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Posts posted by Dusty

  1. Welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy your stay.

    The reason you can't post is that there's a rule here that you have to post five time in the introductions section before you can post anywhere else.

    :D we got that up at the same time. wow.

  2. Dear Princess Celestia,

    Ya know, nightime eternal really doesn't seem so bad anymore. FFS give the sun a break :wail: !

    Sweating my mane out,


    ^ I cannot agree with this more.

    Dear Princess Celestia,

    YES, same to BlindJester. The sun is killing me, i think i can cook eggs on rocks out here.. so Princess Celestia... COOL OFF WITH THE SUN. give lune some more time to play, we can use more nigh time.

    or just back the sun up, your killing us out here.

    cooling off in my watering hole,


  3. d4.png

    (Dusty with out his nose-ring)

    "Outlaws to the end, that's some thing ah grow up to and ah well die to it. End of story."

    Name: Dusty Hooves

    Sex: Male

    Age: Stallion

    Species: Unicorn but has more draft mule in him then pony

    Pelt Color: White

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: he has a vary long mane that covers his eyes to his muzzle and runs all the way to his flank if he is ruining. his tail is vary short, he mane and tail have a zebra like mix blue and purple.

    Eye Color: Blue

    Cutie Mark: two train tracks crossing to make an X over a bit

    Physique: He is a head taller then big mac, his fur is dirty and think over a sea of mussel and bone. long hair starting at the cannon bone and flowing down over the hooves.

    His ears are vary long and look like they are form a mule and not a pony, his lift ear has a big bite in it and he has a big cut over his lift eye. He has a bull nose ring, and 5 earnings on his right ear.

    clothing: Rodeo King Stampede Crushable Hat (goggle it) and a red bandana over his neck that has a shattered moon on it. But win he is out in the desert he keeps the bandana over his muzzel and puts on white rags to shield his body form the sun.

    Origin: Originally from a back water mining town called coal-haven in Roughrider Ridge now lives in appaloosa.

    Roleplay Type: Mane RP

    Occupation: Dusty is the big boss of the shattered moon gang and a train puller, what he uses as cover for his gang as they uses this to get all over the land.

    Motivation: Saviour. Dusty takes form the rich and gives to the poor and week, in his eyes he is the good guy.

    Character Summary:

    Dusty grew up hard and fast. His mother and father are both outlaws and were ever on the run... That was before the found a old mine that is. Dusty was just a colt win the outlaw town of coal-haven came to be. Do to it being one the west side of Roughrider Ridge Dusty grow use to the harsh desert life. in this time his mother toke in the zebra Railway and the two grow to see one other as bothers. To this day Railway is Dusty's closest friend.

    Win his dad viewed him as ‘being of age’ he toke Dusty on his first crime, a stagecoach robbery. This was just the start to Dusty’s life of crime.

    After his first stagecoach robbery Dusty moved his way up looking for his mark in life, he found it in hijacking trains. “ah was never so happy in all my life, to feel the wind in ya mane and the rocks under hoof. The look on ever pony as we ‘all jumped on and asked for ever thing with A’ few bits the rush of seeing all the goods we got as we jump off and run in to the ever moving sands or in to the must harsh parts of the Ridge. Ah have no words fitting it, but ah know ah well never feel the way ah did de first time.” After the he got on to hold up 17 stagecoaches and 4 more trains, it was on his 5th he got busted and locked up, to save his flank he went with doing work and got out in one year time, but he never gave up on his outlaw life. He did get his mark doing a robbery so he was destined to be a outlaw, something some ponies don’t take note of as he happy gives the times of trains and what they hold over to his fellow outlaws under the moon.

    But time to time he slips up and is caught red hoofed by the sheriff Steeling, pick pocketing, mugging, and or just being one over on the apple cider. So it's nothing new to see Dusty in the jail for a day or two, but this never bothers him. To dusty going to jail is like a free inn! And if he ever get's it big he will just run off in to the desert and head back to his true home in coal-haven.

    Personality: "AH'M A' PINÃTA!" Great sense of humor, good-nature and generous. Optimistic, determined, cunning and reckless. He is dependable and will risk his life for those he cares about. He has some faults, he is stubborn and has a “they’ll-never-catch-me” attitude, which resulted in his carelessness in avoiding capture. He will push his luck to its limits and has a tendency to return to the scene of a crime. He has trusted the wrong people, and well not heed the advice of his friends until it's to late.

    Family: Phoenix Wrong (dad): "Don't see him all the time but win ah do it's one heck of party!"

    Belle Star (mom): "she is my mom! what more can ha say? ah love er to death!"

    Clay Hoof (brother): "On heck of a lad, ah have his back he has mine."

    Sky Hunter the airship pirate (half sister): "CRAZY! that's all ah have to say for her...."

    one eye Black Jack (brother): "one cool pony, nothing is more fun then a game of cards with him."

    Silver Hoof (half bother): "He loves silver! like the rest of my family he has my back."

    Close fiends: Railway (2nt train puller): "love him like a other bother, and have known him all my life."

    Boxpok (3rd train puller): "He is like family, if he never needs help ah'm on the way"

    Pen-y-Darren they just call him "Old Iron" (4th train puller on the team): "he don't talk a tone but me and him go way back."

    Black Lagoon (outlaw): "he saved my life and ah saved his, he may live in the sea but we keep up with one other"

    MIS: Things you don't have to know are care for but fun to have.

    Theme song:

    He plays a harmonica, and can sing.

    He has Ornithophobia, Aquaphobia and is color blind.

    He has a pet rattlesnake named Calamity.

    he HATES self pulling trains

    Belle Star (his mom) is not his truth mother do to her being a mule, but she is the only mother in his life and rased him from day one.

    "Bad pony? Tell that to the family ah just got food to. or the lone mother that now has the bits to look out for her foal... They well not use that word with me."

    -A big think you to doc hoof for cheeking this over and backing me up! your the best mate!-

  4. :artax: Artax if I can do one thing to prove I'm sorry just ask. I well cut off my arm if that's what it takes.

    Now on to Mane; I'm not one to harass and win I do I never forgive myself on it... I don't like being the bad guy; I want to be the good guy in ever one's eye. My anger harms me more than others, BUT! I go have a hold on. Getting some help for it, and learning win to just back off and cool off. And my English is getting nice. :D no work of art but hay! You can read it.

    Now for ever one! I can't think of a word to how happy I am to see all of you jumping and well helping.

    Like you Bladerock, don't know me at all. But here you are backing me up. And to add on that you got it dead on the eye.

    ...I wish I had more to say but I'm lost for words. :sad:

  5. Dear Princess Celestia...

    Now I'm not one for making long notes and what not, so I'm keeping this to the point.

    I'm a lone wolf, well was a lone wolf. All my life it was just me and only me, me and my self, not a care in the world. But... livening my life all I lone did something to me. Ever one being nice to me... caring for me, I can't take it, it's all too new and coming to fast. But I was in luck, I ran in to lass that toke my side and saw past... well jerk I was. She... well this may be funny, is like the sister I never had; Family. I'm going to take life on, and push past my old lone wolf life. I need to make friends.

    Your Faithful Student,


  6. OK, forever one new I'm Dusty. Ever one that new me, HI!... And I'm sorry... I don't know what got in to me the day I stormed off like that. I was having a VARY bad week and dumped it on you guys.

    So I'm just going to lay ever thing out for all to see, no hiding. I have some bad anger problems like vary huge problems. And to add on this, my lake of family. Most of you have someone to fall on for help, I have nothing. My family was dead to me win I was 6. I ran from home win I was 16 and that was that.

    Now for my English yes I know it sucks. And that's my doing. I did not even know how to read two years ago.

    And i can't say how sorry I am... I just don't feel like I have the being to even be here posting this.

    I don't even know WHY I'm here... I just want to say I'm very sorry.

    I can say sorry all day and not feel like told all of you. I shod not be here, not at all. But here I am.

    I'm sorry Mane

    I'm sorry Artax

    I'm sorry Paint

    I'm sorry Diomedes, Tales, Kudalyn, and Meow. I'm sorry to ever one…

    I'm s sorry... i feel like the worst man to ever live. I want to start over, fix what i did. One last shot is all i ask for.

  7. *Bursts out of the the ground*

    howdy stranger ah'm Dusty Da' Diamond Dog! Nice A' meeting ya! Ah, hope ya love ya keep here, if ya ever need su'm help go talk to some of de'm goody two hoof Help-staff pony's like PaintedWings. :shifty:

  8. Suddenly my life feels so boring. I wanna get electrocuted!

    It's not difficult. Plug in a toaster, grab a knife, and go to town.

    DISCLAIMER: Don't do this.

    AH' well go swimming with A' toaster if AH want to! *garbs toaster and jumps in lake*

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