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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Winter


    Welcome to Canterlot. Oh, what's this? I'm just going to single that part out... Woohoo! You rock! Have a great time here
  2. "I wander around Cloudsdale... Nothing special. I usually go exploring in the Everfree and bring back anything shiny goody I find to go sell." He paused, wondering about the storm and whether or not he'd be okay in it. "And, well... I have a lightning bolt on my butt too, so I guess that makes 3 of us." He smiled. "Of course, I'm not even novice level, so anything is up to you guys. I am just in it for the ride. I mean, it isn't everyday you get to go flying with Wonderbolts... Even if you do get hurt, its still more fun than anything else, right?"
  3. Welcome to Canterlot! That is an interesting... er... uh Thanks Rosewind ^_^ Anyways, at least you are into drawing... Have a great time here, anyways
  4. Welcome to Canterlot! TL;DR: you are an awesome person Have fun here!
  5. Welcome to Canterlot! Haha, I love the origin of that username! Have a great time here
  6. Winter finally came out of the pipelines behind the other racers. "I'll have you know, Gale, that that stuff is spicy! I don't do spicy. I don't like hot." He stuck his tongue out at Gale. "Besides, running into walls hurts either way." "Wheres the fun in life if you dont take chances now and then?" Celestia help me, this is going to be the end of me. "Uh, yeah, sure... I'm up for a risk too... If you explain what it is we are doing first and don't pull any tricks on me!" He replied. "So what's next, then?" He gasped in shock as he turned and saw a huge storm. Why would anypony make a storm that big... Suddenly a pegasus shot out of it and the storm shrunk in size. "Why do I have the feeling that we are going in there?"
  7. Winter had all but lost Crescent, only catching a flash of him when before he would round a corner or bend. Great, just great... He continued flying until out of nowhere a massive black shape emerged in front of him. What in Equestria... he swerved left as hard as he could, having to run along the wall while flying for a moment to keep from crashing dead on! He pushed and lost his footing, tumbling over while trying to stay above the rainbow runoff below. No, no, no no! Not with the Wonderbolts here! He barely managed to pull up in time, keeping out of the goop below. As he regained stability, he called out in front of him, "NOT COOL, GUYS! I COULD HAVE BEEN HURT! Do you know what rainbows do to ponies that drink them?! I nearly just went for a swim in the stuff!" He flew forward furiously, knowing the next pony he caught would be in for the tongue lashing of his life. That is... IF I manage to catch up to anypony... He hadn't seen anypony since nearly running into the pipe wall. Oh well, all I can do is keep flying forward now... I better be careful.
  8. Winter struggled to keep up as they neared the piping, and once they all shot inside, he had to push every second to make sure he kept up with the tight turns. I'd hate to get lost in this maze... Why did they have to design this place like this? It's horrible! He grimaced as he kept pushing and heard Crescent up ahead. "YEEEEHAAAAHH!!! IS THAT ALL YOU GOT!?" "THIS BETTER BE ALL THEY GOT!!" Winter called back, trying to catch up with Crescent. "THIS IS HARD STUFF!"
  9. Welcome to Canterlot! Alright, review time! Hmm... You love ponies... Mhm, alright... Let's see, what else? Ah, from England, and love being yourself... Roleplaying and video games... Let me just finish my calculations here... Yep, you are 100% awesome! Have a great time here
  10. WInter felt reassured by the Wonderbolt. At least a trained professional thought it was safe enough, right? After the countdown and launch, Winter got off to a slow start on the race, but he managed to still keep track of the other racers. He stayed at around 4 pony lengths from Crescent, trying his hardest to keep up. Gosh... So fast. I wonder where we are going? I've never been around here before! What if I get lost! He then realized that worrying wouldn't be helpful for him at all at this point. May as well try to keep up. As long as I don't lose Crescent, I'll be fine!
  11. Winter

    Haii everyone

    Welcome to Canterlot, and may your time here be equal to no other, yet surpass the other's benevolence to create a utopia of this place for you. In other words... Have fun here ^_^
  12. Welcome to Canterlot and... Wait... Hey, my aunt if from New Zealand! She brings back a lot of cool souvenirs when she goes back home over there! Anyways, have a great time here
  13. Welcome to Canterlot, my friend! May your be forever prosperous in your endeavors! Ponies are great, tomatoes are good, and music is even better than tomatoes! Have a great time here
  14. Whelp, I'll come out now. One of the few open bronies at my school. I take stuff every day for it, mostly from only one or two people, but they are pretty dumb anyways, so it doesn't matter much. It is easy enough to just ignore them, or if I feel like it explain to them why they are wrong. Now, I do have friends that are "closet bronies" and wish to remain such. It isn't so much a school or friend thing for them as it is a family thing. A lot of people don't want their parents to know about it, and I can see why. My parents give me grief every day, in one way or another. When I bought a plushy I got a lecture and interrogation that lasted about two hours. Am I proud that I came out and opened up to the world? Yep. Did I buy awesome bracelets to wear just to prove how awesome it is? Eeyup. Do I mind people that don't want to come out? Of course. Everyone's situation is different, and they know and love different people that would react differently than the people I know. My 2 cents... Why do I only have 2? I spent the rest on pony stuff
  15. From the album: My Pony Art!

    Alright, here is Dunder and a pony I hope to app soon, Spring Shimmer! They are just out in the woods, telling jokes, all that fun stuff. Done in PDN and Gimp 2.0!

    © Theodore Machiavelli Haverford

  16. WInter slowly pulled the goggles over his eyes. Oh Celestia help me.... He readied himself and could already feel his heart racing. Great, I don't even know what we are about to do and I am already nervous. Maybe that is why I am nervous? He squinted his eyes and focused back on the Wonderbolts. "So what exactly is this... Rainbow sewer lines and 'loud dives,' Streak? Are they dangerous?"
  17. Well... With my circle, someone hated it and brought it up once, and I decided to check it out. From there, I was able to convert most of us into bronies in the end, so win win for me! Of course, there is still random haters, but everything is better with friends, honestly. It all really depends on how well you know your friends and how much they care about you, in my opinion. (Yeah, I read a lot blogs and then never respond XD) I wasn't able to get one of my friends to really like ponies until I randomly decided to make him a non consensual ponysona ^_^ Another one was a brony before I was and was just hiding it... And another just tried it one day after I asked him and decided he liked it! So really, it depends on what type of people your friends are.
  18. Welcome to Canterlot! Well, I see how forcibly you must have been dragged here.... Seriously, now, have fun out there
  19. "Mhm... A or B... Well, if you think I can handle B, that is probably best. A is probably really scary, anyways, right?" Winter gave a lighthearted laugh before moving on, "So, B for me, then... Do any of you happen to have spare goggles? I... I'm sorry, but I've never really bought any since I've never needed them..." "Oh, and what is a Fruit Fizz?"
  20. Winter watched the conversation, wondering when it would be best to interject. "But I'm sure..if you two wanted..we could give you a little training session hn?" And there it was, he couldn't resist. "That sounds amazing! Really, that would be the best thing since chopped daisies! I'd be eternally grateful..." He paused a moment before adding, "And of course, training with semi-pro wouldn't be bad experience either!" He smiled at Crescent Blaze. Yeah, this was going to be a fun day.
  21. Whelp, all that stuff you do sure sounds awesome! Welcome to Canterlot, have a great time here!
  22. Yu GI Oh was great! Was being the key word, sadly... The newer stuff is bleh to me. Ah well! I still have Pokemon Heart Gold, so I'm good Anyways, welcome to Canterlot, and have a great time here ^_^
  23. Winter Bolt, the tan pegasus, looked in dismay over to Gale, hearing his words and feeling his frustration. "Sorry, I was only trying to help... I thought this would be the easiest way to make him leave us alone." "Holy sweet baby celestia! your Gale from the wonderbolts! Oh man you gotta tell me what its like being pro, ive been trying to work my up there forever!" "Wonderbolts? What?" He looked towards his two new companions questioningly. "But, you, when, what? I've always wanted to... But how?" He shook his head and composed his thoughts. "You guys are so amazing! I had no idea it was you! Do you do this often? I mean, this is like... a dream come true, really. I always loved the Wonderbolts! I always wanted to BE a Wonderbolt... But anyways, uh... erm... Nice to meet you guys in person, really! This is so awesome!" He smiled the widest grin he could and let waves of happiness radiate from him. Yeah, he was living the dream now!
  24. Winter watched in dismay as a newcomer interrupted the show. Oh great, what does he want? Winter couldn't help but wonder. He flew over to them, trying to figure out what was going on. He arrived in time to see Streak talking at the pegasus, probably trying to calm him down. "I appologize, I thought we have made it large enough that anypony who would see it before they ran into it..." Winter couldn't help but smirk at the situation. Here was Streak and some other pegasus just performing a little trick, and this pegasus just so happened to have flown near it and gotten upset. Oh, how fate works on some days... Winter felt he needed to add something to the explanation, though, and decided to follow Streak's lead. "I'm sorry, Mister, it's completely my fault... I, uh, wanted to see them fly a little, is all. It really isn't that big of a deal though, just a little spin of clouds. Such a mighty pegasus as yourself must have no problem with such things, right?" Winter smiled up at him, trying his best to fake adoration. Alright, suck up mode engaged... I hope this works. "I mean you look so strong and lean, you must be an excellent flyer, am I right? Nopony would have gotten hurt from that, especially not such a strong and fast daredevil like you."
  25. Derping around on the internet... Why does that sound familiar to me? Oh, yeah, do it all the time Welcome to Canterlot, have a great time here! ^_^
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