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Status Updates posted by Harv0kz

  1. It's still Single Awareness day! Going to roughdraw a themed weapon. Shoot if you have suggestions for a name.

    1. SkyshotSwift


      Heartseeker, Piercing Love, Passion Point, Emotion's Edge... I'll stop.

    2. Harv0kz


      Oh don't, some of those name's entirely scream the theme of the day pretty well.

    3. SkyshotSwift


      Okay, I had a couple more. Love's Sting, Broken Heart and Last Amour.

  2. Japan, two weeks.

  3. Just finished Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Gates to Infinity... So many feels. Best of the spin-off in my opinion, no doubt.

  4. Just made a blog. Lets do this.

  5. Log Horizon trpg just came out. In Japan. Well, it was going to happen anyway...

  6. Need to get back into the roleplayin' side of things. I've had too long of a hiatus than I liked.

  7. New guitar pick, I can stop making temporary ones now :)

  8. nihon no poni desu: http://imgur.com/bra0cp1 I didn't buy the plushies though, mine are bigger.

    1. PinkiePiedPiper


      You were at Bronycon?

    2. Harv0kz


      Not even same continent, I was hunting stuff in Akihabara when I found this.

    3. PinkiePiedPiper
  9. No 6mm Russian tank horde, no RWBY merchandise, net can't be used without phone, presentation in 4 days, assignment in two weeks. Friday hype is no longer worth it.

  10. No rice, no life.

    1. Quillhart


      No pain, no gain

    2. Harv0kz


      Sadly, the two aren't mutually exclusive where I am now :/

    3. Quillhart


      Sorry master, I failed you.

  11. Off to the UK for Uni!! Soundtrack is exactly how I feel (short notice on choice) :http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jmJvO2ZSNBA&feature=plpp

  12. Oh look, current Anime season is almost over... Dang. I'm running out of things to fill time in between now and S5

    1. CrystalEdge


      You can give me attention :l

  13. Saturday hype is much better. Minus the merchandise, I got my Soviet tank horde and painted in white camo.

  14. Season 4 in 10 minutes... Time to awaken the beast that has long been sleeping.

  15. Shameless plug, but I have a Log Horizon crossover running if anyone's interested

  16. Shameless pluggin', but if anyone needs ponies drawn and doesn't mind a tiny bit of mess, I've got a request thread running.

    1. starswirlthebearded


      How shameful! You should be ashamed of your shamefulness! For shame that you shamelessly plug something like that!

    2. Harv0kz


      I carry no shame! NO SHAME!

  17. Single Awareness Day!

  18. Summer means I should revive my roleplaylust. But until I do... I shall CARDO BATORU

  19. The face when getting back into WoE/CC roleplaying is tough.

    1. SteelEagle
    2. Harv0kz


      Can't find anything fully open to plop Warp Sign in :/

  20. The face when I think I'll probably have more luck finding a rp in WoE than in CC... speaking of which, anything open going on I could hop in?

    1. SteelEagle


      For CC, try this:

    2. Harv0kz


      Joined it, seeing as I've been getting blanks lately.

  21. The forges of Ko'vrah burn, and so did quite a bit of money for my latest project

  22. The looting of Akihabara continues, I spot small bits of pony, but that pricing and the size makes it not worth my ka-ching.

  23. This is when I say I've successfully hunted things down: http://imgur.com/B38Atyj

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