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Everything posted by CloudShimmers

  1. Cloud stopped smiling, "I, uh, am visiting someone." He looked at Marshie, "Someone I care about very much."
  2. Im going to be whatever Darth Vader was in Star Wars. I go to our enemies and force there cooperation.
  3. I'm not telling, its funnier that way okay Otacon?
  4. Yeah, okay. You can be the brains... Otacon...
  5. Let me ask you something A, can you code a lovely little program to infect robots to betray their masters? Because I can.... quite easily. I'm also a master tactician, having beaten several of my smartest relatives at chess, and everyone I know at scrabble. So I'm obviously the brains of the operations.
  6. its says it all on the front page of the RP, so check to see if there's a position you like. Or you can just be a normal tenant
  7. No A, you can't be leader. Snowy is the leader, because of just how adorable she is. We will use cuteness to implant ourselves into the governments higher powers.
  8. I will secretly change the secret banner
  9. Sooo, am I the only one joining the Cult of Snowy? Because I rented out my local convention center....
  10. It's a Canadian show. It has nothing to do with US government.
  11. ... You know, I give up... Snowy wins.
  12. Well with this forum the only thing I've ever seen kill an RP was people not posting in the first place.
  13. *clears throat* "Before Father's time, before our brother; Solidus; The three great powers made a pact that lasted throughout the two world wars. They're pact created a group known as the Philosophers. But factions within the Philosophers became greedy, and began hunting after there accumulated wealth: The Philosopher's Legacy. This would be the foreground for Zero's Patriots.... Nine years ago I attempted to free us from FOXDIE as well as Sons of the Patriots: the ultimate method to have us be controlled by the Patriot's soldiers." Good Sir, I do believe I just Both out nerded, and conspiracied you. Good day!
  14. If your Original Character has a song that most represents them post it here!
  15. Tanks walking on two legs... not too impossible.
  16. Extravagant don't be so rediculous, every one knows that the illuminati is just a cover for the Patriots trying to manipulate us all via nano machines and to start wars with Metal Gears... Silly
  17. "That alicorn mentioned a new kind of magic right? Dream Magic!" Cloud paused, "What if- what if he's already showing it off? And this is all one big dream that we're all having together?"
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