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Everything posted by CrimsonNova

  1. Fleetfoot nodded throughout his answer, and she pondered her own answer before she actually spoke. Dragging it out, she finished off her 'shake and put her hooves on the table, leaning her chin against them. "Well.. Where to start? Training, I guess. Training is .. very difficult. We train a lot, and we have to put our pride aside when we do. As I'm sure you know, it gets very hot during the afternoon and well, with the intensity of the training.. I'm sure you can guess what we all look like afterwards! The team itself .. Well everypony is so wonderful, we work together flawlessly, and we hardly ever argue. We help each other through everything, it's great really." She paused, thinking some more. "The public shows.. I always dread them. I .. Don't do crowds well, eheh. Or the noise and the bright lights.. Well, it's very intimidating, but once we get into the air, it all just becomes background noise. Nothing matters when we're in the air. The parties we get to attend are marvelous, but they're all the same, really. That said, I wouldn't give it up for anything." Fleetfoot smiled to Kicks, blushing a little. "Sorry, that was a lot!"
  2. Life Line nodded at Cloud. "Ah, I see. I'm attending the medical lectures here. I've, um, just been accepted as a trainee at Canterlot hospital." Life laughed and rubbed the back of her head with a hoof, a little embarrassed. She felt a slight bump and staggered forward, tripping over her own hooves. She caught herself at the last minute and flipped her mane back over her left eye, not wanting to startle anypony by the obvious blindness in her eye. She smiled weakly at the unicorn that had bumped into her. "Oh, that's okay, don't worry. I'm fine! Where are you off to in such a rush? There's still lots of time before lectures begin. I'm Life Line, and that's Cloud. What's your name?"
  3. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Shaaaadowwwwwwww~ Happy birthday to you!
  4. Life Line started when she heard the pony's voice near her; he was standing on her left side and so she hadn't seen him approach her due to her disability. "O-oh! Hiya," she turned a bright teal eye on him, and smiled warmly. She was glad she didn't have to make the first move and introduce herself to somepony. She almost laughed, she was so relieved. She realised she'd forgotton to tell this pegasus her name, and so gasped a little dramatically. "Oh, heh, sorry! I'm Life Line, but Life works for me. It's nice to meet you Cloud, are you going to be attending University here too? It'll be nice to make some new friends."
  5. Fleetfoot laughed at the bird, and nodded in agreement. "I think he does!" She laughed again and reversed back to the last topic of conversation. "I agree with you on that. Crescent did indeed pick the best bunch of novice flyers out there. How's he holding up as a captain? Does he treat you all okay? If it's one thing I can't stand is a grumpy captain!" She thought back to the days of her first training sessions with none other than her mentor, Spitire. She had always been kind and patient towards Fleetfoot, and she knew that that was one of the reasons Fleet could fly the way she did today. She took another sip of her 'shake and let out a soft hmm as she reminisced back to the days of her fillyhood.
  6. (Hope you don't mind me jumping in! ) Having been recently accepted as a trainee nurse at the Canterlot Hospital, Life Line felt the need to use her spare time to attend the medical lectures at the nearby university. The grey unicorn sat in front of her mirror, levitating her brush and brushing her mane slowly. She was always organised, despite her energetic and hyperactive nature. She flipped her black and pink mane over her blind eye, as usual, and stood up, taking one last glance in the mirror before she left. Satisfied she looked okay, she began to slowly make her way to the kitchen, wherein she levitated her glass of lemon water, and glanced at her clock. She finished off her glass of water and got up and left the house. She made her way through the city slowly, and over to the University. She still had more than enough time on her hooves, and realised what a mistake getting up so early was. She looked around to see if she knew anypony. There certainly were a few ponies milling around, but she didn't recognise anyone. She sighed and shook her head. Alone again, it seemed.
  7. Fleetfoot giggled at Sparks, and her ears perked up as she heard Kicks' comment. "Yeah, I think that sounds like a good idea! Who knows, it might even do wonders to spur the 'Blades on a little bit." Fleetfoot winked again, wondering if the meetup was indeed a good idea for the new-and-upcoming flight team. She tilted her head as the thought about it, staring right at Kicks. She realised she was staring and she laughed, shaking her head rapidly. "Sorry. Yeah I think it's a good idea. Oh wait, I think I said that already.. Oh well. I've been thinking about the younger filly on the reserve team. When I saw her at the tryouts, she was quite small. How is she doing? Can she keep up with the rest of the team?" She was distracted when she saw their 'shakes arriving, and she let out a soft ohh as they were placed in front of the two. She grinned and got stuck right in, offering the small bird near her cheek a taste. "So, are you partial to blueberry, Sparks, or are you willing to try new things?"
  8. "Well yeah, the 'Bolts are quite awesome." Fleetfoot winked and giggled, waving a hoof to alert the waiter. "Ah, Miss Fleetfoot. The usual, I take it? Strawberry?" Fleetfoot smiled and nodded. "Of course!" "And you, sir?" Fleetfoot looked over to Kicks and smiled again, stretching a little again. She wondered if she really was lucky to have no training.. She pondered on this, and shook her head. She loved her training, no matter how strenuous it was. She couldn't even begin to imagine a life without the Wonderbolts anymore. Fleetfoot leaned forward to nuzzle Sparks, hoping something might pop into her head to talk to Kick's about while they waited...
  9. Seaspray couldn't help but smile at the foal as she agreed to play fetch with the puppy. She turned to say something to Whisperpaw, but got distracted when she saw a building up ahead. "Hey, is that it? The library?" Seaspray had always loved the quiet of libraries, but she didn't usually have the time to read much. She enjoyed the atmosphere of the buildings, and she always took the opportunity to visit one whenever she was in any town, but this time, she couldn't wait til the picnic; she couldn't wait to curl up beside her coltfriend in this beautiful place. She looked ahead to Midnight Sun, hoping the foal wouldn't take too long in the library.
  10. Dinky grinned happily. "Heh, thanks!" She was happy that she could partially pick up the ball in her mouth. She couldn't wait to tell mommy! Dinky picked up the ball in her mouth and ran to the door, but waited for Gerty there. She was so excited! She loved going to the park! Maybe she'd make some new friends? Oh, she just couldn't wait to play!"
  11. "I'm really glad to hear that. Honestly, I was a little worried at the beginning of the tryouts. We waited for a good while before anypony turned up to tryout. I was so scared his dream would be dashed." "I really did see potential in all of you, and I assume with your training you guys are gonna be rival to us soon!" Fleet laughed, leading the way into the café, wherein she found a table, nodded to the stallion behind the counter, sat down and picked up a menu in her hooves. She buried her head in the card, and tried to decide what flavour 'shake to get. She decided on strawberry, and awaited Kicks' decision, smiling gently. "Ahh, it's been too long since I've trained, I'm getting rusty!"
  12. "Ohh, how sweet! I hope you're very happy together." Fleetfoot exclaimed as she noticed the ring dangling around his neck. "Personally, I've never had time for a special somepony. I'm happy as I am. Sure, it gets a little lonely sometimes, but work keeps me busy!" She trotted through her door and took off from the cloud slowly, and she led the way to the little milkshake café she had mentioned in silence. She tilted her head a little after a while, and as they landed a few paces from the café, she searched for something to say. "So how is Crescent? Oh, you said you met the rest of the team! Were they nice?" (Sorry it's a little basic, I'm really tired and sick at the moment. D: )
  13. Fleetfoot nodded absently and led him into the kitchen, where she gestured for him to have a seat. "Well it's getting better now, anyway." She rooted around in her cupboard and suddenly gasped as an idea popped into her head. She bumped her head as she pulled it out of the cupboard and rounded excitedly on Kicks. "What about a milkshake?! I know this adorable place just near here! I'm sure there's a blueberry flavour!" Fleetfoot's ears pricked up as she made her way back to the door, and she was now listening intently. "It's good to hear that! Did you say starting a family? Oh, I'm so happy for you! Who's the lucky somepony?" Fleetfoot resisted the urge to squeal; she adored hearing love stories!
  14. Roleplay Type: Mane / World of Equestria Name: Life Line Sex: Female Age: Late fillyhood Species: Unicorn Eye Color: Light teal (#75FFC7) Coat Color: Dark grey (#636161) Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Long (almost floor-length), straight mane and tail, (#CE0097) with black highlights (usually tied up in a messy up-do when she's working, otherwise hangs down, with her bang that covers her left eye completely). Physique: Average weight, a little shorter than most fillies her age. Cutie Mark: A heart monitor line, with a heart in the middle Origin/Residence: Canterlot Occupation: Trainee nurse at the Canterlot hospital. Motivation: To make all of her younger patients laugh while being treated! Likes: Singing Animals Pretty colours Reading Playing with foals Foalsitting The hospital where she trains Dislikes: Grumpy patients Failing her training Getting scolded by her superiors at work Making a mess Being late Being teased about her disability Character Summary: An energetic foal, born and raised in the city of Canterlot by her two unicorn parents, Life Line always wanted to be a vet, and help injured or sick animals recover. Her parents encouraged this, as they thought her happy-go-lucky, and sensitive attitude would be ideal in a vet. She had always loved animals, and always had time for them, especially the family's pet dog, Scrap. One day, when she came home from school on her birthday, she was greeted by a small puppy, who was to be her birthday present. The young pup, who she named King, drove her more than ever to become a vet. She got her cutie mark a few days after the day she received King, and it had happened when she was at school, and had witnessed a younger filly falling over in the school yard. She had rushed over to help, and after she had patched the filly's leg up, soon had the little filly laughing, and distracted from her cut leg. This was when she realized that her calling in life was not to help animals, but to help other ponies, and with a small flash, she had received her mark. She focused her studies on becoming a nurse, despite being told by others that due to her easily distracted nature, she would never make it, and soon got accepted as a trainee of the Canterlot Hospital - nothing spurs her on more than being told she can't do something! In her spare time, she foalsits, spends her time singing, or plays in the park with King. Her dream is to be accepted as a nurse in the Canterlot Hospital, or, failing that, to sing professionally in a band. Flaws: Life Line was born half-blind, and so tends to be a little shoddy-footed, in that she often trips up or knocks things over. She wears her mane so that it falls over her blind eye (her left eye), but she tries not to let this disability slow her down too much. She is also very easily distracted, and often gets scolded at work for not paying attention, even though she tries her hardest to pay extra attention when she's at work. Personality: Life Line is hyperactive and easily excitable, but also kind, in that she always spares a thought for everypony's feelings. She likes to have fun, but she knows when to mellow down and be serious. She is not afraid to speak her mind, but always thinks about the outcome of her words before speaking. She handles herself very well in emergencies, and is rather confident in herself. By AmethystStarlight on dA:
  15. "Oopsie." Fleetfoot giggled as the stallion jumped back. She had startled Sparks too, and she cooed. "Awww, Sparks I'm sorry!" She laughed again as the bird suddenly found his confidence and flew out of Kicks' mane to greet her. She nodded at Kicks. "Yeah this is it. I just moved in a few weeks ago, so it's a little empty, but quite like it." She led him inside, gesturing with her hoof, silently inviting him inside. "I've been good. I had a little wing injury recently, been recovering, so I'm going back to training tomorrow. I've been so bored though! And do come on in! It's nice to see you again! Would you like a glass of water? Lemon water? Tea? I think I have some cider around somewhere." Fleetfoot's eyes widened. "But I haven't asked you about your own training! How is life with the 'Blades?"
  16. Fleetfoot was back to bouncing around on the cloud, but she thought she heard something, and froze in mid air. She sighed. She really hoped there wasn't a group of foals gathered outside her home; she really hated the attention she got sometimes. She crawled over the top of her manor and peeked over, and saw a lone stallion and a bird. She tilted her head a little bit, trying to place him. "Hmm.." Suddenly, her mind sprang into action, and she knew where she had met him before. She sprang over the top of the cloud and landed right in front of the stallion. She realised she probably startled him, not to mention she wasn't even in her suit or her goggles. Her mane fell limp and straight down her back and over her eyes, as opposed to her usual windswept style. "Hey! Kicks, wasn't it? It's good to see you again!" She smiled graciously. "And.. Sparks, too!"
  17. Fleetfoot was soaring around Cloudsdale, trying to look busy. She'd was recently recovering from an injury received when training with the 'Bolts, and this was her last day off training, so she decided to make the most of it. She was soon bored though. She had had enough of flying around, and so resorted to bouncing around on the clouds outside her large cloudy manor. "Ugh!" She was repeatedly making it rain as she bounced on the clouds, but she didn't really care. She hadn't had a proper conversation with any of her old friends in such a long time, and she was in dire need of a catch up. She was rolling around on a cloud, her hooves in the air. "Sweet Celestia, I am so bored!"
  18. Seaspray nodded, and cooed a little as she saw the little bird. "She's sweet! You're very lucky to have such a satisfying job." Seaspray's eyes narrowed as she watched Midnight Sun snap at the young dog, and she resisted the urge to scold the foal. She hated seeing any animal sad, but it had dawned on her how much Midnight Sun was out of place here in Solstice Heights. She made a mental note (even though she knew she would more than likely forget) to talk to the foal about it later, out of the sight of her coltfriend's watchful eye. She was determined to help both Whisperpaw and his cousin adapt to this new lifestyle, even if this meant getting an earful of hurtful insults from the young filly.
  19. Stupid notification system.. :c Woot c: Any plot ideas or whatever? o:
  20. I wanna RP with Fleetfoot more. Anyone interested? Let me knoww!
  21. My OC Klutz is a singer. Backing vocals maybe?
  22. Satin smiled graciously at the Silver Thread and watched the rest of the team talk. Her ears drooped a little bit, and she felt a little sad. Was she really that unapproachable? Was her appearance intimidating to others? It seemed that while the rest of the team seemed to get alone fine, she had barely been spoken to words to. Was she just not making the effort? She shook her head and remained perfectly still while Silver Thread fitted her; she had to model some of her mother's accessories from time to time, so she knew the importance of standing still to get every measurement perfect. She had always loved cloth fittings, and tried to push the worries out of her head as she basked in the familiar feeling of calm she got when being fitted for anything.
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