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Posts posted by Jane

  1. 7oLky.png

    Whirligig listened intently to every word that came out of the Griffon's mouth, especially when he described his home land of Aquellia. She could live without the green grass - there wasn't any of that in Cloudsdale after all. But she would not be able to live with quite so much sunlight. Cloud cover was vital to her enjoyment of life. In Equestria, the Pegasus ponies ensured they kept a perfect blend of sunny weather and cloud cover, with just the right amount of rain for growing things and just the right amount of snow to nourish the ground.

    "But what about the weather? Who looks after that? Surely more rain and snow would make the environment far more comfortable for ponies and griffons alike." Whirligig was about to argue her case for the manipulation weather over allowing natural forces to take over (she'd never been to the Everfree Forest herself, but she'd heard nightmarish stories about it), but just then she heard a thunderclap and there was a spark of lightning.It wasn't terribly loud, nor was such an occurrence unheard of, but she still felt the need to investigate. She noticed that the weather team that had been working overhead had moved, having finished up with the stray clouds directly above the playground.

    "Be right back," she said to Musica and Razor, as she took off to find the source of the electricity.

    She found them a few moments later gathered around a small storm cloud, evidently full of electricity. One of the ponies looked rather singed, as though the cloud had already done a number on her. The small was trying to work out how to clear the cloud. Whirligig knew the gist of what needed to be done; drain it of electricity or break it somehow. Wind usually did the trick; a good, strong gust. There wasn't much natural wind around today, but Whirligig could tell that the small breeze was coming from the north east. She made her way around to that side of the cloud and began flapping her wings to encourage the wind. She didn't have any available instruments to tell her what difference she was making, but she was sure it wasn't much.

    The other weather ponies were now looking at her curiously. "What are you playing at, Whirligig?" asked the pink one.

    "Come on," she replied, "Give us a wing. If everypony works together and comes at it from this direction, the cloud ought to break. There's already a small breeze, you just need to encourage it. No one pony needs to make a strong gust if everypony helps out."

  2. 7oLky.png

    Whirligig listened intently while the rest of the group discussed going to Strong Hooves' home to eat. She was a little uncertain about the idea - would his mother have enough food or space for everypony?

    But she followed along as the sturdy stallion led the group down a small residential street and paused in front of a low-lying brick house. The older mare answers the door, and Whirligig can't help but feel - awkward - at turning up on her door step uninvited.

    The young filly embraces her grandmother and begins speaking excitedly to her in her language. Saronyx greets the woman with a bow and the rest of the group moves to introduce themselves after Strong Hooves explains everything to her.

    "And I'm Whirligig," says the light-blue pegasus when it comes her turn to speak. "Thank you so much for opening up your home to such a large group as this on such short notice. I really don't mean to be a bother. Is there anything, anything at all you would like me to help with?"

  3. Hey everyone! Added a form to the OP, please fill it out with info about your character. This should give us a good starting point.

    Below is an example of my own characters.

    Name: Whirligig

    Species: Pegasus

    Brief physical description: Average build for a young adult mare, mane and tail are long orangish-red with yellow streaks; mane swept to one side, cornflower blue coat, green eyes. Colourful pinwheel for a cutie mark.

    Brief bio: Born and raised in Cloudsdale, Whirligig loves her city and can't think of any reason she would want to live anywhere else. She works in the weather factory making snowflakes. Her brother is Stormwing.

    Role to play in Celebrations: Greeter and tour guide.

    Picture (optional):


    Name: Stormwing

    Species: Pegasus

    Brief physical description: Average build for a young adult stallion, dark dusty navy coat with short, messy red mane. Green eyes, storm cloud for a cutie mark.

    Brief bio: Born and raised in Cloudsdale like his sister, Stormwing left to be a weather pony for the town of Trottingham.

    Role to play in Celebrations: Transport (will be towing chariots and/or carrying other ponies from the ground to Cloudsdale).

    Picture (optional):


  4. 7oLky.png

    Whirligig smiled as the shy griffon exchanged greetings with the Baltimarian, who was using her wings to steady herself on the clouds. She looked as out of place here as Whirligig felt when she tried walking on the solid ground - she had yet to find her cloud legs.

    "You'll get used to it before long. I like to think all Pegasus ponies were born to walk on clouds, even if they were born on the ground."

    She recognized some of the local field weather ponies overhead clearing a few stray clouds that had gathered in the city.

    (Cloudsdale's team consisted, for the most part, of the best of the best when it came to weather ponies. Her brother Stormwing hadn't even applied to be part of it, knowing that even though he was a fine weather pony, he would never make the cut for Cloudsdale's crew. Whirligig hadn't believed that for a moment, and urged him to apply, but he hadn't listened. Besides, as much as he loved Cloudsdale, he found land ponies fascinating and wanted to spend more time learning about and helping them.)

    She waved to them, and a few whom she knew well waved back. She noticed one of the smaller of the crew was doing most of the cloud breaking. He paused from his work to look down at the crowded playground. Like she had, he did a bit of a double-take at the sight of the griffons. She was sure she'd seen him around the city before, but had yet to be introduced to him or have a proper conversation. She made eye contact with him and motioned for him to join them in the park as soon as he finished. There were only a few stray clouds left to clear.

    She turned her attention back to the griffon. After Musica-Lee greeted him with a jingle of the bangles on her hooves. Whirligig began speaking. "I'm Whirligig, and this is my new friend Musica-Lee Noted of Baltimare. I've seen Griffons around Cloudsdale several times, but I don't think I've ever met you before. What's your name? Are you just visiting? Is that your sister on the playground? How long have you been here? Where do you live? Do you live in Acquellia? I've never been to Acquellia before. What is it like? Are there any ponies there? I'm sorry, am I asking too many questions?" Whirligig finally stopped, feeling only slightly embarrassed by her verbal assault on the stranger. She placed all four hooves on the cloud below and tried to wait patiently for an answer.

  5. 7oLky.png

    Whirligig took a few steps back as the rest of the ponies crowded around the small foal, She was a tad annoyed that Six Strings seemed unwilling to share his ill-gotten cake with the foal, but kept her mouth shut about the issue. The young filly seemed to perk up when Flake spoke to her in her native language, and she admired his ability to put the filly at ease when she had been unable to.

    At the mention of food, Whirligig perked up. She hadn't realized how hungry she was, but Cloudsdale was a long way away and it had been a long (though quite enjoyable) flight (especially with a pair of rainbows in tow). She kicked her lips and took to the sky a few feet above the rest of the group.

  6. 7oLky.png

    Whirligig giggles at the thought of Six Strings stealing cake in his sleep on a train to Stalliongrad. It sure was a shame that she missed out on that train ride. She looked at Saronyx with renewed admiration as he mentioned that he'd paid for the cake to keep the Unicorn out of trouble - such a noble thing to do, especially for a pony he barely knew.

    She, too, heard the voice of a new pony, and turned to see a brown-eyed earth pony approaching the group with a young filly in tow. He looked to be quite sturdily built, as though he wasn't the type of pony you would want to cross, but he didn't seem threatening either.

    "Hello there, brown bird," Whirligig said in greeting to the stallion, not once thinking that her universal nickname for everypony didn't quite suit him. Then she turned her attention to the young filly, getting down close to her level.

    "Feeling a little bit shy today, little bird?" she asked, taking on that annoyingly patronizing tone most grown-ups use when addressing young fillies and colts. "Everypony here is very friendly, don't worry. See that unicorn over there?" she pointed her hoof towards Six Strings. "If you ask him really, really nicely, he might just give you some cake. Would you like that?"

  7. 7oLky.png

    Whirligig looked on in awe and amazement as Flake carried on a conversation with a dragon, ending it with mutual laughter. She still wasn't certain as to whether or not she liked the idea of being so close to one who could breathe fire, but Flake seemed so certain, so brave and confident.

    He moved on, and so did the rest of the group, albeit a tad slowly. Whirligig hurried to keep up pace with the tour guide. He showed them the tall Rotunda buildings that were unique to Stalliongrad, and explained that this was where the local government met and held office.

    Behind her, she heard Speed Heliotrope say something about sleep walking and stolen cake. She spun around and looked at the others. "What's this about uncontrollable sleepwalking?" she questioned, trying to keep the amusement out of her voice.

  8. 7oLky.png

    "Baltimare!" Whirligig exclaimed. "I've never been there! I have been traveling around Equestria a bit, but I do so love living in Cloudsdale. It's such a wonderful city, lenient and fun. The multi-layered layout of the town can be confusing, of course - just try to draw a decent map of this place. But it's home. And there's certainly no place in the world better than home, at least for me. Oh, and I'm Whirligig. Can't remember if I told you that yet or not." Whirligig paused, but only briefly. Some shouts from the children drew her gaze back towards the increasingly-busy park. "Say there bluebird, do they have Griffons in Baltimare? I mean, they come to Cloudsdale fairly often - a lot of Griffon parents like sending their children to our flight schools and flight camps, you know. Cloudsdale has some of the best flyers in Equestria, and, by extension, the best flying teachers and coaches. Not that I myself ever went to any. Why don't we go over and introduce ourselves to those two? The one on the bench looks like he's worried about something. Maybe he's lonely? Maybe he needs cheering up?"

    Whirligig urged Musica-Lee to follow her over the fence as she headed back over towards the edge of the playground.

  9. 7oLky.png

    Before long, Whirligig noticed a pair of Griffons come into the playground. Now, this wasn't completely unheard of - griffons were more common in Cloudsdale than in other parts of Equestria - but she still couldn't pull her curious eyes away from the pair of them. The older-looking one had grey feathers and a sandy coat. He looked smaller than most griffons, but exuded an air of athletic ability. Whirligig had no desire to challenge him to a flying competition any time soon. The younger, probably just a fledgling, had a rather worn purple bow fastened in her mane.

    Whirligig watched as the younger rushed over to where the fillies and colts were playing on the playground equipment. Like Whirligig, the children seemed curious about the griffon, but happily included her in the group. The older one sat down on the bench next to Whirligig to watch his - daughter? Surely not; sister was more likely.

    The blue Pegasus gave him a friendly smile, but then her attention drifted momentarily from the bird like lions (or were they lion-like birds?) to the playground gate. Standing on the other side of the fence was a tall Pegasus. This pony caught Whirligig's attention immediately due to her rather dapper sense of style and dress. The pinstripe vest and matching bow suited her well, standing out against the pony's soft cream-coloured coat. She looked to be slightly lost in her own thoughts.

    Before she noticed what she was doing, Whirligig flew over to the fence and smiled at the pale-yellow Pegasus. "Isn't this lovely weather we're having? I do so love warm sunny days, especially when they're so out of season like this. Wouldn't you agree?"

  10. I have 4OCs I'd like to use but two are pegasi... Black Sky, and another one I'm trying to rename ATM. I just woke up and got my ABUs on, so I'm leaving for work in a few hours. But if you need any info lemme know what you need and I'll throw it out.

    awesome, thanks for replying.

    Remember, for this one you don't just have to use Pegasus ponies. Allowances have been made so that unicorns and earth ponies can also come to Cloudsdale for the celebration.

  11. wGRZaMM.png

    [colour=#EE3897]FIM Cast[/colour]


    Keeper of the Day ~ Mare ~ Lives in Canterlot Castle ~ Co-Ruler of Equestria



    None (yet)


    A True Southern Belle ~ Mare ~ Lives in Dodge Junction ~ Boss at Cherry Hill Ranch




    [colour=#EE3897]#WoE RP[/colour]

    [Ponyville] First Annual EQGirlsCon ~ Status: Ongoing ((Link to OOC Thread))


    Best Background Pony! ~ Mare ~ Lives in Ponyville ~ Flies, jams, and acts!




    [colour=#EE3897]#WoE RP[/colour]

    [Ponyville] First Annual EQGirlsCon ~ Status: Ongoing ((Link to OOC Thread))

    [sweet Apple Acres] 100 Country Kisses ~ Status: Standing By

    [Ponyville] Bon Bon's Bonbons Open for Business ~ Status: Exited


    Cloud Watching

    Status: Abandoned

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