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Posts posted by Dusty

  1. never played L4D but it sounds like me and this Francis guy think the same. :(

    but back to the hate.

    Ah hate penguins, Wrestling, Mining, sea turtles, turtles, Swimming, albatrosses, fulmars, prions, shearwaters, petrels, pelicans, Abbott's Lesser Sulphur Crested, Cockatoo, Abessinian Parrots, Abyssinian Ringnecks, Adelaide Rosellas, African Greys / Grey Parrots, African Ringnecks, Albatross, Alexandrine Parakeets aka Alexandrine Parrot, Alexandrian Parrots, lpine Parakeets... Ya OK I just hate ever bird know to man.

    Ah hate colors, rainbows, others being happy, friends, life, me, my self, Celest, long days, boring days, Google, lobsters, Tourist, counterclockwise, Police dogs, Australian, Africans, St. Stephen, New York, time zones, phones, Great Britain, 41-gun salute, seashell, blood donors, springtime, Jane Barbie, elephant, Kansas, state law and sheriffs.

  2. Ah hate cars, jet's, bears, sober, not WINNING, no whisky, Hospitals, Doctors, Cops, Lawyers, Vans, Airplanes, The Army, Ayn Rand, Barns, Birds, Boats, Boat people, Boat lawyers, Bridges, Canada, Car alarms, Churches, Cold, Different, Electric fences, Falling, Fish, Flying, Generators, Goodbyes, Gravel, Greece, Helicopters, Hotels, Islands, Jumping, Jungles, issues, Malls, Mondays, Mazes, Mountains, Parades, Photos, Prisons, Riversides, Sewers, big towns, city's, Snow, Stairs, pipes, Subways, Tanks, the north, Tunnels, Vans, Walking, Large bodies of water, Whispering, Woods, the sea, storms, everyone, my mom, my dad, my bother, cat's, the sun, sand, sea world, kids, baby's, work, my x-wife, her kid, being sick, no sleep, to hot, to cold, long days, nothing to do, math, school, tv, Jellyfish, all water and rain... well that's like 1% of everything I hate. :D

  3. Hello, Ello, Greetings, Hi, howdy partner.

    Names Dusty! And Dusty. Two dusty don't mix us up.

    howdy! Names Dusty just the the lad over top was saying, Ah hope y'all like it 'er!

  4. As long as the concept is kept mild and doesn't delve into R rated concepts or material, or condones violence, it should be alright. In short, context sensitive.

    yay! And Dusty is a safe drunk he is the one you can't help but giggle at as he go's off talking of time he saved the land from a hug dragon that no one ever saw. or just watch him look for the 'moving' door.

    But this makes me vary happy. :smug:

  5. I don't have Anxiety but I do have my big falls, for one I have a split penalty. And I'm not talking being bipolar I have a full split penalty that is like a full other guy, best way to think of it is like two heads trapped in one. It's crazy but hay I can talk to my self... and rely talk to my self.

    Not, to wired ah think. But ya two heads in one! So say hello to Dusty and Dusty. We, both are nice... OK He (the Dusty that made the txt over this one!) is nicer. But well all got er bugs, it is what keeps us form going mad if ever one was just the same why keep on going?

    But I like keeping it low, Not ever one thinks it's true and say I lie, and I hate that. If one thing gives me Anxiety it's that. I never lie I just can't do it, to lie is to like... kill a puppy. So win some one say's that I don't take it all that good. :) so Ya that's that I'm some crazy cowboy with two free thinking penalty's and can't work our what one of us is the true Dusty.

  6. OHHH! ware to even start!

    In NO order.

    fallout 1-3 (one and two are my top fave games EVER)




    The Elder Scrolls: Arena

    The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall

    The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

    star wars knights of the old republic

    Chrono Trigger

    FF Tactics

    ff 1-6 (ever thing after 6 can go DIE... ok 7 was ok... But that was the last one i can even get done i give ever one one a go but... ever time i do i want to kill the game with fire!)

    Skies of Arcadia

    The Witcher

    The World Ends With You

    Shadow Hearts: Covenant

    all the Baldur's Gates

    Chrono Cross

    Phantasy Star 2

    Secret of Mana

    Lunar: The Silver Star

    Shining Force

    Lunar 2: Eternal Blue

    Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura (this is a must play in my book, it's just so dang good)

    ok... I think I got them all! May have missed a few but I think I don't have to go looking.

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