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Everything posted by ziddia

  1. I don't think it's missing anything... Great OC by the way.
  2. I always DID wonder why they dropped Bow Peep. Seems a bit stupid, to me. And, I actually enjoyed the college-grown-up thing
  3. Ugh I am so stoked about that Luna pack I wouldn't mind getting that either
  4. Hooray for toy story, I just love those movies Notice I didn't mention Toy Story 3. I did notice that you decided not to mention the single greatest thing ever. What are you trying to say? On another note I thought Mulan was a pretty good movie. Mulan was alright... Very musical though. And I enjoyed Toy Story 3, so nyah!
  5. I know what LWJGL is, I just don't think many ponies would understand If you wanna help please PM me, I'd love your help! And the ideas for skills are good.
  6. The first one you watched was art of the dress? I'm surprised your didn't quit! i've been a fan of musicals ever since i saw joseph's technicolor dreamcoat when i was like four Ah that makes it better then ^.^
  7. I wouldn't mind playing this. Although fighters aren't that great, tk me
  8. ziddia


    Hey there! Welcome to Canterlot, enjoy your stay! Australia is beautiful. I lived there up until six months ago
  9. I would love to have one of those Trixies. I also highly doubt EqD is over xD
  10. That... Everyone's life is so interesting around here. Drunk guys in the middle of the night? Sleeping with a knife? XD
  11. When some start getting out of line then well, she might just start feeling that they don't love her and we all know what happens then... This might end even better than I first thought... XD
  12. Ahahaha... I want to see it happen.
  13. Welcometo Canterlot! Enjoy your stay! Sorry for being late.
  14. Your avatar. That is all you need. You will go far.
  15. Hmm... I might just have a go at that
  16. The first one you watched was art of the dress? I'm surprised your didn't quit!
  17. Have you got a reference? Yes, I would like to read this too.
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