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Everything posted by ziddia

  1. Always winning Dusty......always winning! *insert Charlie Sheen pic here isthisgoodenough* No, your not winning, for Pinkie Pie is WINNING Pinkie always wins. You can't deny that.
  2. Ahaha you make me laugh xD Whatever for? We're at 45% of World Domination at the moment. What? I thought we already ruled! I had my speech ready and everything...
  3. Okay, now I've only gotta pick between two.
  4. This... I actually think this could happen xD
  5. This. Ahahaha his life is a sitcom xD
  6. Gasp! Marnax! Hi. Global mod at ponies of war
  7. I'm a bit late but nice to meet you! Welcome to Canterlot! Also you joined on my birthday
  8. I'm a bit late but nice to meet you! Welcome to Canterlot!
  9. I'm a bit late but nice to meet you! Welcome to Canterlot!
  10. No. Just Trixie. Okay, I'll stop now and be sensible.
  11. Ah, the first movies are always the best. It all goes downhill after them.
  12. past me yelling and cussing for 25mins on reading that; one movie i LOVED as a kid and love to this day is Balto , i grew up wanting to be just as sexy as Steele with all his lady powers... i do love the bad guys. Balto was a great movie. It was like ponies only with dogs. Don't ask how or why I made that comparison.... I've never watched Balto, but, if it's ponies but dogs... It must be good!
  13. I'll take the cake if he doesn't show.
  14. Hell yes. I just copied the pic link into my browser. She looks kind of like a pig but other than that...
  15. I'll help you out with that By writing descriptions to go with it.
  16. Add on to that that rainbows are a symbol for gay/lesbian...
  17. Eh... I like Blizzard but I just didn't get around to buying this. I'll tell you when I do.
  18. Hahaha. This, I agree with, if in more detail.
  19. I'm thinking that Singleplayer would be more Mane 6 and quest based while Multiplayer would just be talk to ponies, have fun, RP. What should earth ponies do?
  20. Gasp! ... ... Why? I just wanna know why.
  21. probably not Okay then. Just making sure.
  22. What would you say to some special powers for certain pony types? As in, Pegasus move faster, unicorns can perform spells. This wouldnt be in an early release, but it would be possible.
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