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Everything posted by TotalEcplise

  1. [colour=#40e0d0]CHRONARCH[/colour] The Archmage stood on top of one of the armored GEF transports, immovable, he utterly controlled the space he occupied, so didn't fear falling at all. He raised his hoof up to his mouth and took a bite out of his apple. No chunks flew away, and his mane, tail, and cloak remained still despite the wind whipping past him. He controlled this space. It good to flex his magic casually like this for some obscure, yet practical reason. It reminded him of the days back when he was just a spry young stallion (he still appeared to be in his prime, but that's not really the point), back when he would do things like warp space time to keep rain from ruining picnics or warp blown away hats back onto a cute mare's head. Everything that had happened in the past few days had truly brought Chronarch back to life. Chronarch warped his orientation to the earth relative to the position of the vehicle. As if it was the most natural thing in the world Chronarch simply stepped off the side of the vehicle. Instead of falling to the speeding ground below his hoof simply seemed to guide itself to the side of the vehicle, like he was falling side ways. The stallion casually trotted along the side of the caravan vehicles, occasionally taking a bite from and apple that he was levitating. Looking down through the windows his saw the mysterious mare, The Mistress of Shadows in the form she'd chosen for this outing. He rolled his eyes as the mare ordered around the soldiers, going so far as to give them obvious commands, no doubt because she could. Whatever, he didn't care, Chronarch neither answered to her nor did he care to command troops. Once he was at the front of the of the caravan he though about giving his magic a light work out. What was around him...trees off in the distance, grass all around, stones and...........a massive plateau. This was going to piss somepony off, but he couldn't let this chance pass him by. He stared at the massive stone formation and focused on it. His eyes and his horn began to glow with a golden aura as the massive (well massive to you average unicorn) amount of magic surged through his body. His cloak began to bellow wildly from the building magical charge around him. The plateau wavered and bent, half of it appeared to crumple like tissue paper, while the other half was chopped into several uniform cubes. The cubes all disappeared simultaneously and reappeared in free fall above the caravan. Every single stone, aged to dust before they could bury anypony. Chronarch covered his mouth as he yawned, regretting the choice to go to bed at such a late hour. He moved to the top of the vehicle and stood, looking forward. Looking towards the monument, no the future, Chronarch heart was filled with pride for his nation and for what his kin was about to accomplish. A peace unlike anything that the world has ever seen, all at the hands of Twilight Sparkle. Perhaps after all of this, he could gain so normalcy to his life, maybe even return to being Regulus. He closed his eyes and released his spatial control spell so that the wind could whip across his face. He let himself fall into his memories. Banners and streamers decorated the grand halls of Canterlot Castle. A very special coronation was to occur this night, one to that would help push Equestria forward. [colour=#ffd700]"Regulus Leonis, I Princess Celestia and the council of the ten Magi, hereby dub thee Archmagus of the royal court!"[/colour] The large white alicorn declared to the room. Regulus slowly rose from his deep bow and gave the princess eye contact. [colour=#40e0d0]"It is an honor to be give this position your majesty."[/colour] The young stallion said respectfully. His black mane covered one of his eyes as he spoke, the gold and amber highlights seemingly amplifying his pride as he stood there basking in the presence of his god-ruler. [colour=#ffd700]"No my little pony, nothing was given to you, you seized this opportunity through hard work and dedication." [/colour]Celestia, much to the surprise of the entire court, bowed to the newly appointed Archmage. "You are the youngest unicorn ever in the history of Equestria to earn the status of Archmagus." She rose and beamed down on her subject, her regal smile as bright an warming as the sun itself. In Regulus' mind, even if Celestia had not been the god of the sun, her name would have still fit perfectly. Celestia turned to face the court and the noble, with a single gesture and the use of the Royal Canterlot Voice she declared the banquet a go. Regulus sat down with his peers, The Ten Magi, during his tests and trails he had made friends with those mares and stallions. All of them where genius' in their respective fields and each had the others utmost respect. Surprisingly, for a bunch of "no-life tome dusters", the mages held quite the interesting idle chat. No work was mentioned, no mulling over spells or incantations just a normal, if a little bit inappropriate, table talk full of the things you'd expect of ponies. "...Hahaha, Let me tell you, we weren't always such good mannered stallions. Isn't that right Reg?" The red stallion said to the mare across from him, both wore the cloaks of the Magi. The stallion's coat was a bright orange colour, his mane and eyes looked like a burning inferno, guess that's why his parents named him Wild Fire. The mare, on the other hoof was a reflective silver, her eyes were a minty green and her mane was greyish silver, her name was Myst. "Remember when we were young colts and you where just learning how to slow down time, and we use to use your magic to sneak into the bathhouse and look at wet mares...brrrrr, those were the days!" Wild Fire announced proudly. Wild Fire and and Regulus came from the same providence and as youngsters they ripped up and down the cobblestone streets of Canterlot together. Both were unicorns of exceptional magical talent and as such pushed each other to be the best they could be through competition. Regulus wrap his leg around his friends neck and they clanked their cups together in triumph. [colour=#40e0d0]"Dang right! Oh how the low have risen!" [/colour]Perhaps not the best response when the ratio of sexes in the general area was about three mares to every one stallion. Myst, along with Celestia and the other mares close to the two stallion stared at them like they had a dead fish stuck to their faces. A pregnant silence filled the hall, no pony dared say a word lest they cause the volcano of emotions to erupt. Celestia's bottom lip curled up and the princess face started to twist...Archmage for an hour and Regulus was already about to lose it. [colour=#ffd700]"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"[/colour] Everypony turned to the princess. Celestia, seeing that all eyes were on her, put a hoof over her mouth and blushed in embarrassment. Soon another chuckle was heard, not even a second later the entire hall was in an uproar. Celestia wiped a tear from her eye. [colour=#ffd700]"It's been awhile since I've heard such foalish tales, and to imagine that Equestria's new Archmage use to partake in such ridiculous actions, it makes you seem so much more," [/colour]She pondered on the subject for a second. [colour=#40e0d0]"Unworthy?"[/colour] Regulus whispered. [colour=#ffd700]"No, approachable."[/colour] The Princess corrected. [colour=#40e0d0]"Well I-" [/colour] BOOM The the wall exploded, raining massive chunks of stone onto the ponies at the feast. "THE CROWN SHALL FALL!!!" Chronarch snapped back to reality, with a heavy sigh put his thoughts behind him. The tower was fast approaching.
  2. Im sorry I forgot about our interaction...it just takes so long to figure out what to do you your mad genius OC.
  3. Draxis watched as the elevator slowly ascended up the shaft. The smoke in the tunnel behind him began to shift as the bodies of diamond dog mooks rushed through the passage. He lay his head on the ground and took a few calming breaths. It wouldn't be too hard for him to look like a dead, beat up pony. There was no way the that he was done here, he was a blade for his leader and a beacon for the guards. A slightly adverse situation could no more stop him than a wax paper wall could stop a bear. He focused his changeling magic in order to make his body look beat up, his legs were already decently screwed up and with some added paw shaped bruising around the throat and some chest bruises and some bluing in the face he could look like a choked out guard. With his disguise complete he lay perfectly still and allowed the dogs to pile into the chamber. They searched the room and immediately found the three bodies, two dogs and one pony. Just as Draxis planned they decided to try and dispose of the corpses quickly before they stunk up the tunnels.Before he knew it he was being dragged down the tunnels by the tail. The diamond dog lifted him up by the tail (geez that hurt) and tossed his limp body down a wet shoot. The dog poured a bucked of water down after him to make sure he slid easily down the path. The disposal ended in a field about one mile outside of the capital. Draxis smell like manure, and maggot ridden flesh, and his legs burned from the grim in his wounds, but he was alive and out of the den. Reverting back to his changeling form he took off, using his powerful wings to propel him towards the city. (OOC: and that's how Draxis escaped and made it back. During the three days Draxis would have gotten Draco sworn into the guard officially, given him two medals, and began his defense and weapon training.)
  4. Well you got free in control of AJ in the base where you are, then you have my four griffons in the base where you are....
  5. He's coming out of that shell he was presented in. Has shown a heart of gold. When the guard asked him about his past he had the humility not to say his life sucked, he didn't want pity points. And the ability to feel sympathy for ponies he doesn't know, and ponies that have wronged him. He has shown that he would really like to put a bullet in some peoples brain, but has the morals to chose against it, even if they truly deserve it. IMHO, his development is coming along nicely. The guy is lovable and believable.
  6. Been awhile since ive heard that song even though i have it on my laptop.
  7. [colour=#008080]DRAXIS[/colour] Draxis helped push the last filly on to the elevator after that his last man squeezed through the shrinking space. By the time Draxis was ready to board the space was much too tiny for a him to fit in. [colour=#008080]"When you reach the surface, double time back to the precinct."[/colour] He watched the elevator as it went up, then turned back and look at the smoky tunnel. [colour=#008080]"Don't comeback for me."[/colour] He lay down on the ground near the entrance to the elevator.
  8. (OOC: Pretty amused since most of them will be rusty scrap before the do any real damage. Funny how stone withstands the test of time better than metal. Oxidization is a b****.)
  9. Draxis and Licorice made it just in time to see Draco deflect a magnum round with his wing (his shielding didn't activate, probably shorted from the diamond dogs blow) and take down the dog. [colour=#008080]"Good job Draco."[/colour] Though how you did it was amazing. So this is some of the power the GEF's genetic super soldiers would've had if the project was continued. Draco may very well be the only successful specimen to come out of the entire ordeal. Licorice's expression told a tale of utter confusion, at least she wasn't freaking out. The rescues were going well, but the advancing diamond dog guards were still pushing Draxis' men back. [colour=#008080]"Any other day we'd take him in, but we don't have the time."[/colour] [colour=#008080]"Fall back by twos down the tunnels, suppressing fire in the rear, hostages between each team. MOVE!"[/colour] Draxis called into his communicator. [colour=#008080]"Draco, in front. Go through this door there should be an elevator that can take us up."[/colour] Guards started to filing into the chamber, about 15 young ponies with them. The sounds of gunfire started to heighten as the dogs caught up with the retreating guards. Draxis got off of Licorice and limped to the front of his guard regiment. [colour=#008080]"Stay with Draco miss," [/colour]He called over his shoulder. Draxis pressed up against the near the mouth of the tunnel, the last two guards came in. Not even a second after two diamond dogs came through, Draxis jumped behind the first dog, catching the second off guard. Draxis moved like lightning, he embedded his blade into the gut of surpised dog. Before it could even gasp for air he drew his blade across its throat when the dog tried to draw breath all that it received was a lung full of its own blood. The first diamond dog whipped around and tried to rifle butt Draxis, but he daftly ducked under the blow. He looked up to see that the dog had angled his gun in preparation to unleash a storm of lead on him, using his hoof he smacked the gun to the side, a stray of bullets exiting the weapon as it flew off target. Draxis took his blade in his mouth and jumped up, slicing the dogs arm off at the shoulder. When he landed he bucked the dog in the face, knocking him out. He reached down to the knocked out diamond dog and reached down to his vest and snatched off a grenade. The pin dropped to the floor and he tossed it down the hall. [colour=#008080]"Everypony on Draco!" [/colour]
  10. you mean a person who frequents Tvtropes.com? yes and no, I learned a lot of those tropes in theater and film class like 6 years ago and it stuck.
  11. [colour=#008080]DRAXIS[/colour] (OOC: Nice set up Draco.) The smell of drugs and sex hovered heavily in the air, a putrid odor the likes no pony nose should ever have to be subjected to.[colour=#008080] "Their methods are deplorable,"[/colour] Draxis said as he lifted a hoof up to his nose. [colour=#008080]"But I commend their perseverance, adapt or die. They chose the former."[/colour] Since the GEF had pulled on the reigns of the flow of money in the area the local RLF couldn't conduct their normal business ventures. That's when Gruff started to foalnap ponies to sell to the diamond dogs in exchange for gems. The captain made a few gestures with his hoof and the team spread out in search groups of two ponies each. The guards stormed several rooms, bucking down the doors with precision strikes. Yells of "get down," "release her," and "bag him" were heard echoing through the compound. [colour=#008080]"Draco, miss...with me." [/colour]He said abruptly. Draxis trotted past the rooms were his men were clearing house. Fillies were escorted out and colts were unshackled. Those kids were a sad sight, each and everyone of them blemished in someway, whether the scars are physical or emotional, only time will tell. The operation was going excellent, it looked like it was going to be a clean in and out sweep. Draxis' mind lingered on that thought, nothing was ever clean with the diamond dogs, nothing. So why this time? Where their slave and sex toys not worth guarding? No. They had paid good money for these ponies, they wouldn't forsake them so easily. He reached the final door in the tunnel, the changeling told the two civilians with him to hold back. Prodding the door carefully, he peaked inside careful not to alarm the rooms occupants. Ever seen a diamond dog give a filly a jolly roger? no? Well Draxis just did, and the of it sight forced him to yelp in disgust, something he wished he could take back. The diamond dog tossed a chair at the door causing it to smash into Draxis muzzle and draw and draw a little blood from his nose. He only held his face for a second, but a second might have been too long...There, next to his hoof was a round object about the size of a base ball, except it had a blinking red light on it. His eyes widened in horror, the light had already flashed twice which meant... [colour=#008080]"GET DOWN!!!"[/colour] He shouted back to Draco and the mare as he dived for them. The grenade floated up into the middle of the tunnel and drew in nearly all of the air, making it deathly silent for a split second. Draxis could hear all three of their hearts beating as he sailed through the air. The resulting explosion caught him mid air and sent him barreling into Draco and the mare. Luckily his shield took the brunt of the blast, but he'd still have some pretty nasty injuries. The diamond dog responsible for the explosion burst out into the passage, carrying the filly over his shoulder like a sack of flour. The broke through a door at the end of the passage with his shoulder and slammed his paw on a large red button. The button was definitely and alarm, a siren blared in the background and Draxis heard the sound of metal sliding against metal...darnit! where they were now, the diamond dogs would have them cut off. He stared down the tunnel where the Guard dogs had started pouring in and back down the to where the dog with the filly had run off to. He pulled himself up and winced, a thin stream of blood fell down his fore head and his back legs were bleeding. "We have to go down, to get out. Draco," he said as he tossed his magnum to the guard, but not quite a guard yet pony.[colour=#008080] "I can't keep up with that dog like this, you...you save that foal!"[/colour] He looked at the mare they had brought along with them. [colour=#008080]"This escalated fairly quickly didn't it."[/colour] ---------------------------------------------------- [colour=#daa520]Alpha inForce[/colour] [colour=#daa520]"Who the hay does that dirt rutter think she is,"[/colour] Gilda fumed. The griffon had taken up a perch on top of their armory, it was a fairly high point, not the highest though obviously Quick Scope had taken that position. He current place was fine though, from here she could keep an eye on Baxterrrrrrrrr - scan for enemies. Yeah, scan for enemies that what she was doing. She lay out the parts of her launcher and inspected her payload: Titanium combat knife Pump action shotgun UGN-65 missile delivery system. Dumb fire rockets fire and forgets HEAT warheads 4 thumpers C4 charges Gilda thanked the maker for UGN hammer packs. The ability to just reach into a compartment and access a stream of supplies was a god send. Eventually Baxter disappeared somewhere into the recess of the base, leaving her with nothing interesting to look at. She snorted, bored with the whole situation. Baxter traveled around the base to try and figure out the lay of the land. "I love to singa, about the moona and the juna and the springa," A joyful tune played itself in his mind and soon ending up spilling out of his beak. "I love to singa, about a sky of blue-a or a tea for two-a anythinga with a swinga - F***!!!" He cried out. In his ignorant bliss Baxter stumped his lupine toes on a doorway. Quick Scope scanned the outer regions of the stronghold for anything out of the ordinary. Even though she was sure nothing would happen, that transmission earlier put her on edge. Tech found a nice bench to stretch out on and take a nap. (yes, 2/4 members of Alpha inForce are crouching morons, hidden badasses.)
  12. general rule of thumb is that you can do whatever to unnamed mooks, but never take control of a named character from their handler unless given the greenlight.
  13. *Nods head* Though you do have to tell me a bit more about Draxis, you did create him after all.
  14. Twilestia is bestia. Twilight and Trixie Twilight and AJ Twilight and Rarity Pinkie and Spike Pinkie and fluttershy Luna and Twilight Luna and Fluttershy Pinkie and RD
  15. Yo, total nuclear annihilation is considered a contingency plan for the Freelancers? No one in this RP is a good pony, well at least none of the factions are truly GOOD.
  16. [colour=#008080]DRAXIS[/colour] Guard Captain Draxis looked down at the young mare, he motioned to the team of ponies for them to continue moving towards the objective. "[colour=#008080]It's exactly as Draco said miss. Time is of the essence, so if you have questions you'll just have to follow us."[/colour] He turned his head and trotted after his men. [colour=#008080]"DRACO!"[/colour] he called over his shoulder. The changeling wondered how the day had turned out so interesting, a dragon pony, capturing the leader of a large RLF cell, and a sniper...interesting was an understatement. Also his line of thinking was pretty of the wall today, when he thought about his earlier actions he could only question himself...why didn't I gut Draco? Those experiments are suposse to be dangerous. Why did I offer that mare a chance to come along? (OOC: Star and Sev, you two so have permission to post as Draxis to move the story along if I'm the only one holding us up.) (Looks like I was 1 post to slow.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [colour=#daa520]Alpha inForce[/colour] Gilda returned Applejack's scowl, the mare was nearly touching her face and definitely violating her personal space.[colour=#daa520] "Do you really think I'm afraid you lames, PFFT!?"[/colour] Gilda brought her clockwork wing in front of her and splayed the sharp metallic feathers out in front of the commander. [colour=#daa520]"I've been through things worse than any of you can do, and I've survived them all."[/colour] Using her metal wing she pushed Applejack aside and took flight. [colour=#daa520]"Don't worry about your ponies, I'm under orders to play nice."[/colour] Baxter watched Gilda fly away and shook his head in disappointment. "What am I going to do with that girl, a monster on the battlefield and a ***** the rest of the time. Just try and have your men keep their distance from her if you think it'll be a problem. I'd really rather not this place turn into a hole in the ground." He narrowed his eyes the orange mare. "I'm serious, that launcher on her back...you don't want to know what it fires." Quick Scope and Tech glided off to explore the stronghold, leaving Baxter with Applejack. "If there's nothing important to discuss, I think I'll go check out your training area's. Maybe, dish out and earn some bruises in a few sparring rounds with your men. I haven't had any good physical competition in awhile." ---------------------------------------------------------------- Guards The precinct was a ghost town. "Yo, where is everypony." The LT asked the receptionist. She didn't even look up to answer him. "They caught Gruff and are inbound to the Diamond dog den and local RLF cell HQ to release the kidnapped foals as we speak." "Finally, that monster is behind bars!" Chirped Raidar. LT held his head. "Whatever, but we have this guy." He said as he pointed to the laughing stallion on his back. "He killed two of our men, we need to get this guys processed and detained SOMEWHERE!" He complained. "This guy is annoying the hay out of me." Raider lifted the pony off of the LT with his telekinesis. Broken Mind was an interesting pony to Raider. He sat the the pony down in front of him and stared at him, wondering what the heck to say. ------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. [colour=#daa520]Alpha inForce[/colour] [colour=#daa520]"*Snort* Really the farm hick is in charge? Is the general daft?"[/colour] Gilda said, not even making an attempt to ignore Applejack. [colour=#daa520]"I kinda excpected you to be buried with your apple-umph!"[/colour] The sudden strike to her gut knocked the wind out of her and caused her to double over. "Stow it Gilda!" Baxter yelled. Cynogriffon cleared his throat and nodded in response to the information that the commander had given him. Tech and Gilda got comfortable and removed there masks like the other two Alpha inForce members. "Yes, that's us. I'm Commander Baxter Swift, please just call me Baxter. This is Tech, he 's our cyber warfare and comms officer," He pointed at the griffon with the green eyes and the shallow crack in his beak. "This is Quick Scope," He pointed to the griffon with blue eye markings "she's a our sharpshooter." He grabbed Gilda by the shoulders and pulled her so that she was face to face with Applejack. "And I believe you two already know each other." Gilda just made a pathetic mumble sound and looked away from the mare. Before he could check Gilda another voice could be heard yelling for an Applejack. "The heck is that?" He ask.
  18. Mooks don't count. But other than that Twilight seems to have a freaking grade A roster: Mistress of Shadows Chronarch Draxis Applebloom Rainbow Dash (likely dangerous as heck) Whoever else you decide to make appear. Whats each factions A team looking like right now anyway i wonder. Well StarStorm wanted to meet us in transit so yeah. I kinda said i'd help Licorice get involved with somepony.
  19. I sense deception here... It weights heavily in the air like the stench of a rot farm.
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