony with a carpentry business out near the woods would know enough about customer service to attend to the final details of the customer's order and not sit around with a blank piece of paper as though, he has nothing left to do and no expectations for the near future. Otherwise, I think you're going to have a dissatisfied customer on your hooves."

    She stomped the floorboards with one hoof, then shot out of the chair and began pacing. "ANYWAY, I think I lost them."

  5. So, here's an idea. Our original trio of Cutie Mark crusaders have realized that they haven't tried to get any party-related cutie marks yet (perhaps the idea was inspired by Pinkie Pie) and with their little club expanding throughout Equestria (Babs having started up a branch in Manehattan, and things spreading from there), it sounds like there's great potential for a HUGE party. After all, it only makes sense to invite every Cutie Mark Crusader, so that they can try to get a party-related cutie mark, too!

    I thought it would be a fun way to test out filly and/or colt characters by putting them all in one place. *LOL*

    Rules are the same as the other roleplaying rules on this site. Just one thing: obviously, the characters involved in this have to have blank flanks and be fillies/colts. No alicorns, please.

    In addition, feel free to volunteer to play one of the following canons (you can play a canon and an OC, too):



    Sweetie Bell

    Babs Seed

    I will try to keep things moving/organized by playing Pinkie Pie. I figure Pinkie Pie isn't the type to miss out on such a big party, Cutie Mark Crusader or not, and somepony needs to be an adult chaperone. (Then again, maybe Pinkie Pie isn't best-suited for that... LOL... perhaps there's some background adult ponies keeping an eye on things, too... LOL)

  6. No sooner had Oak Splitter sat down before the door was kicked open with enough force that a door of lesser quality might have cracked a little. A honey-coloured Earth pony ran inside and slammed the door shut behind her, panting in several short breaths. She didn't appear to notice Oak Splitter or if she did, she wasn't paying him much attention. Instead, she was looking at the door intensely, as if expecting something or someone to come barging through any minute. She stayed like that for several seconds before giving a sigh of relief, then she turned away from the door, a triumphant smirk on her face.

    "Ha!" The triumph in her expression quickly faded into something approaching confusion when she looked around. Her pink-coloured eyes took in the workshop area before her gaze fell on Oak Splitter. She stared at him, having no feelings one way or another towards his presence. After a moment, she spoke.

    "Right, well, the door was unlocked, and you're here, and I'm assuming this is a shop of some kind, so technically, I'm not breaking and entering. Mind if I sit?" She found a half-finished chair and sat on it, not waiting for permission. "Whitetail Woods, your common, everyday average woods. Not like the Everfree Forest, but don't get me started on that. Personally, I don't think..." She paused, then casted a suspicious glance in Oak Splitter's direction. She held up a hoof as if to silence any approaching words. "Wait." She shook her hoof in a manner suggesting she wanted to see one of his hooves. "Let me see your hoof for a second."

  7. post-2202-0-09362500-1371111225_thumb.jp

    Roleplay Type: Mane RP

    Name: Tawny

    Sex: Male

    Age: Young colt

    Species: Pegasus

    Eye colour: Sky blue

    Coat: Sand-coloured

    Mane/Tail: Tawny's mane and tail are impossibly curly, and every attempt to straighten them out has resulted in horrible failure. His mane and tail are a single colour: light brown.

    Physique: Tawny is a little taller and skinnier than most colts his age, and his wings are perhaps far larger than they should be. This not only lends to giving him an awkward appearance, but it also makes him an ungraceful flyer. The good thing about having big wings and a light frame, though, is that he can endure flying a little longer than other colts his age.

    Residence: Cloudsdale

    Occupation: Too young for a job.

    Cutie Mark: Blank Flank

    History: Tawny was born in Cloudsdale to two Pegasus parents: a Canterlot guard and a weather factory worker specializing in the making of lightning. Because of his father's guard duties in Canterlot, Tawny doesn't get to spend a lot of time with him. This has given him a lot of conflicting feelings towards his father. On the one hoof, he resents his father because of his absence. On the other hoof, he wants to make the most of the time he does have with his father, and so he tries very hard to do whatever he thinks will please his father, even if he doesn't like doing those things. Tawny often thinks his father is sterner and more intimidating than he really is (when his father isn't being a guard, he's actually a kind of laid-back guy who would be proud of his son, no matter what). Tawny gets along well with his mother; although, her tendency to bring her work home with her has caused more than a few mishaps around the house. This has caused him to come to the conclusion that his mother spends WAY too much time with hazardous lightning.

    His mother does care quite a lot for him, and if she is working with something particularly dangerous, she will send him off to stay with one of his many uncles, aunts, or older cousins. This has resulted in Tawny having traveled more than the average colt and has kept him from being too much of a shut-in at home. At school, Tawny does well and remains diligent in his studies, not because he has a vested interest in academics or athletics, but because he doesn't see any reason why he shouldn't do the best he can. He's been in school for a short while, and while he has met a few friendly acquaintances, it hasn't yet blossomed into any full-fledged friendships. Because he is still a young colt, he hasn't had much in the way of life experiences. Perhaps the only event of interest in his life is the time he ended up in the wrong car on the train to Canterlot to visit his father. It was a car full of elder ponies that he had never met, and so, for part of the trip before his mother found him, he was regaled with stories of the "good, old days." Rather than being bored, though, it helped keep him from getting too worried about being on the wrong car and calmed him. Since then, he has had a deep respect for elderly ponies and enjoys their company.

    Right now, Tawny is hoping to make a few friends with whom he can hang out on a regular basis. The other thing he's hoping for is getting his cutie mark. Because he is under the (mistaken) impression that his father wants him to follow in his footsteps, Tawny often pretends/practices being a guard pony, even though, this usually doesn't work out well for him or make him too happy. Even though he is still young and has plenty of time to get his cutie mark, he can't help but try to hurry it along because the pressure of whether knowing if his cutie mark will be acceptable to his father or not is too much for him to handle.

    Character Summary: Tawny is most adequately described as a nervous wreck. He's pretty convinced that if there's a possibility things will go wrong, they will go horribly, horribly wrong. He has numerous fears (a fear of the dark, fear of creepy crawly things, fear of scary creatures, fear of lightning *perfectly legitimate fear given his background*, fear of clowns, fear of sharp objects, claustrophobia, etc.). He is a nice enough colt, pleasant, polite, and in the middle of the introvert/extrovert spectrum. He often acts as a voice of reason when it comes to avoiding dangerous situations... although, sometimes, there are situations he deems dangerous that aren't dangerous at all, in which case, his voice of reason becomes more of a voice of not-reason. Unfortunately. being a push-over combined with his need to try to be brave (because he's so sure it's what his dad would want him to do) means that he tends to give in too easily.

    Tawny enjoys keeping things clean and organized, but he's not obsessive about it or afraid of dirty things, as evidenced by the fact that he also enjoys spending time on beaches, soaking up the sun or building sand castles (he doesn't swim). He likes reading (usually fiction aimed at his age group), but he's not quite a bookworm, and he prefers listening to stories that people tell him more than anything else, especially elder ponies. He also likes to sing when he thinks no one is listening. Other things he likes includes coffee (most of his relatives refuse to let him have any under their watch, given that it just makes him more edgy to the point of being almost unbearable), birds, cinnamon rolls, corn, and peaches.

    Tawny, being as nervous as he is and so easily startled, obviously doesn't handle being pranked too well, and it's one of the few things that will make him put his hoof down and cause a confrontation with someone. He can handle joking, even jokes at his own expense, but pranks are just too much for him. He also won't put up with rudeness or a lack of respect towards older ponies. He doesn't like competitive sports/games, and he really doesn't work well under pressure or a time limit. Other things he dislikes (besides some of the things he fears, of course) include tomatoes, cold weather, babies (it's not so much that he dislikes them; he just feels very, very, very uncomfortable around them), and cats.

  8. This sounds REALLY interesting. I would definitely like to sign Honeydew up. I think I can manage to have plausible reasons for her to be there. A mystery party is probably a perfect situation for her to come up with conspiracy theories and whatnot. *LOL*

    Question, though... Does the costume need to be a proper masquerade-esque costume or can Honeydew come decked out in a Nightmare Night-esque costume? (It would probably be ridiculous along the lines of looking like a giant bat or perhaps she would be dressed up like a Pumpkin with a Jack-o-Lantern mask or something).

  9. I was just thinking it might be useful if there was like, a sort of list detailing ponies that fall under a category of talent or occupation or what have you. It could be a good way to get ponies together... sort of like... having a shopkeeper convention or what have you.

    I mean, it looks like we have a number of business owners, writers, medical-oriented ponies, farm ponies, explorers, etc. So, I think it would make sense.

  10. Honeydew entered the bar, carrying a satchel stuffed full of loose leaf paper and possessing a wild look in her pink-coloured eyes. She was more likely than not suffering from story overload (in reality, an overactive imagination). She came to Fillydelphia to investigate a rumor involving pony-sized ants. Sadly, she had not seen even one glimpse of any such thing, but that had not deterred her from investigating it from all angles. Of course, there WOULD be a cover-up. They couldn't have the common ponies of Fillydelphia going into a panic, after all. No doubt the pony-sized ants had been captured and placed in some top-secret location. So, her stories included eyewitness reports (lovingly spruced up), possible locations where the pony-sized ants were being stored away (she was only threatened for her trespassing once; it was a good day), and a heaping helping of her usual conspiracy theories.

    Along with that, she also discovered that the mayor of Fillydelphia was having an affair with his secretary. Horribly boring. But she believed in reporting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but. And so, she wrote that story, too. And if the story emphasized that the secretary OBVIOUSLY had to be a Changeling (even though that was clearly not the case), it was only because she was dedicated enough NOT to bore the ponies who read her stories in Manehattan's finest tabloid, The Daily Turnip. Now, she was here because she needed a drink to calm herself... and also, because she was convinced speed-dating was a front for many shady and/or supernatural activities. She had been so close to discovering the TRUTH the last time she did the whole speed-dating thing...

    Up until she was kicked out and forever banned from that particular bar in Manehattan for being a public nuisance. She grabbed a speed-dating form and a drink and set to work. She paid little actual attention to the questions and more attention to the ponies (and otherwise) in the bar. Thus, her form answered "No" for every "Yes or No" question, "True" for every "True or False" question, and barely legible scribbles for the more open-ended questions.

  11. GingerbreadSpy's Characters

    Earth Ponies

    [colour=#000000]Honeydew - Young Mare - Conspiracy Theorist and Tabloid Journalist- [/colour]



    Peril in the Crystal Mines -


    Mystery Masquerade Party -


    When Life Gives You Melons -


    Speed Dating at the Prancing Pony -


    A Walk in the Park (Incomplete) -


    WhiteTail Woodworks (Incomplete) -



    Mystery Masquerade Party -

  12. Yeah, I don't see Chrysalis going through any kind of redemption, either. I think she's probably incapable of feeling love since she doesn't understand love as a feeling, only as a food source. The only thing that MIGHT come close to it is that she seems to have some loyalty to the swarm of changelings under her rule. This doesn't change the fact that she actually seems to enjoy the pain and suffering she causes, though.

  13. The Flim Flam bros. aren't exactly villainous (Discord, Nightmare Moon, and Chrysalis are definitely the major villains), but they are antagonists... and well... Kind of jerks. *LOL* Antagonist-wise... I actually prefer the Flim Flam Bros. over Discord because the Flim Flam Bros. are what kind of made me realize I was a brony (I was already all those episodes in and watching every time a new episode came out, but I kind of tried to deny my broniness... The Flim Flam Bros. made me embrace it... *lol*)... However...

    I think Queen Chrysalis is rapidly taking their place. Because... oh my god... She is the MOST awesome character.

  14. I've been kind of absent for the past few days, and I know I had a couple of RP topics up... so, I just want to apologize that I haven't been around... I'll probably be kind of sporadic regarding posting RP-related stuff... I'm having a lot of issues right now, and depression is really sapping a lot of the creative energy that I usually have. :(

  15. Generally, specific number ages are kind of frowned upon... //^_^\\'... So, I'm thinking you might want to put Male in front of gender... and then Stallion for age... (Since the consensus regarding pony ages is usually foal, colt/filly, and mare/stallion... and you can specify whether they're a young stallion/mare or an elderly stallion/mare, if you want)..

    Also, I think you could stand to give a little bit more background on him, specifically regarding how he got his cutie mark and such.

  16. (OOC: I don't mind you jumping in at all! The more, the merrier! I don't know if Honeydew would go jogging at night, but then again, she is a pretty head-strong, brave pony... so... *lol*)

    Honeydew continued her brisk trot around the neighborhood, secure in the fact that she had a strong set of legs. The cool night air did seem to be helping her clear her thoughts. Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw someone wobbling, and she slowed down, curious. Could this be just the spark that she needed to cure her writer's block? She walked over to wobbling figure and was a little disappointed to see that it was just a pony in costume instead of some mythical night-wandering creature. Still...

    "You there!" She called as she got closer. "What are you up to? Nightmare Night is over, you know!"

  17. It's hard to tell whether this pony is an actual, real pony or if she's a fictional pony from a book. I guess maybe her adventures could be based on a true story... Ah well. I suppose it's definitely worth exploring at any rate. Just one thing...

    Her name is Derring-Do. I know it sounds like 'daring' but used in the context here, it's Derring. Also, if you look at the book cover (in the rare moments that it's shown) you'll notice the two rs and such.

  18. Honeydew sat in front of her typewriter and stared at the blank piece of paper set in it with growing frustration becoming evident on her face. She had a deadline to worry about. She couldn't be sitting here staring at a piece of paper! She lifted a hoof and started to press a key but stopped herself in time. This wasn't working. Maybe she was pushing herself too hard. Maybe she just needed to get out and take a break.

    Yes, that sounds like a good idea. I'll take a break. Maybe I'll take a jog or something around the block a few times or sit at the park for a little while... she thought.

    She put on some legwarmers on each of her legs and put on a headband to keep her bangs out of her eyes. Then, she got out of her apartment and started to trot at an even pace. Maybe if she was really lucky, she'd run into some creatures from another planet or an aristocrat of some kind to chase down and ask questions. That would get the writing juices flowing.

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