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Blog Comments posted by SgtSporky

  1. Cool, is that your art? I've never really been much good at visual art, myself. That's why I stick to my keyboard for the most part.

    As for your family, all my best wishes go out to them. I've lost a couple of good people to cancer myself, and it's never easy.

    It would be a hoot, it would indeed. Make my life, Canon Creators.

    I'll get around to that fic eventually.

  2. Hehehe, yes. Scootaloo is best CMC, easily.

    Discord is best non-pony. Let's face it, we all love the nut. Chocolate rain, anyone?

    Hm. The alicorns as younger ponies? It's a fic now, we can't stop it. It's probably badslash, too. I never did understand the Princesst pairing...

    I've always wondered about Dash's family, you know. We've seen everyone else's. We still don't know where AJ's parents are either. But Dash has no family at all. Nor Scootaloo, who we like to think of as an orphan. How odd. Eugh, G3 RD make me sick. G3 in general makes me sick, really. Seeing that is like being shot in the gut with a tracer round. In other words, I wanna throw up and it burns. IT BURNS!

    In any case, you have my thanks for being the first ever commenter on my blog.

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