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Everything posted by CrimsonNova

  1. Satin had her eye on Lightning, and she knew that she had to pull her aside at some point later on. She was aware of the others mingling, but she was once more standing at the edge of the group. She looked up to see Winter looking at her. "Oh, haha. Umm, Crescent caught me training out in the rain once, and trained me up a lil bit before I got accepted onto the team. It's good fun. A personal dream of mine, actually. Clearly it has nothing to do with my cutie mark." She gestured with a wing back to her flank uneasily. She smiled as Crescent came over to join them. "Not much, Cap'n." She then smiled to Felicity gently. She wondered if she was nervous at being around so many ponies. She knew such events bothered other ponies, but she was alright with it. Satin looked up to the unicorn who was fitting Lights. "Oh, is it my turn?" She excused herself from the group and made her way over to Lights and pulled her away from the fitting unicorn. Always having been shorter than other ponies her age, Satin knew a thing about being self concious. "Hey, Lightning Dancer, wasn't it? I just wanted to let you know that being small isn't necessarily a bad thing. I'm pretty small for my age and I find it easier to fly faster! Anyway, if you ever need to talk, you can come find me, okay?" She smiled wider and winked at the filly, then went over to the yellow unicorn. "Okay, sorry, I'm ready! Please don't mess up my mane.."
  2. Satin frowned at her captain. "Crescent, I have told you before that I will only cut my mane when you give up your little dream. I.e, never." Her eyes widened and she nodded as Crescent muttered in her ear. Satin? Friends with Felicity Lace? "I'd love to!" She flashed a smile at Felicity, flipped her mane and nodded again. She watched Kicks recite his rank, and readied herself, wanting to sound as professional as possible, and yet refined at the same time. "Satin Ribbon, rear slot." She lowered her voice, muttering to herself. "The mare with the infamous mane, according to Cress."
  3. My heart just exploded from d'awww.
  4. "Oooh.." Satin sighed as she saw the ponnequins. She was having a good day so far! She resisted the urge to squeal and laugh, and simply stood waiting for their instructions. She wasn't, however, phased when she heard Crescent's voice ring out through the room. She sauntered to join the team in line, but didn't feel the need to snap to attention; she carried herself with great poise. She didn't even notice the mare beside him at first, until.. "Ohmygosh, I just love your dress! Oh buck. Erm, sorry, Cres - Captian. Slip of the tongue.."
  5. Oh thank the Princesses, I was beginning to worry I was the only one! xD
  6. LIKE SERIOUSLY. I mean, seriously. I hate Ireland. Not trying to sound horrible and vain, but I'm quite friendly with a lot of people in my school, and not one of them likes (even a tiny bit!) ponies. Unless of course they're closet bronies.. Although, I'm open about my brony-ism and I'm just so alone D: I have nobody to talk to about my brony lifestyle. We also lack pony merch. Or at least where I live.. Any other irish bronies here?.. It would be nice to know that I'm not alone on this XD
  7. Satin Ribbon was napping on a blanket in the warm sand on the strange strand of Seasaddle Bay. Her long, carefully groomed mane lay around her as she slept, curled up on the bright pink blanket. She had taken a few days to herself and was quite happy relaxing by herself in the sun. She opened her eyes slowly and yawned delicately. She sat up and inhaled the pleasant scent of the sea and the sand, and felt a small pang of loneliness as she stretched out on the sand. She had wondered whether this holiday would do wonders in helping her find her own special somepony, but so far all she'd found was a cute ice cream parlour just off the shore. She pondered getting up for some ice cream, but decided against it. She was very comfortable here, after all. She looked up to the cloudless skies and sighed, stretching her wings lazily. She yearned to be in those skies, but she promised herself she wouldn't do any flying for the next few days; it was a vacation after all. She proceeded to curl up and head back off to sleep, unaware of the tide slowly coming in. She awoke, minutes later and squealed as she felt the sharp needles of coldness seeping into her coat, and she reared, taking off into the sky, speeding to the land and landing. She looked to her soaked mane and tail, and whined. Her usually beautifully waved mane now hung wet, flat, and trailed to the ground. "Oh, perfect! Just perfect!"
  8. Satin Ribbon admired 'Kicks'' professional manner as he took role of leader in Crescents absence. She hadn't noticed him soar overhead, as she had been too busy talking to Strait Lace. She knew that Crescent had a fillyfriend in this family, and so didn't think it strange that he was absent. She knew he was more than likely with her at the present. She thanked the servant that took her luggage, and trotted along with the rest of the team, keeping to herself at the back of the group. She had never seen such a house of pure beauty and lavish decor! "..Oh.." she sighed as she took everything in, jealous that she didn't live in quite a splendid house. Sure, her house was big and highly decorated with use of the money her mother's business made, but it was nowhere near as beautiful as this! She, like Kicks, could hear the voices coming from the above floor, and she knew her earlier suspicions had been correct. She smiled a little, quite jealous of Crescent's fillyfriend, not only because of her house, but also jealous of the love she shared with Crescent; Satin had yet to find her special somepony. She flipped her mane out of her eyes carefully and continued to gaze at the decor, all the while tagging at the end of the group.
  9. Seaspray smiled and blushed a little. Her nerves from earlier had dissipated and she was now completely at ease. Her head felt normal again, and she was relaxed in every way. They walked in silence, and Seaspray basked in the sun and the sound of the animals and birds all around, and the sound of their hooves on the ground. She moved closer to the stallion and walked as close beside him as possible, without tripping him or bumping into him. It was such a nice idea to have a picnic. "What is it that you do for a living again?" She had spoken to soon - her head twinged again and she winced, as always, when she forgot something. She was sure that Whisperpaw had told her what he did to get by, but she couldn't quite remember.
  10. Seaspray smiled a little as her trick worked, and she felt Whisperpaw snuggle close to her. She tried to resist laughing at the pair, as she found Whisperpaw's use of magic - or lack of- rather endearing. She liked his way of getting things done. She went through the door after Midnight Sun and smiled to Whisperpaw as she passed him. She sighed happily as the sunlight shone on her, and she waited for the stallion catch up. When he trotted up to her, she kissed him on his nose. "It must be so amazing living here. It's all just so beautiful." Her smile was dampened a little, as she saw her perfect stallion gazing ahead at the foal. "She'll adjust with time. Let her sleep on it, perhaps she'll be better in the morning. I can stay as long as you need me to, to help, if it's necessary." Seaspray blushed a little and then continued. "I love you, and want to help you with this, if you want me."
  11. Ahaha, I can just imagine Satin in an interview! Such a good idea Cress!
  12. Seaspray sighed inwardly. She knew this was going to happen, but she stood her ground, yet again. "Midnight Sun, nopony said anything about animals. Wouldn't it be nice to read your book in the sunshine and fresh air?" She looked pleadingly to the foal. "Whisperpaw is trying to make you feel as comfortable as he can. Don't you think that you could at least humour him? It's such a nice idea." She glanced back to Whisperpaw and shrugged. Then something popped into her head. She wasn't one to usually use such a tactic.. but.. "Well, alright then.. If you don't want to go get a book and have the picnic, I guess we could leave you here, and you could mind Epistola and Domino while your cousin and I go out."
  13. Seaspray nodded as she saw Midnight Sun come out of the room. "Your cousin will be pleased." she smiled and began to lead the way downstairs, to where her beloved was waiting. She walked to Whisperpaw and smiled reassuringly at him, her eyes widening as she laid eyes upon the basket. "My, aren't you prepared!" she giggled and nuzzled him gently. "Midnight Sun has agreed to go and visit the library. Haven't you?" Seaspray turned to the foal and smiled, a little wary of her reaction.
  14. Seaspray sighed. "Of course she loves you, you silly filly! Maybe she thinks you'll be better off with your cousin for a little while, or maybe she was trying to be kind and send you on a holiday! I know it's difficult, but you have to try and keep that chin up, and try and enjoy your time here." Seaspray had a feeling that when they eventually went downstairs, the foal would more than likely revert to her old ways, but that didn't matter right now. She put a hoof under the foal's chin and lifted it gently. "So, what do you say? Do you want to come pick a book or two from the library. I've heard it's a magnificent building, among other things." She smiled at Midnight Sun and got up, walking to the door. She motioned for the foal to follow, and exited, waiting outside the bedroom door for a few minutes, while the foal made her choice and composed herself.
  15. Seaspray though about this idea, and she nodded. "I think that sounds like a good idea." She followed Whisperpaw into the kitchen and watched him make the owl food. She smiled; her coltfriend clearly loved his owl dearly, and it was a beautiful sight. She nodded at his request and began up the stairs. She reached the spare room, and she tapped on the door with her horn. There was no reply. "Midnight Sun?" There was still no answer, so she pushed the door open and poked her head in. "Midnight Sun, your cousin wa- " she stopped short as she saw the tiny foal sobbing. She rushed forwards and plopped her rump down beside the bed. Despite the rudeness of the foal earlier, Seaspray couldn't bring herself to leave her crying. "Midnight Sun! Don't cry. I know it's difficult being in an unfamiliar place, especially away from home. Your cousin loves you dearly, no matter how much he may act otherwise; I know him. Would you like to go the library soon? Whisperpaw told me you love to read. Come on, little one, dry those eyes." Seaspray knew that the foal was probably in shock right now, and as soon as she came round Midn'ght Sun would be cursing Seaspray to the moon, but the mare seized this opportunity and used her magic to lift a corner of the bedsheets, dabbing at the foals eyes. She had to at least try and get along with this foal.
  16. "Hey Gerty, can we maybe go for a walk? I mean, if that's okay with you!" Dinky grinned a pleading grin, and she hopped from hoof to hoof. She was craving the fresh air, and she wanted to run around and play more, especially since it was such a nice day. Maybe she'd even see her mommy overhead! "Do you have a ball? Oh wait, I think I have one.." Dinky used her magic to retract a ball from her saddlebag, but promptly dropped it. She giggled. "Hey it kinda worked that time!"
  17. Seaspray smiled a little and tilted her head. "What should we do now? Did you have plans?" She wondered whether Midnight Sun's presence would effect their time together, but she knew in her heart that if she had enough sense to put her hoof down to the foal, then there shouldn't be a problem. Seaspray's head now felt soothed, and the painful stabbing pains had ebbed away at last. She smiled again at Whisperpaw. She felt so relaxed and safe with him, and she didn't want that to change now that the foal had arrived. "I love you too."
  18. Satin looked up from fixing her mane, and noticed another filly had arrived. She was feeling a little out of place, considering she didn't know the rest of the team yet, and was standing alone. Where was Crescent? She glanced around and her eyes widened. Was that..? Strait Lace! Her childhood idol! She rushed over and held her hoof out, giggling girlishly. "Ohmygosh, Strait Lace! My name is Satin Ribbon, I work for my mother's - Silky Dawn's - accessories business, and may I just say, I love your line! I have a whole range of mane bows and hats devoted to match your works! They aren't a patch on your designs, but I love making them. It's such an amazing experience, meeting you!" Satin shook his hoof and smiled, her pelt flushed a little pink; she didn't even care that everypony else was staring at her. She knew when she got into this team that she would more than likely be the odd one out. Nopony ever thought that a girly-girl like Satin could fly as fast as she did. Then again, nopony here would have guessed she could be as stubborn as a mule, and just as determined when she wanted to be.
  19. *Flips her mane, then salutes*
  20. Satin Ribbon was late. She had spent all morning styling her mane for this fitting, and she knew Crescent would be mad when she saw how late she was, and discovered her excuse for actually being late. Her long mane hung down wavy, and her bangs hung over her left eye, like they should. She flew slowly to the place she was supposed to be at, not caring anymore that she had to be there about 15 minutes ago. She couldn't mess up her mane! She arrived a little while later, and gasped in excitement as she saw the manor. It was beautiful! This was just the place she needed to be! She saw a couple of pegasi at the gates, and she landed next to them carefully, making sure her mane hadn't been flattened in the process of flying; generally, it always came close to trailing the ground. She cleared her throat and bowed her head at the other pegasi, but broke into peals of giggles: she was too excited! "Hey. I'm Satin Ribbon. You must be the rest of the team. Nice to meet you!"
  21. Wow.. That's amazing. o_o
  22. Seaspray took the letter from Whisperpaw,and read through it slowly. She looked up to Whisperpaw and tilted her head. "Perhaps your aunt is right. It might be good for her to stay with you. Of all people, I believe you could be the one to mellow her down a little." She watched as the foal began to throw her tantrum, and she glanced uneasily to Whisperpaw, and she jumped as the door slammed shut. She gazed at her coltfriend and nuzzled him softly, pecking him on the cheek. She sighed as she felt how tense he was. "I can go back home if I'm intruding, you know." Seaspray didn't want to go back home. She was happy here with Whisperpaw, and to be honest, she was angry at this foal barging in on their time together, but she knew and understood the reasons why. She hated seeing Whisperpaw wound up like this.
  23. Yay! I would absolutely adore one! ..Whenever you have the time, that is! Satin Ribbon? She'll look so cute as a lil foal pegasus :3 her mane is supposed to be really long, and wavy by the way, so good luck with it!
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