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Posts posted by Dusty

  1. What to RP Fallout in real life? Stop by the inner mojave desert, trust me you can do what ever you wish out here, just old cars, trash, and junk out here. Just keep out of the parks they do not like you riding in to them firing your gun at the sky like some mad man... What? did I ever do that? no no! not at all! That's not why I'm kicked out of the parks, do not be silly.

  2. yippie kay yay! I do my' gosh darn best to be cute! For if it's making y'all happy it makes Dusty happy♫♪

    ♫♪ I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle, As I go ridin' merrily along ♫♪

  3. yipindeedy! Blink and I'm some one's cowboy! Not use to that more use to getting a hoof in my jaw! Wish i can shove my full accent on here, one day i need to learn how the hay to do that.

    1. EEYUP!

    2. EEEYUP!

    yes'um hope ya do not ask me to ride you off in to the sun set, i can't be saying no to some one so sweet!

    ♫♪ I've wrangled, and I've rambled, and I've rodeoed around, I've never once thought of settling down ♫♪

  4. ♫♪♫♪ I don't know where it went, But it sure went a-flyin', Love's like dough that's been spent, Now there's no use a-cryin' ♫♪♫♪


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    done and done! Hello ever one! *takes of my hat and bows* Dusty here, nice to meet ever last one of you! I'm just a hard working pony form the Mojave! yes the Mojave! OK i need to stop yelling, sorry. I'm just happy... But Eeyup not a tone to say for me. Just a cowboy living out in a desert. BUT! Feel free to ask me what ever you want, i well be vary happy to answer y'all!

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