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Posts posted by Dusty

  1. He follows what Aqua says and and just ends up in the water spinning "This is not da't hard..." he finely stops the spinning and pulls of some thing that looks like swimming... if a rock was doing it. "don't think ah well ever do this on free well... but eh, knowing ah can do some thing is nice." for the truth he was vary happy so all he can pull of is this the swimming power of a rock but he was not going under and that's all he card for.

  2. He lays his snake on a tree "Ok... ah got this." he jumps in and sinks all the way to his head on the spot "GASONEOFAMULE!" the water looks like some one tossed a tone of dirt in to it, it was clear this was the first in a long he has got in to water... or some thing close to a bath "H-ha... see. ah can do it!" ok so Dusty was close to making the water yellow, but he was not going to cry like a foal... for the 3rd time in front of them. "So er... what now?" he did not want to move at all, all he can think of is falling under the water.

  3. After Dusty got done screaming like a foal and stop bear hugging a tree he walks up to the water "how deep is da't?" he pokes the water with a hoof "ah think we need to start at just 'get in da water' or get'in one hoof in." he deeps his hoof deeper in to the water biting his lip as if the water was fire. "So um, nothing is IN the water? nothing is going to get me?" now he was just thinking of ways to get out of this.

  4. Oh good she was locking it all up... nothing he can't get past in a snap. He well just keep back an- "GET MY NEVER!? ah can have you know no one is more brave then a pony raised like ah was." he gulps "Water or not... Ah toke on solders water is nothing... ah just sink... like a stone." He follows her as his snake rattles like mad not liking how jumpy this ride is "Ah well go first think ya... And ah just drooped the goods nothing bad, now if ah lost one? haha my dad well kill me." He tosses a look at Shanna "Ya ah'm big, got it from ma and da. draft mule and draft unicorn! Ah got my da's good looks cutey." he gives her a wink and a sinker.

  5. "oh? no no,, y'all go before me! ah can hold back for now." even just knowing how to keep his head out of the water is worth all the gold he had on hoof but if she is busy with them he has some free to time see what he wants to take from her wagon, and get his gold back. No need to wast it. "And you two are looking me over? ah'm no spy if you think that. Just a half breed train puller making his way in life." he tosses on his best happy look, no need to have them think bad of him.

  6. "Swimming Lessons? now hold on ya can learn da't? cuss eh, ah can't swim. at all." Dusty pulls out a big bag of gold and just tosses it at her not caring that it says 2 bits, in his head to even get close to water was scary to help others do it? Well to him that was worth a bag of gold. And not like it was his gold. "How do ya do that? cuss if ah have to jump in to de' lake ah can't do it." he tosses a look over to the twins, it was not the must friendly look ever. If he wanted to run off with some thing they can't be looking, next time she blows the water he well make his move and be gone before she even stops.

  7. "display? wh-" Dusty falls on his back kicking away form the wagon his bags falling off and oping toseing bits, gold and all forms of jewelry all over as he yells like a foal seeing a monster "OHNIGHTMAREMOONSAVEME!" he covers his head crying until the water stops and he finely gets back up shaking, he looked like a big foal that just got done crying for some thing. "T-That... wa-wa-was.... C-C-ool..." he picks his snake back up toseing it on his head and his hat, after that he looks at all the gold and jewelry that came out of his bags "Um... ah... AH SELL JEWLRY! hehe yes!" he moves fast as he can to get it all back in his bags; hoping he did not fail this hard as to blow his cover THIS fast.

  8. ((ah, sorry for takeing so long on this! life gets in the way :sleep: ))

    Dustys pet snake starts rattling it's tail (how fitting for a rattlesnake) as the two new pony's move in "Shhh, no need to be doing that Calamity, and OK miss but ah got to say it's hard keeping my self up like this" rearing up on his back legs did nothing to make him look more friendly, just showing of how huge he is "Howdy y'all, names Dusty. Dusty hooves, hope y'all don't care for me being here ah well not get in the way" He was liking this, two new pray? And she was getting on to him. This was looking more and more fun, finely a challenging fitting a pony that had 5,000 bits on his head one time.

  9. "Oh?" he moves so she can't see some of the wagon "Ah just want two or three, but ah want you to have this. my pa well kill me for giving up some goods like this but ya need it ah have all the bits ah ever need." this was the truth but he was not leaving with two or three trinkets, more like whatever he can fit in his bag before takeing off. "But if ya must take bits..." he pulls out his bit bag and dumps some out "ah well take de big shell and the spiky Necklace" For a pony this dirty and cut up he had more cash on hoof then must ever one in Ponyville.

  10. Dusty bit his lip "Ah have lived like da't must my life..." he digs in to his saddle bag and pulls out a vary nice gold necklace "What can ah get for this? ah think trad is good?" he looks over more of the trinkets over as his hat moves and out form under it a snake moves out on to his nose "OH! Say Howdy to Calamity he is my pet he don't bite... all the time." Dusty sinkers, he can't take some bits form her, she needs them but he was not past takeing a few trinkets off her for free.

  11. "Y'all ma and pa? Oh..." That hit home for him "Ah know what da'ts like. Ah have to do some hard things for my ma and pa, being form de Roughrider Ridge ah know how hard things can get." Dusty had to work out if she needed the bits or not, he never takes form a pony that needs it. Take form the rich and give to his self, but never take form some one that needs it. "Never got to close to da't sea. Can't swim and came close to dieing in a lake, after that all water makes me feel sick." he holds up a few trinkets with his magic "Hope nothing be living the shells."

    ((ahh grammar, how I love to hate it. Thinks!))

  12. Ooh, Elements of Chaos sounds like intriguing concept. That could be done really cool.

    inb4 Chaos Space Mare-ines.

    Ever since I saw Sanity-X's work on Deviant Art, I will never see Celestia as anything less than the Emperess of Ponykind and anything associated with Nightmare Moon as Chaos.

    BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! :kissy: sorry had to do it!

  13. Dusty did love this town; close to no pony knew him and that just helped him. It was so hard to lie to everyone that knew what you have done in the past… “Eh? What do we got ‘er?†a wagon full of trinkets and if it has that it has to have bits good for him to take off, he walked over to it with grin. “Howdy stranger! Day’s falling fast why ya hanging out er all alone?†Dusty looks the wagon over and gags on seeing the water “take half de sea with ya in de’s thing? Er, what ya salling?†he had to warm her up and win her trust, get that he can get a shot at the bits.

    ((don't jump the gun he is not to bad. but do tell me waht I need to fix! can't help my English if I don't work on it.))

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