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Posts posted by Dusty

  1. "AG!" Dusty covers his ears, this was getting out of hoof. What is up with this pony's! Don't they know how this works? he robes, they don't know, he leaves. But nooo, they can't follow that can they! "de's is a hole full of bull. They are going to get up half the town." he did not care at all if they did but he did not want one pony to know, what well she think knowing he did this so close to her home, heck and did not even say hi to her... "OK, that's that. Ah'm giving it all back." he was to week to shadow walk, but he keeps low as he makes his way back to the wagon to drop off the goods, and more. 200 bits can keep her form hunting him! that was close to ever thing he had on hoof, just leaving him with some bits to get food in the next town. "Ah hope this works..." he leaves a note saying 'Sorry miss, here is ever thing I toke from ya, and some bits for it two. You win this game, I give up. -From the outlaw'.

    far out of the town he looks back and sinkers "for now..." he go's back on his way thinking of what to tell the boss for not pulling the train and being so late.

    [Dusty is GONE! but not forever]

    ((have fun y'all! I did! But he well be back in time, but for now he has no more use here, he can't just sit and hide so he had to run, nothing stopping you guys form hunting for him, not like you guys can't work out ware he lives))

  2. reenactors! I am one, and have bin for a looong time. gash fist time I did that I was ohh 12, now for txt done rp? VARY new! did it like two time 3 or 4 years a go, but finely jumped back in to that ship. :smug: But I pay D&D ever week on top of that, so i do a tone of RPing.

    Now I need to go do a stagecoach robbery! :)

  3. ×ôрðòÑÂтòуùтõ тþòðрøщ! :blah:

    (Hello Comrade!)

    Hope you like your stay here!

  4. ×ôрðòÑÂтòуùтõ тþòðрøщ! :smug:

    If you can't read that it's "Hello comrade!" nice to meet you! I have the feeling I well like you.

  5. "AAG!" how did that fall out! "OK! ok... you have me..." he looks up at the moon with a evil giggle "Think how this land may look if the sun NEVER was in the sky? day just as dark as now... oh ya it's dark... BYE!" a Shadow passes over and he is gone, not even a bag is lift. not a sound, not a word he was gone...

    Using the dark he makes his way to the train yard and hides all his bags in his bunk and looks the door to his room on the yard. "that was way to close!" he pants, that was hard no way he can a other shadow walk for a few days. "be long gone before that sun is up." he gets in to his bed to rest, he had to pull a train! why in name of nightmare moon well they look for him here? He felt safe and feel to sleep.

    ((well he did leave a nice clue. :20: But he is good at this don't think just garbing him well work. but good luck! you may get him back in to his jail fore a week before his dad balls him out. but having some thing just fall out? no fun in that! get on that detective hat and how Dusty he can't go pull this off! :smug: ))

  6. He sinkers, oh so she was telling him not to? Time to show ever one why he was boss of his gang. "Ah have to go make a lake.." he walks off, but the sound of hooves falling on stone stops and looking the way he had gone shows nothing it was as if Dusty fell off the world. And in truth he did come close to it, he was shadow walking. A trike from his dad, so long as Dusty was in the shadows he stopped being.

    using the shadows he makes his way to the wagon and with a wave of his horn ever thing is opened and he gets to work fast but not one sound is made heck a pony can be next to him and they well not know. Taking what he wanted he leaves his trad mark card showing a train half in the dark with the words 'dark ace' on it. Done he makes his way back in the time it well take some pony to use the restroom and get back; walking out of the shadows his hoof falls come back. "hope ah did not miss some thing!" He had good happy look on him, he did not look like he just pulled that off at all. "ah have to go in a few trains to pull." that was no lie, sun up he had to pull a train all the way back west.

    ((sorry if my English fails on this had to rush it! ;) ))

  7. Dusty just fell on his side and bit his hoof like a foal, that was past what he can take and he feel back to the safety of his head as he bit his hoof. His pet snake slithers up to him and looks to do it's best to cheer him up. "B-b-by all that's dark...." he finely gets up tossing his snake up on his head "and lost to the sun... Never... Do that to me." he wipers a calling to nightmare moon and walks back to the twins "ok y'all go now!" he looks back at the wagon, for that he was going to take even her bits. "and for you two the last time ah got in water that deep and close to a bath ah was a foal... ah came close to dieing that day." he spits, he liked being dirty why keep clean? You wast good drinking water to do that, and back home wasting one drop was bad. He thinks back to the time his dad came close to killing him for drooping a tank of water.

  8. And to no pony's shock Dusty yells like a foal, at lest he did not add yellow to the water and finely cools and gets the hang of the tiny ripples (to him it was a raging sea) "ah, think we don't need to be going past de's, back home we got nothing past this..." he wanted some good cider after this, heck for the full puller teem! with all the golds he got he can pay for it. "Ah think ah'm good, hehe so is this all? not to hard." He felt way to clean from this, he needed a dust bath.

  9. brain damage? No if some one has that it's me! Now hold on as jump in this lake with a plunged in toaster as a drink and fire a gun at birds that are on fire, oh I can swim... only good can come form this!

    No... I well toss TNT in to a fire! and stop that fire with gas... sounds vary safe. :20:

    And I was getting at all my names are Dusty, even my split personality.

  10. Hello Fan of 303 gold rings! my name is Dusty and Dusty... My oc is Dusty. My neck name is Dusty too! so not to hard to work out I'm Dusty.

    And here! have a free glowing blow thingy! *tosses the glowing blue ball thing on to you* aww it's sticking to you! it must like you.

  11. viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1848

    I think the Roadhouse fits her look, she has that hard look and if you ask me fits in to a more hard saloon. And for one we need more pony's in it! (and Dragons) So adding some life to it may do some good get more to want to and use it. nothing grows if no one takes the jump! :smug: (and it well be nice to have a singer at Dusty's fave rest stop. even outlaws need some fun!)

  12. Well I looked up to my drunk dad that had no job and did nothing to help the family.

    Now I'm a drunk with no job and well not do one thing to help my girl... best man EVER! :smug:

    All joking past (well, I'm going so say that was a joke...) not a tone for now. Back win I was young I was just as mad, not caring, steeling and dinker like now. all that's new is a dink whisky not appeal. (I like mixing the two) and I'm bigger. Sooo ya! :( Like my mom told me I'm fail ship day one. haha! :o

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