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Everything posted by TotalEcplise

  1. I'll have to check out the rest of these. I'm about to put a blade through the lord Regent's neck so dishonored is on my mind. Also Flim and Flam as the Pendeltons is just a win.
  2. Woo who! The name has been set! Wonder who will try and get that position.
  3. >[colour=#008080]Draxis[/colour] (Ghettos with Vinyl and Draco) Draxis nodded at Draco. The kid was always willing to put himself out there.[colour=#008080] "Alright then it's settled, Draco take your squad and head to the Memorial and see what all of this commotion is about. Vinyl, myself, and a few of the other soldiers here who haven't lost it will enter the ghettos."[/colour] He gave Draco a quick salute. "Be careful out here, the situation is volatile especially with dragons in the mix." The wall of collapsed debris was easily as large as the buildings that surrounded it. Draxis looked the massive obstruction up and down a few times before scanning the area.[colour=#008080] "Ok, Everyone get clear!"[/colour] The guards stationed around the debris started to back up and take cover behind wall and sand bags. The air was tense as everyone awaited the captains order. As Vinyl had said, there could be anything behind that wall. Streets littered with corpses, violent desperate ponies, crazed ponies, anything. He looked back at Vinyl [colour=#008080]"Bring it down Private!"[/colour] ---------------------- > [colour=#daa520]Alpha inForce[/colour] (Hidden post around the Equinia main square) Baxter's communicator came to life, Free was talking, but not to him. "Smart pony," The griffon smirked as he watched the "meeting" begin underneath the memorial. Baxter had posted up in the ruins of an old shop, he was at ground level, but that meant his visuals were poor. The griffon liked to be in the thick of it though so he was in his element. He pressed his communicator and started streaming audio to the other 3 members of Alpha inForce. "Ears open, be ready to move on a movements notice." He pressed his back against the wall of the building and unsheathed his sword. The blade gleamed blue with null magic and produced a dull white glow, nothing that would be seen unless you were right on top of him. He typed in information on his wrist keypad, labeling the prophet as a priority target "do not engage" and labeling the other key players, Free, Trixie, Chronarch, Karrthus with "defend" tags. Quick Scope was nested at the top of a destroyed 3 story building, she had a good vantage point and could see everyone in the square. Her rifle was trained on the cloaked pony standing under the monument. She removed her scope, 300 meters was joke range to her, her predatory eyes had been sharped to perfection and no shot short of a 500 meter brain buster required her to use visual aids. Tech was set up in one of the GEF guard stations surrounding in the square, after knocking the ponies unconscious he connected equipment to the speaker system that the was strung up around the square. At a moments notice he was ready to unleash a subsonic barrage on the entire populace, barely audible, but nauseating none the less. > [colour=#daa520]Gilda[/colour] (Regrouped with Alpha inForce) Her claws scrapped across the ceramic tiles of a roof as she landed. Like Quick Scope she was effective when she was abusing height advantages. She lowered the face plate of her helmet and looked around the courtyard, the war-fighter interface pointed out the positions of all of her team and the high priority target labeled prophet. Scanned the area and let her HUD label all of the important pieces in the courtyard. With a little effort she sent the mental signal to her ammo pack for it to ready 84mm tear gas rounds. She reached behind her and the projectile fell into her claws. She loaded the round and pointed her launcher at the center of the crowd. Gilda clicked her communicator. [colour=#daa520]"SHWO, in position"[/colour] "About time." Baxter chided.
  4. Well "alchemy" was a protoscience, and through their ridiculous claims of transmuting base metals and creating immortality elixirs, they in fact DID pretty much create the basic ground work and technique for modern chemistry in their endeavor to become a legitimate science (which is called chemistry). There is no way around it. even though you just said what you believe makes alchemy, alchemy, you just described chemistry. But its really unimportant, to each his own.
  5. Please don't hurt me. I put it in another post, like a nice person would do.
  6. --------------------------- > [colour=#800080]Karrthus[/colour] (Air above the Main Square) So much noise coming from below. The ponies, and even a few dragons were causing a scene underneath him. The hellkite spiraled down from the sky and released a blood curdling roar, in an attempt to silence the out of control dragons. He landed with a thud at the base of the memorial. His cloak slowly sank to the ground and covered his body again. [colour=#800080]"You wanted to speak to the leaders...Well?"[/colour] He said as he spread his arms and gestured to himself.
  7. I think I trolled ya Val. Like a few seconds before your new post, I submitted an edited post adding Karrthus to the main square... [url= ] [/url[/media]However, because im not a butt, I'll just cut that part out and put in a new post.
  8. My bad scythe, I really wanted to post about the LEH, but I pretty much had to up and leave before I could finish. And im on my phone atm. Most annoying interface ever.
  9. > [colour=#daa520]Alpha InForce[/colour] (RLF tents with Free, Lypris) Baxter chuckled under his breath. His eyes narrowed and his face took on a dark expression. He pressed the button on his communicator, causing a sudden sharp sound. "Alpha inForce, suit up. Code 4-6-8-SC, Subdue and Contain." The griffon stood up and turned on the and started walking out off the tent. He grabbed his sword and strapped it onto his back and holstered his revolver on his thigh. "But don't do anything unless it turns violent." He exited the tent. Tech and Quick Scope were already standing outside and ready for orders. "Quick Scope, airfoil rounds and knockout grenades only. Tech, sonic weapons. Full combat gear, faceplates down, you know Gilda will be there which means tear gas will probably be everywhere." Tech and Quick Scope saluted Baxter and they prepared to fly off in search of the center of the commotion. > [colour=#daa520]Gilda[/colour] (Dash's Bedside with Applejack) There was a loud uproar coming from outside of the windows, loud enough wake Gilda from her daze. Applejack's words were muffled to the griffon. She stood up and quickly jumped to the window to see what the problem was. "What the heck?" It was pure pandemonium outside. Ponies outside were dropping their work and moving towards the center of the city, screaming about a Lord Prophet or some ****. Her communicator started buzzing against the table near dash. "Alpha inForce, suit up. Code 4-6-8-SC, Subdue and Contain." She sighed and grabbed, the device on the table and strapped it around her throat. Walking over to the corner, she picked up her backpack helmet, and weapons. She slowly walked pasted Dash's bed and stopped to take one last look. Gilda turned her head to Applejack and stared the mare in the eyes, she didn't look angry, or aggressive. Just tired. She brushed past the orange pony and mumbled in her ear.[colour=#daa520] "Forgive her...We've all been fools."[/colour] ---------------------------------- > [colour=#008080]Draxis[/colour] (Citadel Courtyard with Vinyl, and the Equinian Angels) [colour=#008080]"Ah, Draco...I see you're already using the perks of your rank to perform to the highest capacity. Planning on accompanying me and Pvt. Scratch to the ghetto's I see."[/colour] A sudden uproar of noise caused him to snap his head towards the center of the plaza. "Sir, sir..." The soldier was panting at Draxis hooves. "The Lord Prophet, he's going to make everything better!" Draxis' eyes narrowed and he looked around the plaza, everypony was dropping their tools and leaving their posts to crowd around this "Prophet." [colour=#008080]"Dang it!"[/colour] He hissed. Looking in the direction of the ghettos his eyes softened.[colour=#008080] "Okay, we have a situation. There is a possible riot on hoof, We'll probably need every guard we can get, but if there are any survivors in the ghettos the sooner we get in there the better."[/colour] --------------------------- > [colour=#40e0d0]Chronarch[/colour] (Citadel, then Main Square) Chronarch did not like what he was seeing, everypony had seemed to cease their work and migrate towards the Revolution Memorial. He grunted as he started to descend from his command post, hasn't enough already happened. The city hadn't even had a week of respite and now it was on the verge of break down again. "Hail Lord Prophet!" "Hail Lord Prophet!" "Hail Lord Prophet! We will be redeemed!" This would require immediate attention, if there was some fool instigating revolt during the time of reconstruction he would need to be contained. Gods and profits, they never make a situation better. He reached the bottom the grounds of the central plaza and was greeted by several GEF guards. "We're sorry Archmage, but we cannot allow you to interfer with the Lord Prophet's message." The front most guard said. [colour=#40e0d0]"Are you being serious, is this some sort of joke? Step aside."[/colour] He tried to walk past the group of guards, but they pushed him back and leveled their rifles at him. [colour=#40e0d0]"I want you to really think about what you're doing. Your current lifestyle choices are looking very unhealthy."[/colour] Chronarch threatened. [colour=#40e0d0]"Just come quietly and there wont be a problem."[/colour] The guard flipped off the safeties for their rifles and looked down the sights at the unicorn. [colour=#40e0d0]"No."[/colour] Chronarch's horn lit up and before any of the guards could react to what was going on, they were gone. Nothing, but distorted space was where the three ponies once stood. "Hopefully by the time they return they return they would have gained a little respect." Chronarch looked towards the memorial and stared for a second. "Now to deal with this 'prophet'." Space started to fold in front of the Revolution Memorial, causing the shouting inhabitants of the main square to step back from the anomaly. Chronarch suddenly appeared among the crowd and staring up at the Prophet. His expression was flat, as he looked at the prophet and the gathering of ponies. [colour=#40e0d0]"Calm down."[/colour] [colour=#40e0d0]"Everyone, calm down."[/colour] Chronarch drew a deep breath and focused his magic on augmenting his voice. [colour=#40e0d0]"CALM YOURSELVES!"[/colour] His words echoed through the square. The sound-waves were enhanced with entropic energies and those around him fell to their knees as the sudden wave of wariness wash over them, like they had ran a 7 mile race with no breaks. Everyone in the crowd felt it though, it was as if time skipped forward by a few seconds, not so much that it was detrimental, but enough to leave many lost and confused as to what they were doing a second ago. [colour=#40e0d0]"You,"[/colour] He said glaring at the prophet. [colour=#40e0d0]"what purpose do you have for causing such disarray?"[/colour]
  10. Widespread enough to for word to reach back to RLF's outpost and if its bad enough for them to KO Twilight and abduct her, its got to be pretty crazy.
  11. So Sev and Fermata, you guys wanna do a rescue mission or you wanna stick around and see what all this hubbub with the prophet is about?
  12. ...They KO'd Twi... Um, if Trixie and Chronarch find out about this they are going to flip their S***.
  13. Ok, I can understand not being able to say the s word, but I used the c word...
  14. Well as far as I can tell, it depends ob what alchemy your talking about. If youre talking FMA alchemy, that **** is magic, bunk what they say on the show and manga. But real life alchemy is just what it was called before we started calling it chemistry. Oh and the two alchemy meaning are something about the space between the terrestrial and the heavens and in medical alchemy I believe its aether is a type of anesthetic.
  15. Aether Borns. It's got like 3 meanings, all of them are pretty awesome. 1 meaning is that the members of our guild were born in the air of the gods. 1 meaning is that we are the children god of light. 1 .... This one is alchemical, but I can't remember what aether is in alchemy.
  16. Oh my, this sounds perfect for GearShift. I don't do much with her so this would be an excellent opportunity to use her.
  17. I could strike something up with him later, but right now. Iz writing fanfiction.
  18. that box is always acting up. Sometimes I cant see the edit options sometimes it turns everything into code, etc...if you can still type from the more reply options its all good though, like server communication problems. And sure if Draco wants to come to the ghettos why not?
  19. Make any program. Power to manifest your emotions as weapons or control and conjure machines?
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