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Posts posted by Dusty

  1. Deer ever lass I ask out.


    And on the side sir "don't yell at my kid" your kid hit my horse and kicked me in the nuts your lucky I did not just back kick him in the face with the spurs on my boots! And if you ever back talk me one more time I well snap your barking spine in half. :) Have a good day sir and hope you like are tiny town!

  2. Firefly! (got all of it on DVD)

    is an American space western television series created by writer and director Joss Whedon, under his Mutant Enemy Productions label. Whedon served as executive producer, along with Tim Minear.

    The series is set in the year 2517, after the arrival of humans in a new star system, and follows the adventures of the renegade crew of Serenity, a "Firefly-class" spaceship. The ensemble cast portrays the nine characters who live on Serenity. Whedon pitched the show as "nine people looking into the blackness of space and seeing nine different things". The show explores the lives of some people who fought on the losing side of a civil war and others who now make a living on the outskirts of society, as part of the pioneer culture that exists on the fringes of their star system. In addition, it is a future where the only two surviving superpowers, the United States and China, fused to form the central federal government, called the Alliance, resulting in the fusion of the two cultures as well. According to Whedon's vision, "nothing will change in the future: technology will advance, but we will still have the same political, moral, and ethical problems as today."

  3. hahaha, ok your dang funny. but top this.

    Three scots and three englishmen are traveling by train to a football match.

    At the station, the three englishmen each buy tickets and watch as the three scots buy only a single ticket.

    "How are three people going to travel on only one ticket?" asked one of the three Englanders.

    "Watch and you'll see," answers one of the Scotsmen.

    They all board the train. The Englishmen take their respective seats but all three scotsmen cram into a toilet and close the door behind them. Shortly after the train has departed, the conductor comes around collecting tickets. He knocks on the tolet door and says, "Ticket, please." The door opens just a crack and a single arm emerges with a ticket in hand. The conductor takes it and moves on.

    The English saw this and agreed it was quite a clever idea. So after the conference, the Englishmen decide to copy the Scots on the return trip and save some money. When they get to the station, they buy a single ticket for the return trip. To their astonishment, the Scots don't buy a ticket at all.

    "How are you going to travel without a ticket," asks one perplexed Englishman. "Watch and you'll see," says one of the Scotsmen. When they board the train the three Scots cram into a toilet and the three Scots cram into another one nearby. The train departs. Shortly afterward, one of the Scots leaves his restroom and walks over to the restroom where the Englishmen are hiding. He knocks on the door and says, "Ticket, please."

  4. OH! I came up with even more to add to my hate list.

    Ah hate: the rich, that fat guy that sits next to you ever time you get on a bus, that girl that never gets off her cell as she drives, hangovers, baths, sea food, chickens, over cooked food (I like me meet raw as can be!), vegetables, fruits and vegetarians. :smug:

  5. I just hate the ones that go "LOL WE UZE MAINN CHARACTR 2 MRDR OTHR MAINN CHRCTR!"

    Well I don't do that, I view it as seasoning. A lone it can't hold up; but with the mane dish it can give it that kick you wanted. :smug:

    Talking of seasoning one of you want to give seasoned Biceps femoris a go? :mad:

    And on the side. swords don't go SchhhWiiiing! They just don't! ug, I hate how never one thinks that.

  6. I don't see why some get so mad on it; I hate all kids of junk I for one hate the way ever one ships ever living thing on to one other. But it never makes me so mad I want to jump off the ship.

    But I'm a gore fan, and to be fare not ever one is. I just think it's silly to hate some thing to the pint of "throw up more arms sometimes and say "DONE!"" but that's just my views. and on the side I never new you guys hated us Grimdark makers. Not all of us make Cupcakes take a look at Fallout: Equestria and My Little Metro they are Grimdark but tones love'em.

  7. "I do believe that the authors of MLP slashers have a special place in hell waiting for them."

    If I get to hang out with hannibal lecter I'm cool with that.

    But on the side I HATE win some one takes a baby to the movies! I go to see cowboys and aliens (loved it) and for half the thing some baby is crying in front of me, by the time it was done I wanted to kill the dang thing make it in to a pie and feed it to it's mother. :evil: I just can't see why some one takes a baby to the movies leave the thing at home.

  8. ((yay! first time posting a rp here so tell me what I need to fix! and this is open to ever one, I just want to have some good old fun))

    “Pointless work for pointless pay” Dusty said to no one other him and his snake, Calamity. “The nobles have it so easy; The Princesses are putting gold on their bread as the landlord and taxman bleeds me dry.” He was off duty from pulling this week and was watching ponies get off the train, eyes open for good prey. Not to big and new to the west… but most of all rich. “Look at all of them Calamity, don’t think even one of them well know danger if it ripped their pink tutu off.” Finally he saw his gold. Young, new and looked rich as can be. With one look over to see if the sheriff or that crazy deputy were looking he saw that it was clear and he moved like lightning. “uf!” before the pony knew what hit him Dusty was gone.

    Dusty walked into the Roadhouse that was just out of the way from the rest of the town. “Give me my standard.” He tossed the saddle bag onto the bar counter and opened it up to check his loot. “Junk. All junk!” he yelled. He tossed it off to a corner and had his drink. “Something need happen only three days in my time off and ah’m bored as can be…”

  9. The Roadhouse sounds like good old fun, and Dusty needs some ware to kick back. So I'm thinking of having some thing like that being his "home" if he is not pulling his train or hanging out in the jail he well be in some thing like that wasting what bits he has.

    He has no true home so it's the must fitting for him to be in a more outlaw like bar must his time, it feels like home to him.

  10. Well, it thrashes my mind that someone could pervert a smiley childrens show into... That. And then theres that one I heard about where fluyttershy snaps and violenty dismembers everypony else... :cry::eek: WHO THE HELL MAKES THESE? In my humble opinion, they deserve a ticket onto the happy bus.

    ....But I'm on the happy bus. :20:

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