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Everything posted by ThunderBrony

  1. Rosewind your dash photo makes me feel uncomfortable
  2. "When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe than you will be successful" "I have the opportunity to make a dream into reality." I live by both of these quotes so just take everything in stride and don't forget to dream.
  3. I am fascinated by all the wonderful artists here

  4. "We only live once so make everything of every moment." "I've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come" Michael Jordan "I have the opportunity to make a dream into reality" Now here is how I feel when sidelined. "My body could stand the crutches but my mind couldn't stand the sideline"
  5. Most movies have hit a sudden decline in value. On one positive note The Hobbit.
  6. My knowledge of if I got the job or not is delayed until tomorrow with the assistant manager sick. I NEED TO KNOW! Food in University isn't going to pay for itself this year.
  7. Rosewind why is your pinkie pie picture staring through everyone's souls?
  8. I'll post a picture of my dorm room when I move in and get settled down. And all the luck Swirl! And Rosewind I am not new!
  9. All your fault why I'm not posting here! and the weather is extravagant today.
  10. if you would like to? it's optional for all members.
  11. I just bought it because of a certain brit. but anywho I'll be playing not too often until University starts up and allows me more time for things.
  12. Well I say we get the ball rolling and find a shipname! anyone with an idea PM me and we can get this started!
  13. Unicorn Herbal Cure http://www.canterlot.com/topic/8281-unicorn-herbal-cure-finished/ Juniper Berry http://www.canterlot.com/topic/8716-unicornjuniper-berry-finished/ Pegasus Earth Pony
  14. For Herbal Cure For Juniper Berry that's a bit harder and for some reason this reminds me of him.....
  15. OCTAVIA! *dies from over excitement*
  16. Just a quick refresh here. I need one more character for the RP to fully take off. A first mate does anyone know a member who would take up the position?
  17. I have never seen one D: but I want to, is it an american thing only?
  18. has anyone heard of the coke machines with tons of flavours and it's touch screen?
  19. Now I just need a first mate. There will be a space battle but we can always run both sides at once if everyone is okay with that?
  20. Do you two want to run the ABS? Able Bodied Sailors? or what position? just post here or PM me
  21. I really want to rock a merc/pirate crew. Like MyLittlePonyTales said is there any idea someone would want to rock a Space Navy thing? We need a ship name also. PIRATE/MERC CREW So far for ideas I got: Captain -Me First Mate - Open Engineer - SaucySpider Assistant Engineer - Gears Navigator - Cainiam Chef -JakJak91 Master Gunner -MarchingHammers Able Bodied Sailor -WhiteSlash -Open -Open
  22. Ugh I have to double post. But I think we could sort this out somehow, I have a good idea who would be first mate but for the engineering position one of you could be the Main engineer and the other the assistant since most "Space adventure ships" need more than one assistant for the thrusters, engines, repairs, etc.
  23. We decided on a Titan A.E. treasure planet mixture. Treasure planet as you said earlier since it struck like magic! But as of now I'll take some suggestions for positions.
  24. Crescent you can sing and didn't tell anyone?!
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