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Posts posted by Dusty

  1. Dusty for Dusty feels redundant?

    Dusty, lives in a Dusty home out in the Dusty west, playing a Dusty cowboy that's has on a Duster with a split personality Named Dusty, that plays a Dusty outlaw, and Both Dusty and Dusty have a OC named Dusty that's a Dusty pony with a Dusty past in the Dusty west.... WE love are name.

  2. i__m_on_a_horse__backwards__by_x_x_charlie_x_x-d368adf.jpg

    I see you in your car, with that nice surround sound, AC, all wheel drive, room for 6. i see that cooler in the back with the flip up TV for kids and belt in ipod player. but you know what?

    I'm on a horse, I'm on a horse

    Everybody look at me

    'Cause I'm riding on a horse

    I'm on a horse, I'm on a horse

    Take a good hard look

    At the motherbucking horse

  3. psyooshall.. psy...


    YA! da't, well ah'd love more friends! Di's get's me to.. three.

    No, Dusty it's four.

    Shut it dusty! Well if ya ever want to talk just hit me up on pm! Ah's love to have a good talk, not ever day ah can... well to an other pony, ah talk to Dusty all the time.

  4. SEE! She can under...undesaa... what ever that big ol' word was!

    understand, the word was understand...

    Eh, YA! Ah was dead on da' nose! Well ah hope to get an' know ya to... miss? sir? Don't care, ah love meeting new pony's! No one ever talks to me, sad... But ah hope ya well!

    No one talks to you for your crazy Dusty...

    Ah, don't be like that partner, an't a crime to be in a good mood!

  5. *tips my hat* Howdy stranger! Da' name is Dusty! Nice A' meeting ya, Ah hope your not to shy. Shy one's scare me, Ya never be knowing whats A' going on in da'r head. And it's ok that ya don't know what to be a saying to start, Ah for one did not know what to say too! HAHA!

    Dusty can she even understand you?

    Ah think so.

    Well if you can't, he was was saying hi!

  6. OK! After some cheering up at the Sallon form my favored dancer, i did some work, nothing big.


    Here is ware you guys help, i have ever thing you need to know. But know, what do you wish to know? Tell me what you want added to Dusty's Summary, and i well do my best to get done! Come on Dusty you can do this. :20:

  7. Sorry, a TONE of **** is going on for me, and well this is not on top of the list. Ah can't say if i can get back to working on him. well at lest for now. Oh, and Pant win can we have a nice chat? feels like a life time has gone by from are last one/ :cry:

  8. AH! yes! helium 3, I for one think we need to be mining that sooner thin later. I see the moon as are best shot to mars, for getting things off the moon is dirt cheep next to getting it off here. And for one space has all forms of goods for us! If we can mine the asteroid belt just think of all the things we can get! But i think we need a foot hold and the moon is nice and close... But one thing that gets me is...


    Hope we get on to fixing that.

    But I'm a futurist too, in my weird why. Think Space cowboy! :20:

    But like i say hit me up on PM i can talk on this all day.

  9. HD10180? It's vary nice but my fave is HD 128620. (or HD 128621 but being binary star's i hate having to take one of the two names feels like I'm Levin one out!)

    :blah: and i hope I'm not some old man by the time we get to mars! (on the side we need to get are self on the moon ASAP)

    But i have feeling me and you are going to get a long! *add's to friends list!* Feel free to hit me with a PM just hope i don't geek out to bad...

  10. Astronomy and a Space Enthusiast? Hrmmm... Ok GL 559 go's by the name:

    Alpha Centauri A

    Alpha Centauri B


    Groombridge 34

    :D Don't have to this i just want to see if you can, no cheating!

    But I'm a big Astronomy nd a Space Enthusiast. :o some call my crazy but before I die I want to have my feet on

    , you need some good crazy to jump ship to a other world, and I have that crazy.
  11. Well being i Re-panted my full SM 40k army to make "Luna's guard" i know a few tips, one of thin is having a good taste in (some what) dark jokes, and thinking on on the fly.

    For the Khador (my fave) think old, call a Warjacks a steel golem. Warcasters as Mag-guard and so on. But here is list of some i can think of on the fly, may help you think up some cool ones!

    Karchev the Terrible = Steel heart the unlovable

    Kommander Sorscha (Variant) = Kommander Frozen wind

    Winter Guard Infantry = Lune Guard

    Assault Kommandos = Kommandos of the dark

    Winter Guard Field Gun Crew = Lune Guard steam gun crew

    Man-O-War Shocktroopers Unit = royal guard

    Doom Reavers = Cultist of nightmare Moon

    And so on, hope that helps! :)

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