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Posts posted by Dusty

  1. “There's beauty in chaos.” Tempest says back, her eyes fixed on the road ahead as they walked. “And I don't mean the chaos of… say, Discord. His is more a from of disorder than chaos but really that is down to how one uses the word. But my magic is very unpredictable no two spells are ever really the same. Most don’t know that about me… but when I use magic it's bringing order to a storm. Pulling all the bolts together to aim them at something. I never know how they will move I just have to act on it.” She slowed her walk down and took in a deep breath as she relaxed more. 


    “I can not say I fully believe you. But I can not dismiss it as well. We live in a world where what can or can not happen is often so easily broken with the flick of a horn. Pigs can’t fly until a unicorn gets bored and put wings on one. So some magic gateway to another land can not be dismissed. Just seems rather out there… But so are shape shifting bug-ponies and I…” She tails off, flinching as if something hit her. “I worked for a blasted… thing that walked on two legs and had… ‘fingers’ and may I say fingers are weird. They honestly creep me out. Ever watch something with fingers hold things? Bending them like dozens of tiny legs… It's just… wrong.” She added with a silver as she got back into a steady walking pace well making a turn down another path. 


    “But let's… get back to you. You live in this other place… What is it like? Are there no unicorns? Just… Earth pony? Pegasus? Something like that?” She asked, finly glancing down at Sunny.

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  2. Tempest flicked an ear to the sound of rain on the tent and the crackling of water landing on a hot fire. Just about every time she had an opportunity to get away from the city and get lost in the wilderness she took it to do just that. Re-reading the newspaper article she cut out she dwelled on its words. They, like so many others, were completely correct and yet they seemed so daunting. But she needed to swallow her pride and follow it. Easier said than done and maybe that is why she needed this… ‘therapist’ to help her. Not the first to say that but she did not know where to start. What soft pony has a hope of understanding her? But was that line of thinking precisely why she was in the spot she was? 


    Well she can take some steps by herself. Puting the newspaper article away she stretched out, looking outside of her tent and took in the view of the rainy northern mountains she was camping in. Step one… ‘Stop comparing yourself to other ponies, and start dwelling on your specific positive attributes. Dwell on these affirmations and repeat them daily; force yourself if you have too’ She was… Strong. Strong willed. Brave. She worked hard and enjoyed it… Not a long list of positive attributes but maybe she can add more as she thinks of them. 


    Next step. ‘Train yourself to be mindful of negative thoughts: try to understand the source behind your pessimism, and then re-write your thoughts in a more positive light.’ That was a more difficult one as the source of them seems so muddy. Was it her broken horn? Her filly hood? How she grew up? Was it all of them together? Well how can she look at it in a more positive light? That stumped her… How can her life be… 


    She walked out in the rain, letting the cold water shock her body. 


    Her broken horn made her… Grateful for what she did have. Sharp eyes and ears, a body that can go hoof to hoof with an earth pony. And she was not without magic. Yes, it was messy and chaotic but it was beautiful. Like a thunderstorm in all its raw power. There was beauty in it. Many unicorns can’t use magic at all with a broken horn. It's painful and hard. But she overcame the pain and hardships and was more powerful than many with a working horn. Did she even need a working horn? If she did would she have pushed herself to do what she did? Would she have ended up like most, content with what she had and wasting it? Maybe it being broken was something to be thankful for. It made her thankful for what she had as she may have so easily lost much more that day. An eye. An ear… her life. 


    What was positive about how she grew up? All The hardships, dread and fear… but what about the good times? Watching the sun rise over the tips of mountains. Seeing the wonders of the northern winter and the scorched lands of the south and west. She grew to love being out there. Even now she found herself most happy when she got away from it all deep in the wilderness. She learned how to take care of herself and be grateful for every day she was alive. Maybe that was the positive light in the darkness. 


    Looking up at the rain storm she let the cold water wash over her body in silent contemplative. 


    ‘Whenever you accomplish a goal, celebrate it, use it as an excuse to indulge yourself, and then add that accomplishment to that list of positive attributes’ That seemed easy… She never was one to indulge herself. Well maybe she did but not in good ways. She needed to give herself good ways to indulge herself. Sweets? She did really enjoy making and drinking ice cream floats… she never understood why but maybe that was a good way to ‘treat herself’ among other things. That can’t be too hard. Maybe loosen up some and let herself slack off for a day. 


    ‘Find things to do that make you feel good, and stick with them’ What did she like? Well.. This. Being out here in the wilderness. It was beautiful out here. She felt safe and relaxed. Cities and towns never failed to make her slink back to her worst ways. Her trip to ponyville was… just a mess. To many outbursts and bad memories. What about her job? Was that really good for her? It was forcing her to repeat very bad things and be her worst. At first it felt like what she wanted but was it? Maybe what she wanted was peace and quiet out here. Can she make a living out of that? She heard there may be jobs like that. Where one lives far out here, watching the land keeping it safe for others. That implied there others like her out there… And maybe they’d like to enjoy the peace and quiet with company? Did they have that… ‘longing’ feeling as well? Maybe. 


    Well one of the last big steps was finding a ‘professional therapist’ to help her… Where can she even start doing that? The first pony she can think of is Cadence but she had an… ‘empire’ to run. Why did they call it an empire… Well, outside of running a city state that played make believe she had a family and many duties to follow. Twi? Same thing. AJ? Well she had a farm and family! She can’t dump her self again on the mare as some weekly thing. She stressed the poor mare out as is… Sunny? Honestly she needed to read up on this more so she knew where to even start. But in the passing of time she had to keep trying to do what Cadence suggested. Maybe there was hope yet.

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  3. Tempest sat alone in her small apartment. The glowing endless sun of Las Pegasus shimmering outside as if it was mid day, even with the sky painting black. Laying on her bed she tossed a now empty can on to the… alarmingly large heap she has yet to clean. Staring up at her ceiling and the poster of one well known captain of the guard that was nothing short of unfit for young eyes. she groaned. Sitting up she looked at the newspaper on her dirty desk, one part of highlighted. Looking at the mailing address she sat down and looked out the window. She was fearless, brave… Willing to run headlong into battles and wars. Yet it has taken her hours to even get this far. She was afraid. Yet she had to do it. This was the easiest way to take the first step. She can’t win every battle alone. Pulling out a paper and grasping a pencil in her muzzle she put it to the paper…




    Dear Pink Menace


    It fills me with an endless amount of loathing to make this letter but it is far better than other paths thanks to its anonymous nature. I do not make this letter to snub you as I made it out of the bitter truth of being fully and deeply out of my element, one you are skilled if not gifted in. Love. A word I have not thought of or spoken in many years. Something that must shock the common pony. Yet I was faced with time and time again as I watch strangers have love. A date, a romantic outing, sitting together by a river. Seeing it made me feel things I can not describe as I do not know the words or feelings to give them life. But I do know I want what they have. 


    And that scares me. I am scared of love. I am scared of opening up and being hurt again. I have been hurt so many times, betrayed and alone for so long I don’t even know how to start. Even making friends seems so daunting I end up shutting it down out of fear. Some pony will reach out to me and try so hard to help just for me to run away. Never in my life have I spoken what I am about to put in to text. I need help. I wish I was so brave as to speak to you in person but I can’t do it. So here is where I shall take the first step. Princess Cadance how does one love herself? How does she let go of the hate and move on? Where does one start on that road? 


    Sincerely, Air Superiority… Until we meet again.

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  4. This thread with some hope, will be used for all players to plan pirate things! Ships, crews, and so on can be listed here so we know what pirates are sailing or flying about in the seas and skies. Along with letting crews of them work out details together and plan RPs. 


    To help with this all ships and crews shall be listed on this page. Ship captains, let me know the ship, what she is like and her crew and I will put her down on this page. Same for crew, let me know what ship you are on and I will list you with it. 


    To list a ship just fill this out.

    Its name and Captain.


    Ship rating: first is it Nautical or aeronautical, Seaship or Airship. - Ship rating, from a giant 1st rate ship of the line down to 6th rate frigate, below that are unrated ships such as Sloops, brigs, cutters and schooners. - Last, what the ship is. 


    Gundecks: How many decks of the ship hold cannons. 


    Guns: The ships cannons, what she is armed with and how many in total. 


    Crew:  Sail ships had big crews. The vast amount of them shall be NPCS that take care of the day to workings of the ship. List the ships crew and if it has less then a full crew, what is the max the ship can hold. 


    After all of that is the ‘Player crew-mates listing’ it is what it sounds like. List all the player controlled crewmates. What job they name, the OCs name and player. 


    Listed pirate ships


    ‘The Vicious Disgrace’ captained by Draco Silvanus



    Ship rating: Nautical - Unrated - Sloop of War

    Gundecks: One

    Guns: Ten 6-pounder cannons and eight 32-pounder carronades, 18 guns total.

    Crew: 90 out of a max crew of 120 


    Player crew-mates listing

    Captain: Draco Silvanus by Dusty




    Threads involving pirates

    "To all that can read this, Draco of ‘The Vicious Disgrace’ be'hireing crew!”  - Draco Silvanus

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  5. ‘For most they have looked back, pondered what they have done and try to explain some worth in it. They did it for some just aim, some just hope. Just. Yet I never did. I wanted anarchy. No flags, no governments. Be it one based on blood or some voting. Well I have lived this life for about a year and a half it was nothing short of eye opening. Yes I’d have joy and loss before and during this time. But when I looked at his ship, my crew, I felt something more. It was not just a ship. Not just some crew. This was home and they are family. All had a voice, all had a say. This freedom they all took with me and love it. Nothing may judge them but there own souls and much to a cold chuckle, many of them found that soul very dark. When one strips away the fears of government laws and punishments even the most timid of souls may uncover new found joy. Be it rum, gold, wenches or the lust of battle. Well I was never timid I found my own soule very willing to go places I’d never dream of without even a hint of regret or pity. 


    Like Rose told me, I found freedom and did not regret what I am becoming. What shame can I put on myself when it all felt so good? Decks full of gold, family singing and cheering with rum and mares aplenty! If this life was one of sin and darkness than I have no wish nor ragrets for the other side-’ “Ahoy cap'n! Got th' notes o'hirin' put out'n done, by all th'bars. Even got some callers t'poke heads in'n let it be known ye be hirin'.” Draco shifted the ink quill between his clawed fingers as he looked down at the unfinished page of his book. A biography on his life. With luck he’d live to add many more chapters. Leaving the pages open to dry he put his quill away and got up from his desk. Well he did not sleep in the captain's quarters it was his room to think, read and store maps, books and more. And of course it was open to all his crew. For many of them that can’t read he’s taken to having times of book reading for them. It really did help the crew all bound with one’a other. 


    Looking over at one such mate he nodded his head. “Good work, with luck it will not take too long for some to make way. The day is yet young and I have not visited one establishment of drinking yet!” He says laughing. “Do give whatever comes here a good welcome. We have room for plenty more and I do not think we’d be so lucky as to staff up 30 souls before the sun falls.” Making his way to the door he gave his crewmate a slap on the back. “Now get going, we are at the ports of ports for are kin. Go get em tiger!” The pegasus nodded his head, a younger pony he picked up not to long ago from a ship he boraded. A fine lad, he’s taken to the crew and life well. “Aye cappten! thank ye!” Watching the young soul rush off to get in to some good troubles Draco followed him out to the ships deck. He’d be here all day, as the notes and callers all told, he was hiring for one day only. Well he loved Puerto Aguila, she was the port cities to end all port cirts for his walk of life, she was one giant sinkhole for gold. So it was best to keep trips short and he was already here a week. Stay a week longer and he’d be out of gold. 

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  6. Roleplay Type: WoE


    Name: Draco Silvanus


    Sex: male


    Age: Older stallion


    Species: Hippogriffian


    Eye colour: Blue 


    Coat: Light blue / dark green


    Mane/Tail: black / mint green


    Physique: Draco’s most striking physical characteristic is his split fur color reminiscent of the fur patterns seen on griffins. His physique is overall tall, lean and strong built thanks to his time working on his ship where he sees plenty of exercise every day, but the food is sometimes lacking. His body is covered in scars head to hoof/claws thanks to his taste for danger and leading from the front. He carries them all with pride and passes judgement on others that are ‘clean of hardships’. 


    Residence: ‘The Vicious Disgrace’ a three mast Sloop of War class ship armed with ten 6-pounder cannons and eight 32-pounder carronades. The guns are split with half along her port and the other half down her starboard. Giving her five 6-pounder cannons and four 32-pounder carronades per side giving her a respectful 158 pound bordside. She has a crew of 90, undersized for a ship of her class rated for 120, what limits him to full staff one line of guns well leaving his opposing gun line with an understaffed crew. 


    Occupation: ‘Rogue Privateer’ or as most call it, pirate, and is the captain of ‘The Vicious Disgrace’. 


    Cutie Mark: N/A


    Unique Traits: The blood of the Silvanus family runs in Draco, a family with a very long history that they claim started with a slave that took his freedom at the end of a sword and a stolen ship from his master. However the Silvanus family took root they have been a blood line of gifted sailers, captains and even admirals. And like all true borns of the Silvanus name Draco is no less gifted with his talents. A master of sail and navigating few captains can hope to keep pace, nor sail head long into a storm without blinking an eye like he can. 


    History: Draco Silvanusm third son of Barak Silvanusm, an admiral of the Mount Aris navy, in a clutch of four was born as all true blooded sons of the Silvanusm famly. At sea. He was greeted with the song of sail, the light breeze in his face, the taste of the salty air on his tongue, the rocking of the ship to call him home and kissed by the sea. Such was the birth all born of Silvanusm blood share.


    Growing up he was trained in ship life, calling his father's ship home, playing along its deck and flying about its sails. Yet he was never the most obenet of sons. He hated following orders and despised how his father planned out his life with no care to his own feelings. He was to join the navy and at the very least be a captain, less than that and he was a failure. And so he was forced to join the very day he was old enough to join, something he hated deeply. The navy did its level best to break him in but Draco found himself spending more time in brigs than on the deck. To call his time in the navy bitter may be an understatement as he despised the chain of command. Wishing for nothing more than freedom he found his breaking point when his own father ordered him to wash every deck of the fleet flagship. Alone. Disgusted with how his father treated him and tired of the navy life Draco broke into his father's own captains quarters. After taking all the gold he found he slipped away at dusk to seek his own life and fortune without his family breathing down his neck.


    It was seven years later that Draco saw one of his family members again. In that time he traveled much of the world. moving from ship crew to ship crew before settling in with the crew of the Blood Rose, a privateer ship, working for a rich merchant family in Aquellia. Acting as first mate Draco was well respected and given a large amount of freedom by the ship's captain, a unicorn mare that went by the name of her ship, do there rather close relationship. In all respects Draco was happy with his life at that time and felt as if he found his place in the world. That was until the reunion happen. His brother Marca Silvanusm was a captain of Mount Aris navy with an axe to grid. Untested and not seeing combat he wanted an easy win to prove his worth to the family. And after watching the Blood Rose open fire on a ‘Mount Aris merchant ship’ he got his opening. Unaware that Draco was on the ship until his larger warship was boarding it. The meeting was not one of love as Marca saw this happy meeting as the golden cherry on top of his cake. He found himself a traitor to the crown! 


    And so Draco found himself in chains, along with most of the ship's crew for piracy as Marca ripped up their papers and patted himself on the pack. Taking them back to Mount Aris to face trial Draco was moments away from facing his court trial when the world came crashing down around him. Mount Aris was under attack. In the confusion he broke free, trying to find his ship mates and most of all Blood Rose. The city was in a panic and Draco found himself swept up in the running masses. Try as he did to move downstream he found it hopeless. Following the masses he was taken deep in to the caves where fate played one more game on him…


    A full decade passed. Stuck living in the underwater caves Draco was haunted by his failure to save his ship mates and Rose. He never knew her fate and hoped she somehow got away like he did. For the first few years he did his best to lay low, fearing his brother or some other part of his family was down there with him. Yet he never found one. It took three years for him to learn, he was the last known living Silvanusm and noone knew that his brother was going to put him on trial for treason. He was by all accounts a free bird… or fish. By the time the decade ended he had wormed his way in to inheriting every last thing he can from his family name. Sadly it was not a lot with much of its worth lost top side. But he still owned the deeds to the family owned land and docks. Something he planned to make use of. 


    The first year away from the caves was nothing short of a blur. Selling off all the family land for whatever it was worth he got the coin to buy a Aquellia ship. Sailing all the way to Aquellia he looked far and wide for even a hint of news about his old crew to no avail. Yet he did not give up. Broken hearted and with much of his crew leaving soon as his coin dried up he found himself backed in to a corner. With nothing but his name and old ship he went back to Mount Aris a lost soul. And yet he found himself wanted soon as he hit the cost. As the last living Silvanusm and with a working ship Queen Novo had an offer. She needed ships and needed them badly. Draco made it very clear he had no wish to be her navy… But he was willing to work for her. For a price. Soon after he was a privateer for the queen, his ship was prepared, upgunned and given a steady paycheck.


    Arimed with coin and a seaworthy ship he took back to sea with a fresh crew. His time with Blood Rose trained him well for the life as a privateer. He learned much underneath her and passed on her way of running a ship. Trust, care and family made a ship. Everything on that ship must be on it out of wanting to be there and wanting to work for you. And so he won his crews hearts. Working alongside them, sleeping in a hamic like they did and eating the same meals alongside them. With a new family he found his place again. The pain and loss of what was faded away in time. Mostly hunting down other privateers and pirates that prayed on the slowly rebuilding navy and merchant fleet of Mount Aris Draco got skilled at ship combat and often took part in the bordering of other ships. And in one such boarding of a pirate ship he came face to face with the mare he once loved. She like him was much older scared and shaped from the years apart. But no matter the scars and time both knew one another the moment they met each other's eyes. Draco was as shocked as she was, the battle dying down as both crews saw there captains staring down one other in tears. 


    Draco was faced with the unthinkable, he found the mare he respected with all his heart and one time even loved, and here she was a pirate. All the crew saw her attacking the merchant ship. Worse yet they were backed up with a navy ship that joined the battle. He had no choice but to take her in. Her ship was full of gold, more than he’d ever seen before. No more going by the name Rose she known as as Black Mane, a feared and wanted pirate the sea over. She made her crew stand down and offered her hooves up to him for chains without a word. She never spoke one word to him well they sailed back. Her ship pulled along behind them. Every last coin was to be given to the queen. He, his crew will not see one drop of it. Such was the will  of the queen. Watching Black Mane walked away in chains and heaps of gold pulled out to be tossed into the queens bank dug a growing pit of despair in his heart. Made all the worse as Black Mane finly spoke to him as she was taken away. “Is this the freedom you wanted?” and not a word more. 


    Her words hunted him for days. Was it? Was he free? Not really. He was just a pawn for the queen. She took all his hard work and paid him a small wage for his crew. The ship was hers. The guns hers. She can seize it whenever she wanted. He was just a hired thug and the mare he searched for so long was going to rot in jail or hang by his claws. As the navy grew the need for his work was going away. The day will soon come that the queen  will not want him. Than what? What freedom did he have? Black Mane, Rose, she had it all. She talked about being a pirate even back when he dated her. The two joking about it side by side. To be free from all, be there own king and queen.


    What did he love most? The open sea. No flags, no crowns. It's why he left his family. It's why he found Rose to begin with. Why he had a new family in the crew he held close. He dreamed of retiring at sea, free to do as he wanted. Why not do it now? He was not getting younger and the world was changing. Airships were taking the skies, ships of steel were rumored to possible and steam was replacing sail. Was this the freedom he wanted? He knew what he had to do. He had to take the leap. Calling for all his crew to meet him at the ship he told them the truth. What he was going to do. Long ago he was almost sent to jail a traitor. Today he was going to be a traitor. Their pay was going down, the queen was ending her contracts with others like them. These days were numbered and they all knew it. 


    And so he offered them the power to leave or to stay. He’d not force them to leap off the deep end with him. But with a smug grin he saw not one want to leave. They are family, they were in this together. And so as dusk took the sky he greeted a shocked Rose, spinning the jail keys on a claw with his smug grin on his face. “This is the freedom we both wanted.” Was all he had to say as the sound of exploding gunpowder rocked the jail cells. The following battle for freedom was hectic as he battled side by side with her to the docks. Sails opened, anchors ripped from the sea as his ship took to the sea. 


    Meeting with Rose and what crew they saved he and her had a tearful reunion in full. She explained that she can't’ stay on his ship. She had to get her ship back and save the rest of her crew. He did not want her to go, he just risked it all for her but she promised to meet him again. There may yet be hope for what was between them. But he had to find himself first. Gifting her and her crew what Pearl shards he can spare her the two parted ways at the first port they reached. Looking to his ship, all flags cut down he knew deep down this is what he wanted. No flags. No crowns. Freedome. In joke he called himself a vicious disgrace to the family and found it so fitting he put the name to his ship. He and his crew were a vicious disgrace and he’d not have it any other way. And so he took to the sea, carving a new name for himself as his posters sat side by side with Black Manes. 


    Character Personality: Stubborn, heartless, greedy, backstabbing two-timing cat are all ways one can describe his personality yet such remarks are made by the ones that only know him at the other end of a cannon. His smug grin is infamous and featured on many a wanted poster. But to his crew he his shockingly caring and generous as he views them more akin to a family. As such he often leads from the front, works alongside them and will not give them a task he’d not do his self, and often has. 


    This has lead to him being hurt countless times but time and time again he will be the first to rush in to battle cheering his crew onward to riches. But this is not to say he is gentle or soft. He will not blink an eye at sinking a ship to get what he wants. His love and outgoing charm is only for the few that have won a place as family in his eyes. Just never betray that trust he placed, for his wrath to being betrayed has no room for Mercy.


    Character Summary: Draco Silvanus is a pirate hailing from Mount Aris. With a long and sorted past he has seen much of the world and underwent many hardships in his life. Yet the act becoming a pirate was not forced on him, buy the path he took with his own claws. With a need for freedom and the power to do as he wanted he hates flags, crowns and other such things. Believing in a world without them where one's own worth is made only by there self.  He is well loved by his crew and feared by others he follows his dreams with a love few can match. He has no dreams of getting rich and settling down some big home. He dreams of one thing alone, living free to his last breath. No laws shall bind him. No crown shall comaned him. The sea is home to the free and the free alone. 

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  7. So far so good! Tempest was starting to feel excited about this. Was he offering to take her in? That was… so risky. For herself, not him. Sooner or later she’d have to go back home. She can’t hide forever… and how long can she stay in this magic suit? She was told she can be in it for weeks on end just fine, but some part of her felt being in to long was risky. It used powerful magic in reality, what can that do to a pony after a long time? She did not want to be the test pig. But she had plenty of time for now. 


    Now if she did join him… Well, risks. So many. Being found out. No easy way out… so on and so forth. This bull was extremely dangereuses and yet that was why she was excited about it. To even get to watch him! She can learn so much… And really watching him at work… It was just about to make her feel warm underneath the fur. But she can’t get ahead of herself. He wanted… something… Sire name? No, she’d not have one. He’d know that… Clan? Must want that. Well… She knew just the clan name to use.


    Getting up she walked from the table to a close pool of blood. It was not as fresh as she hoped, but still runny. Dipping her hoof in it she walked back to the table and pulled one of the papers over, than used her bloody hoof. [Irondrake.] A name she hoped will work, based on the books and what she knew first hoof from stories they were almost all but wiped out years ago trying to head deep north. At least that is what Seven told her, he claimed to be the last living Irondrake after all. But this may be the riskiest part of all of this. If she claims to be part of a clan with… well, living members at all that work for this bull she will be busted real fast. But she can’t make up a clan name as well. A bull like him must keep good tabs on the clans. So this was her best shot.

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  8. “That is all I can ask for than. Just don’t miss.” Tempest snapped back as she looked back at the milk… then looked really confused. Why WAS AJ holding it… she can just put it down on the table. Tempest shifted uneasily as she tried to piece together how to grab the milk well keeping a foal safe on her back. She can’t sit down and use her front legs… She can use her magic… so she just leans over and bits the rip of the glass, than moved it to the table and put it down before it slips. “Have I told you how much it sucks being a unicorn with a broken horn?” She says with a frustrated snort of anger. “I hate watching them move things. Just picking up a dozen things like its nothing, shaking a hoof well drinking wine. I don’t know how you earthponys do what you do with them hooves. I can’t hold a glass one hoofed.” she than laps at the milk as is sits on the table, selling the point about not being able to hold it. “Oh, this is fresh… I love fresh milk. Most of all before they skim it down.”

  9. Tempest let out a defeated huff of air as Grubber rushed back up to her. If zapping him never stopped him, she can’t feel shocked that doing nothing but yelling will do nothing. Glancing down at him she can’t help but frown at his just… dreadful lisp. Luna, buck her with all FOUR hooves his lisp was dreadful. But he did make a point she understands. “Anger management therapy? No… Well… In my own way maybe?” She says back glancing up the line at AJ and the farm. It was no paid therapy, but maybe it was therapy in its own way. “But I have been… Trying. To be less… You know. My boss is getting tired of paying me out of jail for assault charges.”


    She pulled her eyes over at the ones behind her, eyeing up the dragon and the bird pony. At least one of them had a spine. “Dragen, I believe she is so scared do to me. I worked for the army that made her kin move to the sea and destroyed their city. But I had no play in that event and all my ties are long cut. I have nothing against you hippogriff. In some ways I wish I was one of you. You own the sky and sea, well this came about from dreadful times the hippogriff race will come out all the stronger for it I believe. And Dragen, if you wish to ‘whoop’n’ me… Later. 4th street, behind Old’Waters bar, evening.” She says yawning before looking back ahead of the line.


    That mare AJ was talking to was something pretty… And what was up with her clothing? Why have a skirt if one can see past it? It just draws the eyes! But something about her… where has she seen this mare before? A poster or something? The mare looked like the Countess on one of her music disc covers back in the apartment. But different. Was it a sister or something? Now she’s going to be thinking about this all week!

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  10. Sunset hopes of quietly catching up to Tempest were dashed as the mare turns back to face her, as if she heard every hoof step in a tiled room with no other sound. But she did not glare or look angry. Tempest just looked tired but she did not stop walking down the road sayiong nothing. letting Sunet catch up more she starts speaking. “Whatever you are selling, I don’t want it. Friendship speech? Seen at least seven so far.” She says with a shake of her head, looking back down the road.


    She did not have much more to add. She knew Sunset will keep at it. She had the look. That hopefulness. From what it sounded like Sunset was down in the pit… so was Fang. maybe even Foxy… But they all got out. She never got close it feels like. Every time the rim was in reach. One stretched hoof to freedom she slipped and fell down to the bottom. She was never going to get free. She’d never feel happiness again. Not real happiness. How can she ever hope to fit in well missing something key to being a pony?


    “Tell me about that… thing. The other world was it? With no magic? Tell me about it.” She asked, glancing at Sunset. She needed to distract herself. That was her life. One distraction to the next to stop herself from thinking too much. Why she loved battle so much. Pushing herself. A distraction to shut the past up.

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  11. Tempest slowed down eating as she watched Applejack talk. She felt almost guilty spending this time with her. Applejack was a good mare. Applejack had a heart of gold and did not blink an eye at really reaching out to help some pony that a week ago was hunting her and friends down like wild animals. Everything that happened and the trust put on her by all of them was confusing. And here Applejack was reaching out again, heart on a plate to welcome her back to something she tossed away years ago. 


    She looked back at Zappy, sleeping on her back without a care in the world. Unaware of what he naped on and what it has done. If he knew the truth will he have done the same? He will learn of it in time. All of this land will hear her name soon. Can she even stay in this land? She can’t seem to let the feelings ago. Every time she did they found a way back. It was like an army of shadows followed her, armed with the past and chanting a march of what was. It all felt so inevitable. 


    “I wonder if I have this heart you speak of. But sometimes… I do feel it. I wish I can put words to the feelings that grip me sometimes. It is like a band is marching, chanting a song of fire and ash. But between is one filly, singing how this is not how it was meant to be. No matter how hard they sing her voice is still heard in the winds. That is how it feels some times. I take that is the harmony you speak about.” Tempest says looking at the milk, she did not move too drink it yet. She just looked at it lost in her own thinking. 


    “Vicious thoughts… stirring like hunting wolves they follow me. And I hunger for their power just to taste the opportunity of watching the world cower in fear. The fear that haunts me in my sleep.” She mutters her words, as if she was just about to sing before it trails off as she shuts her eyes, lost in her own world. 


    After a few moments of silence she opened her eyes and looked at Applejack. “Someday I’m going to step past a line marking a cliff. There will be no going back and I am already standing on it. I know it. But where the cliff leads I do not know. If it's good I hope to stand side by side with friends. Maybe even you and the others. If not… if the wolves win? Don’t hold back but don’t just… toss me in tartarus or turn me stone. I want your world on that. There will be no coming back. Just free me from them for good. Give me that word and I promise to take your help trying to make that tiny filly of harmony lead the pack.” She holds a hoof out, shaking as it betrayed for how relaxed her voice was this was affecting her. 

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  12. Roleplay Type: WoE 


    Name: Autumn Blaze

    Shadows name: Silhouette Gloom of the sun-down land

    Hoof puppet: Twiggy Bloom of the old woods


    Sex: female 


    Age: Mare


    Species: Kirin


    Eye colour: Moderate gold


    Coat: Light goldish gray with goldish gray ear tips


    Mane/Tail: Moderate tangelo


    Physique: Autumn Blaze stands around the average height of an equestrian mare without being to lean or full in body. Like all her kin she has cloven hooves and scaling along her muzzle back back. Her mane is very big, looking line a lion's it grows all the way around neck in very thick fur. Her tail is long, like a giffins, with long mane like fur growing on the underside starting half way down the tail all the way to the end. 


    Residence: ‘The Grove’ as all Kirin do. Her home is found just outside of the Grove, one made by her own two… four hooves! Well she was welcomed back to the Grove she found it easier to not move everything she did. With her plans to travel the world she has left everything she cant take with her behind there, interesting friends in the Grove to keep an eye on her home well she is away. 


    Occupation: Singer, speaker, stand up comedian, playwright, carpenter, farmer, herbalist, Etc, Etc she’s unemployed. 


    Cutie Mark: N/A


    Unique Traits: Autumn talks. A lot. But when one digs past what looks to be an utterly insane mare she has real talent with many things. She can grasp almost anything with shocking speed but never master it. She is a jack of all trades, master of none. Not that she can ever focuses on something for the time needed to master it too began with. 


    History: “From a wonderful dad! I mean mom! Stallions can’t give birth. Besides the point they were totally awesome parents but this is about me! So this is my story with all the complicated descriptions and comedic tangents one can hope for! When I was reeeeally small they told me I was gifted! But that’s all boring things, I don't even remember half of it. Maybe for the best, you ever watch a foal? All they do is chew on things and cry about something you can’t hope to understand.  Tried foalsitting. Don’t recommend it. But when I was not so small I found my voice! The first time! Not the later time. That is later. I found I just loooove singing. And talking!


    And other things! I was helping all over town, farming, building that, sell this. It was a wonderful time and everyKirin just loved me to bits! Ask them! I know every single Kirin ever I think! Well some time later, not missing too much. First crushes, good times, bad times, filly drama. Truuust me, you don’t need to know. Just ask Summer Flare! She’s like, my BFF! 


    Well anyways the ‘big thing’ most known about us is not talking! Well one day… well lats back up! Sometimes we, the Kirin, get like mad! And not mad like “oh i dropped my bread!” but “that Kirin is on fire!” mad. It even happens to me! We just get soooo mad. Boom, fire! Yelling! Good thing fire doesn't hurt us! But it hurts are homes. What leads me back to what happend! One day we had a big one. All of us got in on it. Free for fall! It was bad. But Rain Shine she’s like, are queen or something do to how tall she is… I think. But she did not join in. She saw us going to town on the town, just everything was on fire, and got really mad at us. 


    So seeing as the start of this was us yelling or something, I don't know, I think it was the price of something, she made us all go in the Stream of Silence. No clue how it works or why it is a thing! But it suppressed are voices aaand emotions. You ever had both suppressed? Not fun. Well! I was stuck like that for years and all the talking I could do was in my head! I got reeeealy good at it. But the voices in my head got boring and rude after years of being stuck with them as roommates. 


    Well one day well I was arguing with Silhouette Gloom in my head I tripped and fell down in a lot of flowers. Well! One of them told me brew them in some tea! … I don’t remember why I did that honestly, have you ever tossed some random flowers in tea? But it was so worth it! Not the tea, it tasted pretty bad. But it did give me back my voice! Best day ever! I just had to let out a years worth of words! And I did! Well after like, one week Rain Shine told me get back in the river or leave town...


    So after moving out of town to a hill with a stunning view I got to work! Made a home, farm, made friends. Silhouette Gloom is my favorite, don’t tell Twiggy. And made a living! … it was boring. And lonely! At first it was not a bad but after a few years it was just like not speaking at all! But with all the emotion! Well my saving grace came. Applejack! She is just the best. She cooks real good as well! So she got all brave and went to make us all talk! Us is Kirin. Well I had this gut feeling it will not work. I hoped she’d make it work but well, no Kirin knows Kirins like a Kirin! So after arguing about it with myself I set off to see how it was going. Good thing I did. 


    Applejack and, to my shock, not at all a shadow, buttershy were about to go swimming in that Stream of Silence. Not willingly. I think… they were not puting up too much fuss for it. I almost did not save them! Maybe they wanted it. But my gut… or a voice told me to go save them! So I got all fired up and went racing in! Good thing they just did not drop them in the river or something. But after saving them we all talked and this time Rain Shine did not just tell me to leave and not come back. In fact she sided with me! And Applejack… Oh and flutterfly. Well I made them all that tea to let them talk! Told none of them how it tasted. Was fun. But after that they let me back in to town! All the talking, jokes, it was good.


     But I saw something that just did not leave me. Applejack and Shyflutter were outsiders. I am going to be honest I didn't even know they were a thing! And there is a world full of them! And others! I just… had to see it all. So after a few years of planning I packed my bags and took to the road! Ok I didn't plan it in two years. More like one year. But I feel ready for it what can go wrong?” -Autumn Blaze, speaking to the world's most unlucky train passenger. 


    Character Personality: Autumn Blaze is very excitable, chatty and eccentric to the extreme. Having gone years with no power to speak, than years living alone after that has left her leaping at every opportunity to talk, make friends or just interact with something. She made several imaginary friends that she speaks with with the two primary being Silhouette, her shadow, and Twiggy, a hoof holding a stick. This was born from her years of solitude and well being around others have helped combat this, she still speaks to them very often. This gives her a less the “all together” appearance around others. But she means well and will happily work with others to spend time with them. Even if it's just doing the dirty work. 


    Character Summary: Autumn Blaze is an eccentric Kirin that spent much of her life unable to talk, then followed by being outcasted and living alone after curing her lost voice. With the help of Applejack and Fluttershy she was welcomed back to her town and was allowed to cure all of them from the self imposed silence. After living with her town she found a growing wish to explore the world and see more. There was so much she has yet to see or hear. So packing her bags she jumped on a train with no real game plan other than exploring the world and going wherever she can. 



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  13. Do not get mad… Do not let anger take over… She really was trying. Tempest held her eyes shut, body shaking as sparks leap off her horn. She did everything she can. She thought of AJ. She thinks of her friends. She played out holding Zappy and him dozing off in her forearms. But every word out of Grubbers muzzle was like claws on a chalkboard. But she can deal with this… Every pony knew what she did. What she was. Ya, she was Commander Tempest of the Grand Armada. She put kingdoms to heel. Made noncompliance towns and cities… disappear. She did all of this and worse. So much worse. 


    She can just keep her muzzle shut and think of better things. She was a better mare… her friends told her so. She ca- Her eyes opened, face twisting with rage. Spinning around her horn screams in to life, raw magic flaring off like a lighting storm. “YOU SPEAK OUT OF LINE!” She screamed at Grubber. The very air felt electric as the hedgehogs fur stands up on end. He can feel an extremely powerful discharge belding up. A feeling he was all to kowing of from his time underneath her command. “DO NOT EVER SPEAK OF MY HORN! DO NOT THINK THE END OF MY FLEET MEANS YOU MAY SPEAK FREE OF IT!” She shouted, spit landing on the hedgehog's face. “DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!?” She pushed her nose up against his, staring in to his eyes with so much rage as to even make a dragon back up and say she needed too relax some. But yet she did not zap him. For all her yelling this may have been the first time Grubber has ever upset her and not get electrocuted in to the next day for it. 


    Pulling back she panted hard, shutting her eyes as the magic dies down. Deep long breaths. Deep long breaths… “Dismissed.” She mutters, turning away she faced back to the line as if nothing happened. Happy places…. Happy places. “Yes bird… I am the pony you are familiar with… No, I did not take part in what happened to your city. from what I heard it was very beautiful. I hope you can rebuild it.” She says to answer what was asked from the bird, the anger in her voice bleeding away in to a more cold but relaxed tone. 

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  14. Niilavin holds a paw up, leaning away from blue fainting a look of shock. “[I was not hunting him master, I was just bored and wished to play! If he lost its just a matter of game rules if his fate is to be eaten.]” He says puting his paw down to look up at the pegasus that was much more far away after hearing what blue shouted. Niilavin gumbled in disappointment but walked back to his master. 


    “[fish market? In this city? You have no close rivers. I’m shocked there’d be demanded to keep a stock of fish in a pony city.]” He says looking sound at the white city. Maybe there will be more fun surprises for him here after all. It was a strange city in a strange land and time. There was much to learn and see.

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  15. Some deep part of Tempest was taken back from the smells. She has seen it all before. It was not shocking but opens old doors. One never forgets battle. It will sink deep into one's very soul and nothing you can do will ever remove it. All one can do is reach an understanding. What did bring some shock to her her now caribou face was the one at the table. She knew what he was before he told her. She knew him VERY well. She did not like him. But she did respect him a lot. He’d be one of her bigger road blocks after the conquest of Equestria. He’d never have fallen in line and may have been one of the hardest battles she’d have. But none of that mattered now. That life was over. 


    Moving to sit down she heard what he had to say. She did not reach for a drink until after he took the first sip. She did not fear the drink, no she knew he damned a level of respect and honor at the strongest level. This was a bull to not anger or falt and she was deeply aware of this. If she was not in hiding she may even be afraid of him. But she was one of his kin and she MUST keep it that way. She had no love for her own race and blood but she knew he’d care not. This was a game she can not slip up in. She must be a full blooded caribou to the heart. 


    Now… to explain herself. She rubbed a hoof to her throat, showing off it's scarring as she opens and shuts her muzzle. This was to show she can not speak so he’d understand what she did next and did not think she was just not talking to him. Nuzzling in to a saddle bag she pulled out a roll of paper. Using her two front hooves she pulled it open and held it down flat on the table so he may read the runic text on it. She had a gut feeling she may need to explain herself. Maybe in a rush. So she pre-made several rolls of paper for such a thing. 


    The runic was… messy, but readable. Given the literacy rate of Whitescare she felt her crude runic will not be seen as bad. The fact that she can read and write at all may be seen as a skill not too many have. Or so she hoped. 


    [I am Lightning. I can not talk. I can hear. I can read. I speak with write.]

    [I hail from far land. Outcast. Father unknown. Mother hunter. Dead in glory. Now alone.]


    A backstory, basic but believable. She can not have ties as ties make layers of lies. The more one lies, the harder it is to keep it. She just had to hope he’d believe she was some no name outcast trying to just make a name for herself. In her eyes it seems believable. Such a fate can not be to uncommon in whitescar.

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  16. Tempest honestly felt flattered to hear some nice remarks about her body. It was such a weird thing for her. On one hoof she liked showing off how strong she was… on the other she hated showing her body. Most of all her mark. It's why she got so attached to her outfit in a way. For how much it was tied with the storm king it was more tied to her own self worth. It made her feel good. Not hiding underneath lots of robes but still keeping all the scars and her flank mark out of view. And it did a very good job showing off her muscles. She can not but help to flex them some at the remarks with a smug grin. 


    What she was not ready for was how good AJ hit the nail on the head with her feelings. It felt extremely weird and made her uneasy. She did not like others reading her that well buy AJ was not wrong at all. “If this is what harmony feels like i’d rather stick with disharmony.” She says shaking her head. “But his trust is… enjoyable. Innocence feels so rare to me… I know it's all over this world, so many of you believe in real Innocence. But seeing it after what happened… it just feels weird. But I am glad he is like that.” She explained as best she can. “Mine was lost so long ago and I can never take it back. I never want another foal to see what I did. Do what I did. I can never… be like you AJ. But I don’t want others to be like me. The world needs more like you and less of me.” She says looking at the food… it did smell dang good. “If I ever end up in the care of one… That is what I’d want.”


    Moving to her side of the table she looked at the foal on her back. He looked pretty happy there naping. So she did not move him. Just leaning her head down she takes a bite of pancake. Oh. That was good. She’d not have something like this in… so long. Years? More than that. Just home food like this, let alone pancakes. So much of her life was eating what she can get her hooves on… than in the Storm Army eating whatever ‘food’ the cooks made. She almost forgot how good some home-cooked food can be. After enjoying the taste she dived back in, chowing down on the food like a starving hound.

  17. Tempest hated this. She hated every moment of it. Every single word. Act. breath. And yet it was not their fault. They were helping her. Reaching out in forgiveness to try and understand. Yet they did not understand. None of them can or will. She did not hate them. She hated herself. Her weakness. Her failings. She was never strong enough. She never will be. She will never be whole again. She did so much wrong that can never be forgiven. She wanted them too shut up. Too leave her alone. But so much was belding up inside of her. The dam was braking and she was powerless to stop it.


    “Do you ever just look back on your life… and ask yourself... where did it all go wrong?” She asked, looking at the three of them, her eyes glaring as much as her words. “Can you? Do you even really know what it is like? I wasn’t always the pissed angry mare I am today. I did not drink myself to sleep or go running off in to danger just to feel alive for a few faint moments all my life. Back in the day I used to be… different. Happy. I had hopes, I had dreams! I had plans for my future! Friends! I was going to be the captain of the guard. Fang is living the dream I had… and yet you act as if is meaningless. In the way you talk and act… you want something you can’t have while having what I can only dream of touching again.”


    “I had it all laid out. I was ready to work hard, make it big, earn bits and get popular… I’d be the %#$$ Spitfire of unicorns! You know the story. Pretty much what every ambitious pony is dreaming of during their filly days. They’d be the best at whatever there talent was. And then… Well…” She trails off, shutting her eyes. She can hear it again. Smell it. Feel it. That hot breath. The pain. Claws. “The world is not fair. We all live blind. We think peace is forever, hope and dreams come true and friendship is magic. Ask the filly crying underneath a news paper from a thunderstorm how wonderful this world is. Ask the filly running for her life how friendship is magic. Ask the filly eating out of the trash how fair life is. Ask the filly watching a town being sacked how peace lasts forever. Ask the filly that found love, just to learn it was was too use her, how love beats all. They say You can only go up when you hit rock bottom. That may be true but you can fall back down, screaming as everything you worked so hard for falls out from underneath you. You three know nothing. You speak of loss on top of the wall of hope.”


    With that she opens her eyes, staring at them. Even she was… somewhat taken aback at all of that. It was like a flood of feelings she had no power to stop. It felt good to say it all. To speak about how she felt openly yet she knew it did not matter. They'd just say something about friendship with blank smiling faces. No pony can understand. Sometimes she wondered if she even was a pony. It did not feel like it at times. She sighs standing up. “You two look after the Fox. She’s your friend Fang. She just tried running away. She is the one that needs talking to. Not me.” She then turns away from them, walking away.

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  18. She was nervous, extremely so. Applejack may never understand how alien she was feeling. Battles no longer made her nervous. She did not fear them or death. They were normal. This was not. This so far removed from normal it felt like she was trying to switch tracks with a rusted lever. Yet it here it was. A foal was placed in her front legs. She just blinked at it as her brain struggled to understand what she was doing and feeling. 


    She looked up at Aj as she walked away, all she had to do was hold him a few minutes. Why did something so basic, so small seem so hard? “O-of course.” She sutters, looking back at the wiggling foal. For so long she had discounted herself from others emotionally. She had too. So many things she had too do. So many awful things. She was horrible in many ways. Yet this foal knew none of it. It trusted her out the door, no fear or worry. It was blind innocence and trust. Something she all but forgot about. This foal can not fake its feelings. Its trust. It was all turthfull, heartfull blind trust. So much so it dozed off in her legs. 


    With that she understood just what she was feeling. Love. AJ told her he was attacked, both of them were. Yet here he was… sleeping. Resting. Trusting her. A stranger that looked and smelled nothing like his family or mother. Yet he put his faith in her. And that made her feel like she has never felt before. Loved. Yes, he didn't love her like his mother or sister. But he, in his small head, believed she’d guard him just as well. That was trust and love that only a foal can have. And she felt some deep need to do just that. She can’t grasp why she did, but it was a powerful feeling.


    Snapping her head up to look at the doorway she looked at AJ before the mare even spoke. Even distracted by a foal her reflexes nothing short of fox like, to sounds and movement. “Yes.” She says back, keeping her voice down. She then looked back at the foal… Gears turning in her head as she tried to work out how to move with him… Something AJ did all the time. But something Tempest had to work out. After a few moments she came up with her plan. Moving slow she moved him to her side, than using her muzzle hold him up pushed the foal up on her back as she stands up. With him resting on her back she moved to AJ. “He… sleeps well.” She says in soft words well searching for more. Something too explain what she felt. “I feel weird.” Very good explanation.

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  19. Tempest saw him long before he did… heard him… She did not make a sound, not one word hoping he’d just WALK PAST but no. The living failure she was chained to her fleet and now chained to again by some paperwork somehow put forth without her consent or wishes. By some blessed luck she hard to hardly EVER deal with that… just some mail about how he was doing in ‘school’ or something. She never did read one of them. But now he was here. Behind her… and worse, trying to talk to her. 


    Worse yet! She can’t trash him for that now. He was free to open that smelly maw of his spit his words all over like the fool he was with no harm to follow. It made the very air vial. “Did I give you permission to speak to me?” She mutters, her voice full of wrath. She didn't even turn her neck to look at him. After a few moments she speaks more. “How has… This… ‘school’ been? Doing better at that I hope than leading my ground forces. Otherwise they’d have kicked you out by now.”

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  20. The number of hits Hogo-sha landed on her was getting her frustrated. He was fast and reacted at speeds that felt off. She can’t nail it down but he was no diamond dog. That was easy to read… as for what he really was she did not know. But it was powerful. Seeing him make no moves at her she rested, panting as he talked. He wanted a Tie. on one hoof, she hated that. She wanted too win. On the other by the time one of them did win both of them will be extremely tired or very hurt. Something she did not want to risk. As shameful as it was calling it, it was the smart move. Both of them made a very good showing of skill and power. 


    After thinking on it she walked closer to the dog and nodded her head. This was a smart move in the end. She can have another battle with him later. A repeat occurrence as he asked for. Given his skills and speed he’d make for a very good sparring partner. 


    Her head turned around to look at older Bull making his way over. The Manager of this ring was it? He wasted no time getting to them. “[Go to the preparation hall. Now. You both are wanted.]” Was all the old bull had to say before turning and walking away to deal with other matters. 


    Lightning just rolled her shoulders. This was odd news… someone wanted to meet her? Fascinating. Maybe she won the eye of some bull. Wasting no time she trotted away to the rings doorway that leads down to the preparation hall and disappeared down it.

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  21. Tempest chewed on a few things in her mind. She wanted to know what stallion sired the foal. It was most likely a pegasus… But she has yet to see one picture of a male pegasus. Just plenty with her friends and family. The lack of this unknown male is what made her feel so hesitant to ask about it. Some wounds are best left unopened. Most of all, if you did not know even the first words of the story behind them. 


    -Wanna hold him?- That pulled her back to the topic at hand, at first she just thinks she misheard something. Than she looks about the room too see if another member of the family showed up. Nope. She looked back at AJ blinking in disbelief. “You wish to intrust me with holding the…” She cuts her words, it was not something. It was not some object. It was a living thing and it's…. His mother was in trusting his safety in the hooves of herself. That was something she did not know how to even break down. Where to start? Did AJ trust her so much? She did leave her alone with the foal before but to single her out and place its safety on her? 


    I… Never have held a foal before.” She says standing up and walking over to AJ. Her body language seemed to change before AJs eyes. Softer hoof steeps. Least threatening posture. Tempest was not even aware of it as her instincts tried to make her less threatening to the young one. Now that she was closer she sat down on her flank, holding her front legs out, close together. “How do… I hold him?” She asked, looking at the foal than at AJ. She felt scared, nervous… what if she hurt him? Something about that was deeply worrying and she can’t understand why. Why was she feeling like this? What was going on with her?

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  22. Rage was in many ways the most powerful feeling for Tempest. Rage is what allowed her to live where others have fallen. Rage pushed her on past pains that made lesser willed turn back. Yet it was her biggest weakness as well. In times of stress, fear or pain it roared to the top and holding it back was almost pointless. And when she was not in the mindset to hold it at all the feeling blinded her. And that blindness was the opening Feng had as Tempest jumped for Sunset like a hungry wolf.


    Flailing and kicking out she struggles in his grasp, still trying to reach Sunset like some feral beast. “Traitors!” She screamed in her struggles to break free, pushing at Feng to make him let go. But his hold was strong and he made no move to harm her. None of them did. But his words did the most to reach Tempest. His commands managed to get past the blinding rage as her struggles slowed. 


    Peace by peace everything that happened started to fit together. Details she missed, words blocked out. They all came together to show one thing clear… She bucked up. They were not trying to hurt her. Did her mind make up all of it? She did not know and that was even more horrifying on a truth to swallow. What if Feng did not stop her? How far was her blind fear and rage willing to go? 


    With that she stopped struggling and looked away from all three of them. This. This is why she can’t have friends. And she knew it. “I…” She trails off, the rage in her face and words gone. After a few moments of deep breaths she spoke up again. “Standing down’ Sir.”

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  23. By the time Applejack returned Tempest moved on from staring at everything, she did not want to look too weird or something. But her trotting in place soon stopped as she saw the foal. She cocked her head to the side, blinking at it. She looked at Zappy with as much curiosity and confusion as the foals own. After a few moments of the two just staring at one other she walked closer and looks the foal over as AJ talked. “You speak as if I never hunted them before. I did not live all my life in the Storm Army. The wild landes raised me more than they ever did.” She says in that ever classic tone of hers. “But more than one way to make them never come back. Never seen one pull itself back together from heaps of ash.”


    She eyed the foal up as if she has never seen one before. But as soon as it reached for her muzzle she back pedals away as if was about to bite her… Feeling utterly uneasy about what to do with… it. She moved to the far side of the room and sat down. “I’m not shocked you held your own. Shame I was not here to help. Not that I think you need it… more so I’d have enjoyed destroying them alongside you.” She added, settling down on the rug on the floor like some dog as she watched the foal and all the odd sounds it made. 


    When AJ came out Tempest looked over at her. Still laying on the rug. What AJ did next… confused her. At first. It took a few moments for it to click it was nursing. Something about all of this was unnerving her. Hatred. Want. Love. Disgust. All battling it out to explain this unknown feeling. Was she this disjointed from life? “maple?” Tempest says in response to what was asked of her. “I don’t really remember. Last time I had one… Well, I think I was younger… no, I know I was younger than Apple bloom. I did not have my mark back then.” She says with a glance at her covered body. “But I remember loving them. Are cook was a zebra… sweet mare. She made them so good.” She says thinking back on the old days. “Mother never did cook for me. To busy.” She looked back at the shape underneath the blanket.

  24. Tempest was not ok. Now with three closing in on her the extremely scared and still panicking mare backs away, eyes jumping between all three with growing alarm. They were all in on it. All betraying her. This was a trap. She was trapped. All planned. Just to get her! They wanted her vulnerable! Sunset just said so! They can’t trick her again. She had to run! But where? She was trapped! Her heart felt like it was going to explode as she backed up against a wall. 


    She had to get away. She had too! Fight-or-flight. She had no hope for running. She had to fight! “Y-you liars! Betrayers!” She yelled, pushing away from the wall she leaps at Sunset. She had to get her magic back. This was all Sunsets falt! Sunset made her vulnerable! Sunset must be the leader! She’d take down all three of them if she must! She will not fall today!

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