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Everything posted by CometBlaze

  1. @DreamNotes It depends really, she can be placed almost anywhere but I need to work out the kinks first ^///^
  2. I was a Yuanit-Pureblood lv 9 with a Minotaur as my slave ^^ Chaotic evil ftw
  3. Thanks everypony and yes I have. I'm a D&D player and also Tears of the Night player. ^^
  4. I would really start roleplaying, sadly, no pony has sent me a message wanting to rp. But it's okay, if anypony wants to rp, let me know
  5. Thanks, I'll try and add more and fix that part.
  6. The profile pic no, I had it commissioned.
  7. I really like this character, good luck~
  8. Why is a part of my char in this 0_0
  9. Any feedback would be nice everypony
  10. Hello, I'm Comet Blaze and I hope everypony is having a good day! If you wanna chat with me then come on a chat!~ I am in the mood to get to know everypony in this entire website
  11. Roleplay Type:Equestria RP Name: Comet Blaze Sex: Female Age: Mare Species: Pegasus Eye Color: Forest Green Coat Color: Blue hued black Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Mane and Tail colors are dark royal blue with a neon blue streak in her mane and neon blue highlight through her tail. Wavy and partially covering her right eye. Physique: A bit taller than average. very fit but not too built or anything. Cutie Mark: a purple flamed comet with pink hues. Origin/Residence: She was born and raised in Cloudsdale but currently lives about 10 miles outside of Ponyville, in a decent sized house that she built herself. Weather Control. Clothing: Two purple leg warmers for her back legs and a gold bangle for her left fore leg. Occupation: She causes it to rain for the crops and landscape to be bountiful. She dreams of being the Best Astronomer. Likes: Flying, winning, swimming, gardening and playing pranks. Dislikes: Liars,bullies, losing, cruelty to animals, and tomatoes. Character Summary: History – Comet Blaze always had a thing for space and the things that dwelled inside of the deep mysterious abyss called the Universe. She would study every fallen star, trying to follow them by flying towards them. It was her deepest passion. Her father disagreed and wanted her to join Flight School, wanting her to be a famous flyer. Her mother on the other hand wanted her to be a famous politician. Having so much pressure on her, she decided to run away, finding a temporary home in Manehatten. Not really fitting in, she explored Equestria, marking down every constellation, comet patterns, and so much more. Anything to do Space, she wrote down and memorized it. When she got older, she went back to Cloudsdale and finished flight school, visiting her parents ever so often. They saw how much her passion had made her happy and they finally agreed to accept it. As she became a young mare in her age, she finally scored a job as Weather Control. Sure it was a small step and not her dream job, but it would do for now. Further Into her History: Caring: When she had begun her adventure, she didn't know alot of ponies and so she tended to keep to her studies only. However, one day she noticed a pony had lost his kitty. She decided to help the little colt find his kitty. The entire day, she looked high and low until finally, the cat was found. The cat had been under the colt's bed the entire time. Hard Working: Once she gained her first job as weather control, she would constantly work herself to exhaustion just to get every crop watered. After work she dives into her books, until she falls asleep with a book in her hooves. Loyal: Even though Sprinkle Daze and her didn't get along when they were younger, they eventually became friends. One time, Daze had sprained his wing. Comet felt bad and stayed by his bedside until his full recovery. Parents – Her parents are Abyss Light (father) and Morning Gazer (Mother) Cutie Mark Story – As she ventured, the night sky filled with the brilliance of the Universe, she thought to herself how it impacted her life. Comets, the constellations, meteors, and so much more. She from then on discovered her true passion; astronomy. Thus how she got her cutie-mark. Flaws – Her temper. Once its set off, its like a bull in a blind rage. Example of Anger: One day at Flight school, as a young pony, she wasn't the most athletic. One day, a colt by the name of Sprinkle Daze challenged her. She couldn't really say no because everypony was watching. Reluctantly, she took the challenge. As the race progressed, Sprinkle Daze darted and rammed into her flank, causing her to fall to the ground. They all began to laugh and snicker. Her temper began to flare up and she soared in the air, ramming into Sprinkle Daze, making him fall. This wasn't the end of her temper. She kept ramming into everypony she saw, creating havoc. Once she calmed down, she felt so bad she left. This was the only incident of her temper. Personality – Very loyal, caring and hard working. She loves to help people in need and has an extreme soft soft to animals. Stubborn, hard-headed and eager to race.
  12. Welcome to Canterlot I hope you love it here as I do!
  13. HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII *so many hi's later that the world ends*
  14. @AlisonRose I took freshman german only ^^'' Thanks for the welcome @Rosewind Ikr?! I still can't get over the fact she was a pegasister @HoneyFloral Lol .-. I took choir and several art classes, its my passion other than animals *smiles gleefully* @Armony Thank you!
  15. @Dunder Not the t.v show but the actual sport ^^ I was the only female on my team during my middle school years...well until I shattered my shoulder and had to get pins in it lol @SkyMunki I would not mind that at all
  16. that is awesome. Thanks Mlpt Edit~~~ Heading to bed
  17. lol that is epic sounding Winter!~
  18. If you wanna be Squee... So whats your cutie-mark? Mines a purple flamed comet
  19. How do I change my online thing ;A;

  20. @Winter hope you have a good day/night! @Crescent We have the same last name thingy oWo lol
  21. @CrescentBlaze You looked at my page .-. so I assumed you wanted friendship >,> sowwie ;^: @ Mylittleponytales Hiii
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