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Posts posted by Dusty

  1. Niilavin flinches from the bap between his ears. His claws dig in to the road but soon pull back as he relented. “[My actions are justified… But Fine, I will stand… them being here. But I will not tolerate such dregs within are home Master.]” He says looking away from the mutts, he’d not dignify them with his look. “[I can’t help but pick up on the fact I seem to be rare… Its making me worry master. I can’t be the last can I?]” He asked with a hint of worry as he did fear this. It seems absurd that he’d be the last one but yet… its been a vary long time.

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  2. The cow flicks an ear as the sword slammed into a wall behind her, eyes not moving from her target as that faint smile holds. She leans her head side to side as the dog talks, than makes a bored snorting sound and waves at him to move it along. Everyone has to talk in combat… With him done she readies herself.


    Watching him rush her she easily picked up on him going for a haymaker. To easy, its as if he was slinging all of his body. He’d know better than to do that, she’d easy nail him in chest and parry the blow. So she leaps back and went on the defenses, well she will land no hits it allowed her time to react to the faint and back out from the follow up blow. He’d be ready for her follow up so did not, instead she stayed on the defense to study him more. She did enjoy that he switched too hoof… well, paw combat? It earned some respect from her.

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  3. “[Why do you think I am impressed at what you have done master? I did not say you must be like my old one. You played the game smarter and so did the twin queens. There are no equals but you made them believe it so.]” Niilavin says back. “[Something I am taking to heart, if I ever gain freedom I use this system… it seems to work well. The twin queens, if they are old as you told me, lasted so long using it.]” He flicked his ears, looking at the mutt talking more and waving some book at him… what was that even and how dare this dog wave it in his face? With a rather agitated hiss he raised a paw up smacked the book out of the dogs hand well he was distracted. “[Why do you allow such mutts to speak to me master!? Or allow one being a skin changer! Hostile or not, I will not let such vermen speak to me and flint papers under my nose.]” his words had a angry cat like hiss to them, cleary getting upset by growing bravery of the onlookers.


    Looking up at the roofs he spots the other dog… wonderfull. “[There are more of them? Uhg. Master, i deeply dislike how you will not allow me to hurt such things. But it is your will…]” He rolls his eyes but looked more at the odd dog… hold on… “[A world away and one of them is here? The mutt is from my land! Master, do tell him to go back, no need to follow my kin even more! Can us cats not have a land to are self?]” The big cat ruffeld it's wings and looks away, it's anger going way in to just sounding upset, allmost like a young colt not geting his way. "[And I will get much biger master, in time. I am young, but in time my power will grow and so will my size. One day I will be big as a pirde king... then I hope to be free.]"

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  4. The cow snorted at the block but did not even try to move away from his follow up. Taking it on her chest plate she leans to the side, forcing it to glance left where she meets it with a raised leg. In one fast movement she traps it between her leg and chest, locking it down for just a moment as she reared up and delivered a hoof to the dogs frowning muzzle well pulling the blade closer to force him to let go or take a hit on the face for the price of pulling his blade free. For her part, she was smiling now. 

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  5. “[You call them equals yet we come first. They are not peasants yet they pay cash onto us for the honor of living in are land and to work. Workers. Even in the grand city we saw at the coastline… with buildings so tall. They lived in small homes. The powerful lived in the grand, the equals below them in small homes. Packed like fish in a net. Smaller towns looked not so different from my time. More colors, different buildings… but so similar. And here. The heart of it all… sitting above them all in keep of white and gold, towering over the land so small below sits the leaders. I see nothing equal but the belief they all are equals. And for that I have nothing to give but my utter respect.]” Niilavin speaks in a calm but powerful way, his words flowing one in to the other with wisdom. It is hard to know if he really was or if it was just the power of his race to sound like they knew best to play with the minds of others.


    Sniffing the air some more he gazed back down at the dog speaking to his master… magic was in the air. Leaning down he looked at the dog more close. “[Master, we have skin changers in are shadow. I recommend slaying one rat before it is five. They bring nothing but troubles and steal from my… Are land. Food. goods. Servents. Nothing more than a rat stealing grain but let to many live and you will have no grain to eat.]”

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  6. The cow took the jab in stride, using the force of it to turn herself about to face him head on without one yelp of pain or discomfort. She’s felt far worse. She rolls her shoulders and gives him a small grin. He may not be worthless after all. But that a easy blow to handel, she’d been disappointed if he failed to handle to. But with no time to wast she dug her hoof in to dirt and mud and kicks it up at the dog but did not follow in to head on. even a blind foal and swing a sword about in front of him. So she rushed to his side and swings a hoof low at his legs. Cheap, dirty moves but she honestly did not care. She never was one to play fair.

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  7. The cows ears flicked, her head turning to look at the approaching mutt. Turning about to face him she steps down from the bull, delivering one last kick to his face stopping his sad whimpering. She leans her head to one side, than the other as she looked at the mutt. A soft short leaves her nose at his name. Hogo-sha? Dressed like a weeb. Talking about wishing to meet someone with ‘skill’ and how he’s been doing this for a long time… She felt like vomiting. At least he was not fat, smelly and going ‘m’lady’ at her. He may be a real sword master. Maybe. She hopes he was, she wanted something fun.


    Rolling her shoulder blades she gave him a utterly dead look. No feelings to it at all with uncaring eyes. She’s found such looks tend to offset others, making them uneasy seeing a face so uncaring and unfeeling. It was nerve racking to many and helped mask what she was doing. Stepping closer she taps a for leg against his wooden blade, letting the black plate clank on it before backing up and spacing her hooves out for battle. One hoof tap. Two. three. And she was on him, rushing to his left in a spinning dash, lining her rare up to deliver a two hoof buck at his hip. It was a risky move but she was hoping her speed will take him by surprise. If he was worth his salt he’d block it or move. If not… well, she’d not waste to much time on a useless game.

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  8. Hooves stomping to the drummer's beat, horns blaring and crowds screaming as steels clashed. The arenas of Saarvagerg were busy as ever as a larger crowd gathered around one of the smaller public arenas. It was a open arena, no real guidelines given. Just a free for all brawl zone to sort out troubles. That was until one cow arrived. For the past two hours she carved a path around the arena taking on everything in it with utter disregard for how many rushed her and yet she came out on top using nothing more than her hooves. The cheering was reaching deafening levels as she bucked a bull so hard he shot over the arena wall. All around her the deaten, many out cold or rolling in pain on the muddy floor.


    The cow was shorter than most caribou yet her strength bested many bulls bigger than her. Her frame mached her strength with clear muscle mass underneath her hide and fur that was ashy white. She had a black mane done up in a mohawk with purple highlights. Her eyes were a crisp ice blue with a long jagged scar over her right eye that looked like lighting built. She was wearing black platemail covered her more vital organs but left the rest wide open to cut down on weight in a “all or nothing” take on self defense. Her weapons were nothing more than her four hooves reinforced with some black steel to be used in blocking blows. Standing on top of a whimpering bull twice her size the cow looks up at the onlookers, grinning ear to ear. She was not even panting yet. Yet she did not speak. Not one word left her muzzle in all of the combat.  She waves a hoof at the onlookers, than aimed it at her self, dearing more to come down and take her on as they chanted the name given to her by onlookers. Silent Lightning, given thanks to her face scar and utter lack of speaking.


    But this was no cow. She was tempest. Thanks to the magic of Masquerade and his one of a kind disguises she looked complenty like a caribou even up close. The custom outfit cost so much she had to lone Bits from Ice just to pay for it! AND was going to need to do some… ‘work’ for Masquerade on top of it. But it was all worth it. The magic and skill in its making masked her flawlessly. She was for all it was worth a full blooded caribou when inside of it. But one thing it can’t mask was her accent and lack luster understanding of the caribou language. Well she had what she needed too get by and understand most things speaking it was another story. So to cover her flank she pretend to be mute and let her acts speak for her.


    ((This RP contants tempest in a magic disguse bult by Masquerade, as such she looks like a female caribou. If you don't know about Masquerade or his costumes read his app! it's vary usefull. The only thing that knows tempest is here or owns that costume is Ice her self.))

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  9. Niilavin walked down the street with his head held up and ears pricked. He was much taller than everypony around him yet he was not even close too fully grown. By his races standards he was rather young but he held himself to much more demanding standards than to act like some kitten. He wasn't after all.  Swaying his tail side to side he gazed down at the peasants before him, gasping in shock and awe. It made his pride swell even more as he did his best to hold his chest out and show off just how strong and powerful he was as his muscles move and fixed underneath his hide. He was nothing short of a show off, something his new master seemed to enjoy much to his own enjoyment.


    “[Look at them Master, they look on to us with such wonder! Fitting of such dregs is it not? We are as undeliverable and wonderful as the gods there self walking amongst theme.]” Niilavin says with a sharp grin, to all on-lookers his words were utter gibberish. An ancient language known only to the most learned scholars of history. Yet his master Blue understands every word of it clear and easily. Something that may be for the best given Niilavins attitude to just about everything that was not his master or himself. His superiority complex put the one Blue use too be known for too shame. But it made Blue all the better to be the one to help the cat learn how to live in this new age as his new master understands such complexes better than most.


    “[But given your power to change master… God is fiting in some ways.]” Niilavin added with rolling of his powerful shoulders. He’s yet to fully understand how his master changed… genders like he did. Blue did try to explain it but even with that it was hard for the cat to get his paws around the concept so easily. Something seemingly so fixed, appointed at birth to death, yet there it was. Changed and broken like a new outfit. In his eyes it only proved how peorfull his new master must be to so easily break something like that and wave it off as something so trivial.


    Sniffing the air the big cat tossed a gaze down at something most odd. A dog? All dressed up and walking about? How odd. More odd was his smell. Something magic was in the air about that dog, he just can’t put his paw on what. [“And now mutts dress up and speak. This age is already disappointing me.”]

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  10. Lightning watched the head zip away just out of her reach, she clocked its speed and saved it before her front legs hit land, dirt blasted out from the impact and before her rare legs were down she pushed back up, wings beating as they took her back into the sky with a trail of dirt following her front legs as the gravity fields disengaged. She took note of the shadow like tendrils rushing for her and without fan fire locked on with her guns and opened fire to push them back as she switched targets fast as they were showing. Spinning and rolling about in the sky to get her guns where they needed to be. It was keeping her busy but nothing was getting close yet to get hold of the mare.


    But the sky had other plans. Flashing warnings blinked before her eyes as her sensors played out the fast changing weather pattern. A tornado. In a city? Mapping out the funnel LD dove down, swings closed to her sides as landed,  gravity locks in her legs kicked on and a shield flicked in to life as she hunkers down against the ground as debris started to hit her shield like rain….


    As the tornado died down she stands up and looks around, confused as to how or why that happened but uttery unmoved by it as the gravy locks switch off and her shield shuts down. What a waste of power that was, she’d need some down time to recharge it. Looking over at the parks lake she saw the mare from before standing there. Did she do that? She wanted to join? So be it. LD started to walk to the lake as her voice boomed. “Crime detected! Assault on Enforcer! Consulting corporate judicial… ERROR! Connection failure!” LD winced and takes a few steps back as her eyes shut, walls of text flying past her eyes as a hard reset kicked in too try again. “Consulting corporate judicial… ERROR! Connection fa-PRIORITY OVERRIDE!  Offender sentenced to death! Immediate application of capital punishment!” She screamed out as tears fall down her cheeks. What was she crying about? She did not remember. With a flap of her wings the mare takers to the sky and takes aim at Hexxer and the new mare joining the battle.

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  11. Lightning watched the parasol move and jerk as she stopped shoot. The movement it made contact she was already braced and front legs ready. Clamping down on the parasol as it slammed in to her she fluttered and adjusted her flying to handle the impact as the gravity locks kicked in on her frunt legs clamp to it. Without breaking eye contact with Hexxer she ripped the parasol in half, dropped it and dived down at Hexxer front legs outstretched for the mares floating head as the gravity locks fired up again, all she had to do was get close for Hexxers head to be pulled in to her grasp. Well she did this her augmented eyes picked up two onlookers. One in a invisibility spell. Cute. the other was trying to hide as well. So long as they stayed out of this they were marked as yellow. Worth keeping an eye on but no danger yet.

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  12. Lightning had a small smirk pull to her lips as she watched Hexxer. “ID: Hexxer, noted. Other cyborg's? So this world is not as back water as it seams maybe.” She says back in a tone just as cocky as the other mares smille… Even with the odd data and wornings flairing up, she will work out why they are going one after she kills this 'hero'


    -New directive: neutralisation of all hostiles, Lethal force may be used without warning.

    -Combat engaged: weapons online, stimulates online-

    -Threat level: red-


    Lightning felt the drugs pumped in to what organic parts of her brain were left, it was a feeling she never got use to or the rush it gave her. Positive feedback or something for doing her job and makes her forget what she was doing. She hated it but loved it, it made gult so easy to forget. All she done for the CEO’s… She shakes her head, clearing where that was going. Bad places. Time seems to slow for her with all her parts kick in to full combat speed as words are forced from her muzzle. "Alert! Non combatants are advised to leave the area! Law enforcement in progress! Lethal force may be used without warning, do not interfere with security protocols!” With that shouted she leaped in to movement at alarming speed.

    Faster than any non-augmented can move she took to the air with such force it ripped up the grass underneath her as both her front legs take aim, targeting software calculating gravity, airspeed, her movement, targets movements and twenty-seven other factors and over one hundred possible vectors the target may move to get out of her line of fire in the blink of an eye. The first magical plasma left the snubbed barrel of her leg mounted SMGS 1.3 seconds of her finishing her alert speech. One second after the first shot was out 200 rounds were out as both her leg munted SMG unleash a hailstorm of magical plasma bolts. Well each bolt was hardly the size of a marble there unrelenting rate of fire made up for lack of single shot firepower.

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  13. Tempest was taken off guard by the fact Big mac milked a bull. How does one do that!? How do you not… She stopped herself, it was not worth following that path. Nope. “I am going do us all a good and not ask how you bucked up that bad big guy.” She says shaking her head and looking at the chart full of wiggling pigs. She was not shocked they were beating her at this, it was there job after all.


    But she was not beaten yet! Leaping back into the mud she got running after the next pig, it honestly did feel good. She liked hard work and part of her did hold on to the ideals of maybe doing a farm or ranch some day. Not yet, but later in life… maybe she can do it when she was done making a mess of her life. As she jumped a pig and tied him up like a earth pony, she looked over her shoulder at the two farm ponies. “You know, for all it is worth.” She says well slinging the pig up on her  back without fuss. “I may have to make a note of stopping by here at least one time a year and do… this. Work. hard work. It's honestly relaxing, buzare as they may be to some this is allmost like therapy."

  14. 4 hours ago, EquestrianScholar said:


    I'll check it out and see about having my character Masquerade pop in as a veteran superhero... Well, technically he's more renegade or unaligned though he most often works along side other superheroes or heroines then against them. Chuckles


    You can find his information on the previous page, if you've forgotten or haven't seen my character Masquerade.

    if you want to join go for it!

  15. “How nice.” Lightning Dust mutters to herself as she did a long spinning loop in the air to turn herself around. Her ears picked up the yell easily, in truth even if it was half as powerful she’d have heard it. She can only hope it was a ‘hero’ but whatever it was, it called her out and most believe itself as some form of city defence force. Therefore it was worth looking at for its risk to her the directive. Closing in at the park at speed she scanned the park at a level no normel pony can hope to mach or as detailed. Every last pony was documented, movement paths plotted and the Terrain mapped out for all possible hiding spots, ambush vectors, cover from snipers, possible sniper team firing zones, best cover from gunships, heavy weapons and small arms fire. All of this was done in the time it took her to land with a thundering amount of force.


    As the dust settles down Lightning Dust was standing in the path of the most… odd contact she spotted in the park. The mare seemed to be headless and her missing head freely floating about. It didn't seem to be a hologram. A most perplexing thing in truth but her looks did somewhat match that of Shadow Crop and its Enforcers. She must be a ‘hero’ to be this unknown of a risk. This must be fixed and her risk to the directive kown. “I am Enforcer LDEL6370, stand down or risk life, health or possible job loss. By law code A2-77-GH you must follow all Enforcer orders and commands as ordained by the Cloudsdale Industrial Conglomerate CEO’s.” Her words were cold, almost automated in tone as her liability safety speech was verbally forced from her lips.


    With that done she flicked an ear as she looked at the mare. “Compliance in helping me can guarantee a class two living apartment. One class one food ration ticket per a week and five class two food ration tickets per a week. Only within CIC city space and so long as you keep your workers score above 70% as per the laws in B9-12-C and B9-13-C.” With added with a smirk. “But honestly, I hope you want too do this the hard way. Less paper work that way and I honestly what to see what you are…”

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  16. 2 minutes ago, Pretzelparty said:

    I'd love to involve hexxer in this one, Dusty.

    go for it pretz!


    3 minutes ago, Ciraxis said:

    Oh believe me, Ossia wouldn't be on Dust's side either. As a dimensional hopper she knows the world Lightning is from and....well, let's say that she's less then fond of it.

    Well, then she knows what a bad thing it can be if LD gets a doorway open to her home world. No pony good or evil wins from that. 


    (featuring: Lightning Dust! In her first outing in the hero AU. Read her back story for info on where she is from and why!)


    -OS rebooted-

    -All systems online-

    -Enforcer states: Online-

    -Implants states: Online-

    -ERROR: failed to content to ECCM-

    -ERROR: failed to content to CCNW-

    -Offline mood engaged, follow standing directive-

    -Directive: content to ECCM, CCNW. Irrelevant to primary directive given.-

    -New directive: deploy the anchor at break. Unknown ware break is-

    -New directive: locate break, gather info to narrow search window.-


    Lightning Dust winched in pain for a moment as her eyes opened, the walls of text fading away from her field of view. She… Was crying? Was she? She was upset about something. Irrelevant. Looking around she started documenting the world around her. Green… Trees… blue sky. It was fit for life, just like she was told. Her home use to look like this in days long ago, forests use to be commonplace books say. She wondered why someone will care so much as to plant so many trees and water them. Seemed like a lot of work when you can just scrub the air faster and better than they can. Looking to the city before her she documented it as a small one, crude and on the dirt like old times. No flying transports or cargo ships can be seen, little to no industrial output can be seen. Waste of space and workers but a fine starting point for her work, leaving the smoking crater in the ground she takes to the skies.


    Up closer look the city was worthless. She was no city development team but the layout was bad, wasted space, useless buildings, useless intermixing of districts as ponies walked about wasting time. Ware are the overlords to keep the workers working? This world was going to be easy to take over and improve. But for now she must find more info about this world. Where to start? Scanning the streets below she spotted a pony in blue, he was enforcing some laws on some of the workers it seems. This world's Enforcers? Only one way to know. She dives down, slamming into the sidewalk it shatters under her legs as dust and concrete is kicked up. The cop did not even get time to understand what happened as she grabbed his head in her claws, forcing his muzzle shut as he flailed and did all he can to remove himself but it was too late, she already had him gravity locked to her claws. She looked over at the earth pony he was giving a ticket too. “I am Enforcer LDEL6370, I demanded to know where the ECO of this city is found.” She asked in a cold almost robotic tone as the cop let out muffled screams as dozens of small black tendrils forced their way inside his nose as as they emerged from around the base of her leg.


    “Unless you wish to have me remove what I want by force, it’s painful.” She added with without a hint of remorse as the cop flailed and shivered as if he was having a seizure as she started digging around his brain for useful info. He’d live, but he’d not be himself for weeks… Heroes? A wave of news, stories and everything this cop knew about them flooded in to her. This… This was fascinating. Far more than whatever the whimpering earth pony the cop was given a ticket to was saying to her. From what this cop knew they may be a danger to her and her the directive…


    -New directive: locate a “hero” and study for risk to directive-


    So she must. Dropping the cop in a heap she looked around the city and the onlookers as her wings opened up. “Thank you Officer Hot Coffee, you will be recommended for Enforcer training.” She says to the twitching and whimpering wreck of a cop as she took to the skies. She must find a hero and Skull Jack them, the risk they may give to her directive was far to great for her too not learn about them. Now… Where to find one.

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  18. Dusty’s kiss had nothing shy about it, but it was not overdone. A simple smooch and soon as he it was done he tossed his hat up in the air and with a swing of his head it laned between his ears. “Now don’t you worry Miss AJ, apples this good will not let me be some stranger. Give my thanks to all ya family for the hard work ya do to make food this good.” He says with happy smile as he grabs the sack of apples and slings it over his back and turns to walk away from them. As he did so he watched a new filly show up and remark on the kissing booth. “Heh, ah darn thinked the same thing seeing it as well lass. Ya de’ friend of the other small one? Better watch out, she’s the new ‘Deputy’ in town.” He says with a deep thundering chuckle as he walked away. “Maybe with some back up Hope Lance will do better job at it this time. Have fun y’all and enjoy the rest of ta'day.” With that he makes his way off to the town with his awkward limping trot.

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