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Everything posted by TotalEcplise

  1. Still a monumental step forward! It'll probably be hours before I actually post on the RP again, I'll be thinking of what to do next. Draxis maybe kind of a jerk, but he isn't a liar as far as I can tell. So he may bring you on a patrol or something. hmm...just noticed that I have two warning points...makes my profile look edgy.
  2. [colour=#008080]DRAXIS[/colour] The other guards that were lined up on the wall all appeared to be deep in thought. None looked at the scene that had played out between Draxis and the guard. The guard captain lifted the the pony up and made sure he was steady on his hooves.[colour=#008080] "This one you say?"[/colour] Draxis looked back to the pony he had head butted and wrapped a hoof around the back of his head. He pulled the ponies he down and lean his own head down until their foreheads were touching. [colour=#008080]"Do you not remember the oath you swore to the nation and to the Red Fox? Protect everypony and respect my brothers...Did that mean nothing to you?"[/colour] he said as he looked into the ponies eyes. "I'm sorry captain" [colour=#008080]"I'm not the pony you should apologize to." [/colour][colour=#000000]he pointed a hoof at Draco.[/colour] Draxis raised his head and look at Draco, the changeling had seen the expression on the pony's face and studied what it meant. Though he would hated to say it, Draco would make a darn fine addition to the ranks of the GEF. [colour=#008080]"Draco, I will not force you to come to a decision, but know this, the concern you have shown for another pony, even though he meant you harm shows me that your place is by my side defending ponies with everything that we are."[/colour] He sighed silently. [colour=#008080]"I will allow you to stay here for as long as you wish, but you have to be closely monitored if you wish to leave."[/colour] Draxis waved his hoof and dismissed the the guards. The one guard that had given Draco problems timidly walked up to the dragon pony. "Is it true that, what the captain said, that you have nothing because it was all sacrificed for us?" the guard held his head low in shame.
  3. [colour=#008080]DRAXIS[/colour] The changeling narrowed his eyes at Draco and the small smirk he had was quickly replaced by a ugly frown. [colour=#008080]"Something happened."[/colour] he mumbled. Draxis transformed back into his pony form and walked over Draco. [colour=#008080]"Walk with me,"[/colour] he said as he trotted past the pony. They traveled back towards the mess hall, the guards all shot nasty looks and sneered at Draco, but quickly stiffened up and saluted when they saw Draxis. Entering the mess hall, all eyes instantly turned to the strange duo. [colour=#008080]"EVERYPONY AT ATTENTION,"[/colour] He shouted. [colour=#008080]"Line up against the west wall."[/colour] Within ten seconds every officer in the room was standing against the wall staring straight ahead. [colour=#008080]"It has come to my attention that MY guest has been mistreated. Draco here maybe different, but he IS a pony. A pony made specifically by our great nation to help defend our loved ones. He has sacrificed much before he was even born...and to help all of YOU!"[/colour] he waved his hoof across everypony in the room. [colour=#008080]"And when he comes to the capital of his nation for work and food, you treat him like horse-apples!"[/colour] He walked up to one of the ponies who was leering at Draco and head butted him in the nose. [colour=#008080]"You all disgust me."[/colour] The pony dropped to the floor, clutching his face with his hooves. Draxis looked over his shoulder to Draco. [colour=#008080]"Point out the ones who gave you the most trouble Draco."[/colour]
  4. [colour=#008080]DRAXIS[/colour] Draxis could see that the pony was just barely keeping it together. What a wreck, will my idea even work for this guy? He thought to himself. [colour=#008080]"The thing about the other ponies like you being terminated...well, um it was necessary. Some of them completely went feral and lost their senses. I hope you can understand the threat that an insane pony with say: a manticore stinger, bullet proof skin, and acid breath would pose. They hurt civilians and had to be stopped."[/colour] He hopped that little tidbit of information helped. [colour=#008080]"Here's my proposition. You become a guard directly under me. I train you, you follow me on my city assignments, and you answer only to me."[/colour] He paused for a moment to let Draco take in everything that he had said. After a moment of silence he continued.[colour=#008080] "You'll become a citizen of the GEF and be paid enough to live comfortably. Not to mention you were made to help protect ponies."[/colour] Draxis slid Draco a precinct pass so that the pony would be recognized as a civilian guest and be allowed access to civilian areas of the building. [colour=#008080]"Head on down to the mess hall and get something to eat. Think about what I said over a hot meal and come back to this room when you have an answer."[/colour] [colour=#000000]----------------------------------------------------------------------------[/colour] [colour=#000000]GUARDS[/colour] "He's not opening up," said the unicorn guard. "Maybe the owner isn't in." "Bull****, I heard him shuffling around in there." He slammed his hoof against the door again only to recieve no answer. "**** it! Breaching positions!" He stepped back from the door and readied his shotgun, the earth pony gave a short little nod to the unicorn. "Fire in the hole!" The guard yelled as his horn began to glow. A bolt of teal energy flew out of his magical extremity and struck the door with explosive force, blasting the wooden gateway to splinters. The earth pony guard rushed through the threshold and quickly checked his corners, the unicorn was right beside him with his horn charged and a plethora of spells ready. "Split up, search the premise." He the earth pony ordered. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [colour=#40e0d0]CHRONARCH [/colour] When Chancellor Rainbow Dash slapped Twilight, Chronarch froze time and walked up to the two mares. Red Fox's face was froze sideways, her flesh still contorted from the impact of Dash's hoof. He looked at her eyes and saw that the focused, efficiency orientated expression he always imagine the Red Fox wore was broken in to a mix of pain, annoyance, and growing sadness. He briefly considered sending half of the Rainbow Dash to the griffons and the other half to the dragons.He looked over to Rainbow Dash, the chancellor's face was burning with the rage of somepony whose had their heart cut out, so he felt that perhaps in a more private setting her actions would have been justified; however, the look on the his leaders face said that the matter was personal so he chose to stay out of it. Indeed this matter WAS personal, Red Fox's revelation had brought to his attention information that brought a slight warmth to his heart. He went back to where he sat be for he activated his spell and resumed his original position before releasing his spell. Things resumed as he expected they would, the chancellors squawked like beheaded chickens, Twilight silenced them, then Twilight and Rainbow Dash shared a heartfelt hug. [colour=#40e0d0]"I-I have work to attend to,"[/colour] [colour=#000000]He stuttered uncharacteristically.[/colour][colour=#40e0d0] "I will be in my lab if you need anything."[/colour] He nodded to his leader, causing a few gold and yellow strands of his mane to fall over his face. He brushed his highlighted locks back into place among his pitch black mane and slowly trotted off. Teleporting would have gotten him to his lab much too quickly, and Chronarch had some things he wanted to think about before he started working. ---------------------------------------------------------------- [colour=#daa520]ALPHA inFORCE[/colour] "Baxter, we have green light, I repeat, operation is a go." Called the pilot over the radio. Baxter moved over to the release button for the cargo hanger doors. [colour=#000000]"Well you heard him," [/colour][colour=#000000]Baxter[/colour] said as he slammed his fist down on the cargo door button. warning lights coated the room in a pulsing crimson light and a sharp blared. The cargo door opened slowly causing a rush of air that suck out some dust an a piece of loose paper.Baxter looked out from the craft, they were high enough to see the curvature of the planet. Letting his eyes fall down, he watched the world speed by, just like the recent years of his life, but this time he actually had some control over what would happen. This time he could curve the stream. [colour=#000000]"Fury and Steel!"[/colour] He said low and ominously. "FURY AND STEEL!" Came the reply in triplicate. The sniper and techy dived out of the hanger one after the other. Gilda stopped in front of Baxter before making her leap. [colour=#daa520]"Dont get clocked by the tail of the plane ya -umph!"[/colour] Baxter's palm collided with her chest, knocking Gilda out of the hanger. "Dumb girl," he said as he laughed to himself. He looked down, closed his eyes, and fell out of the craft and into the open sky.
  5. [colour=#008080]DRAXIS[/colour] [colour=#008080]"The research was suppose to help the GEF, but you see most of the other subject turned...um, violent."[/colour] His eyes soften as much as they could, though vicious, Draxis couldn't help but feel a little tug in his chest at the pony's plight. All of his life Draxis had been a part of something whether it was the changeling hive or the GEF, but now here was this creature in front of him who was confuse, frightened and had no where to go. Causing fear was somewhat part of the changelings job, but not like this. Draco was already bad off. [colour=#008080]"Look, I know I said that I don't care, but I might be able to help you survive. Ponies have seen you and word will get around to the Red Fox. It all depends on you making yourself worth keeping around, and the Red Fox's generosity. Are you willing to listen?"[/colour] He had as close to a genuine smile as he could muster. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The guards that Draxis sent out to investigate the shots stumbled on a house hidden in the back alleys of the city. The place had an awkward aura about it, how had no guard seen this house before? The two guards scanned the area and determined that the house had a perfect vantage point, there was a large chance that the shooter was inside.They two guards trotted up to the door and got into position. "Equinia Guard open up!" One of the guards yelled as he knocked on the door. The unicorn to the right of the door nodded to show that he was ready for anything. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [colour=#40e0d0]Chronarch[/colour] Chronarch's eyes widened at the Red Fox's revelation, but he soon resumed his half lidded expression. Twilight Sparkle, Celestia's own pupil, element of magic and friend of the royal family was the great usurper Red Fox. He was honestly surprised and when you can peer through time, that's saying something. He probably would've known, but he was never allowed near any of her older personal possessions, but he had seen older pictures of her and in them her coat was lavender and her mane carried an interesting feature, one he would need to talk to Red Fox about.
  6. I'm scratching my brain to try and figure out how i could interact with you...
  7. [colour=#008080]"Ah, as I suspected. Tell me, did you know that most of the other 'experiments' were terminated?"[/colour] Draxis listened to Draco's plan to work for food, somewhere inside the changeling this seemed to suggest that Draco thought that the GEF guards were morons. [colour=#008080]"You didn't really think you could work right under our noses and never be found out did you!?"[/colour] Draxis yelled as he slammed slammed his blade into the table, leaving the weapon jutting upward in the furniture. He narrowed his at Draco, and glared daggers at the pony. Urgh, i'm doing it again...bring it back in line captain. [colour=#008080]"Um, sorry about that. It sounded as if you were insinuating that my guards are fools and wouldn't notice of a dragon winged pony. When you call my guards stupid, you call me stupid. and I don't take too kindly to that."[/colour] The changeling cleared his throat before continuing. [colour=#008080]"Just continue to behave and I may be able to help you with a job and food ok?"[/colour]
  8. High above the Equestria, hidden by the cloud cover, an advanced prototype aircraft circled the nation at speeds that would make Spitfire's head pop. On the side of the aircraft about its left turbine a symbol of power was branded: A griffon claw grasping a flaming winged sword, The symbol of Alpha inForce. The United Griffon Nations had been negotiating with the RLF for a while now, but finally enough was enough. They were tired of mistreated, brutalized griffons being deported back to Aquelia, and they would no longer stand for the threats or ultimatums that the GEF assaulted them with. Alpha inForce was sent to the RLF as a sign of cooperation between pony and griffon. Alpha inForce now sat in the hanger of the craft, all members on standby, ready for any event that would call for their them to take action, or for the green light from Command. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Four griffons sat on the cots in the hanger bay of the aerial behemoth, each strapped in for stability. The griffons all wore high altitude pressure suits, oxygen masks, and a backpack. Most of their features were covered by their gear. The griffon on the furthest cot to the left sat with its back to the wall, slouching its head forward, so that most of its weight was supported on the massive sniper rifle the bird coddled. The griffon on the middle cot fumbled with some sort of small device, causing sparks and smoke to flare out of the device periodically. Every so often it would shift slightly to adjust one of its wings. The griffon near the cargo door had a collapsible missile launcher strapped to its back and wore a bandolier of large anti armor shells across its chest and had several grenades strapped to a belt around its waist, the strangest thing about this griffon was its right wing. The natural appendage was absent, instead folded on its side, was a clockwork mockery of a wing with a glowing blue gem set into it. The final griffon stood firm in the middle of the cargo hanger, other than his backpack all he had was a rune carved sword strapped to his back and a large magnum dangling from his waist. He too was missing a limb, his left arm to be precise. Just like the other griffon he had a mechanic clockwork extremity; his however, had three gems set in it, a blue one, a white one, and a yellow one. The griffon with the clockwork arm stared down at the ground a let out a muffled sigh. He clawed a little at the metal floor of the plane and shifted from left to right. The griffon with with the mechanical wing carefully trotted up to the griffon with the false arm.[colour=#daa520] "I'd have thought you'd be a lil more happy about this Commander."[/colour] it said in a feminine voice. [colour=#000000]"Happy, no. What we do should never make someone happy, I may settle my score, but we are helping these ponies throw themselves into another civil war."[/colour] He made an annoyed huffing noise. "What about you, don't you have someone-rather somepony to settle something with?" The commander said as he looked back at her. "And stop with the commander stuff." Even through the mask one could tell that he face had scrunched up at the mention of her vendetta. [colour=#daa520]"I'm not worried about that flip-flop, if she shows her ugly rainbow maned head, I'll deal with her, hell she wan't even loyal to the princesses, whose to say that she'll try to stop us in the name of this "Red Fox"."[/colour] She grumbled. [colour=#000000]"Says Gilda, but we'll see. Last I checked you got run out of town, but I digress. As long as you do what I need you to do, feel free to your problems as you see fit."[/colour] The commander chuckled lowly at his subordinate's expense. [colour=#daa520]"I already planned on doing that Baxter."[/colour] Gilda said smugly.[colour=#daa520] "P.s. you're an ass,"[/colour] she said as she walked away from him. "But you love me though...Right...Right!?" [colour=#daa520]"......................................."[/colour] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. [colour=#008080]"Draco, hmm..."[/colour] He stared at the pony in front of him like he was a museum exhibit. [colour=#008080]"I am, Guard Captain Draxis, "[/colour] He dropped his cover and revealed himself to draco in his natural form. Green insectoid eyes pierced into the dragon winged pony, seemingly staring through him and not at him. Draxis jagged horn rose up from his off black exoskeleton. His horn looked more wicked than the blade he twirled around his perforated hooves. [colour=#008080]"It gets so tiring to have to keep up appearances you see."[/colour] He felt that giving Draco a little ammunition against him would help the pony open up. The ammo was of course worthless, but he doubted that Draco knew that. [colour=#008080]"Tell me, do you know your exact origins? You know that the GEF is xenophobic, so why come here to the capital of all places?"[/colour] Draxis had seen creatures like Draco before, but they had all been "disposed" of. How did he survive, and where had he been hiding? Were their more of creatures like Draco hiding out that the Federation needed to know about, and most importantly was Draco dangerous?
  10. Chronarch sat contently next to The Red Fox, his half lidded expression never changed, not even when the chancellors whispered and mumbled among themselves. The Archmage scanned the faces of the crowds and saw the concerns on spread across the muzzles of the ponies in the room. He looked over to the Red Fox without ever shifting his form. The look in his eyes said that the point had been made.
  11. Draxis shot poisonous glares at the ponies that eyed him and his prisoner, instantly shutting up any possible questions. He took them into a back room separated from the main structure of the building by nothing more than a cold concrete wall and a steel door. The room was spartan, and that was being generous. Nothing more than a metal table, two chairs and an unnaturally bright lamp. He sat Draco down and removed the restrains and cuffs from the strange hybridized pony, he gestured towards one of the seats as he took his position at the table. [colour=#008080]"Let's get a few things straight, first things first: I don't really give a darn about how you feel, I saw how ponies looked at you out there. I don't want to her your sob story, the only reason I did what I did for you was to sate my own curiosity, but If I'm order to turn you over I will. Secondly You are to behave as a prison would when not in my presence, do you understand?"[/colour] The changeling spoke with a cold dispassion that was matched only by the stone walls that surrounded them. Draxis pulled out his blade and began to study the blade, a terrible habit born from boredom. He had likely frightened the pony so which could only hurt his chances of uncovering this mystery, his only choice was to bring the pony's defenses down with small talk, which would hurt his pride. [colour=#008080]"So, What's your name?"[/colour] Draxis asked as twirled his blade.
  12. Let it be known, that at some point tomorrow i will take up control of the OC Draxis.
  13. The stallion tapped his hoof on his chin in contemplation. [colour=#40e0d0]"There will always be recreants and emissaries at hoof, they are a double edged sword. Once they have done their damage, we regroup, rebuild, and reinforce. Once we know the weak links are we find them, then we remove them."[/colour] A sly grin formed on across his muzzle.[colour=#40e0d0] "Make sure high command believes without a doubt that you know everything that happens all the time, and I actually have a method in mind for that. We modify the Spell Oath into a form of time scrying spell. That way free will isn't affected and you can simply peer into every moment of the ponies life."[/colour] [colour=#40e0d0]"The spell oath as it is would only instigate rebellion."[/colour] he said nodding his head.
  14. Dang, Im sorry you feel that way. mass effect was an epic trilogy, and SWKOTOR and DA: Origins were epic titles.
  15. [colour=#40e0d0]"I understand,"[/colour] Chronarch said. Right next to Red Fox during the meeting. He lifted his head and looked The Red Fox in the eyes before he answered its question. [colour=#40e0d0]"Speaking freely, I'd have to say that it is quite possibly the most heinous thing I have ever allowed to grace my ears. I believe that a pony should serve by their own commitment and a pony's worth is measured in their loyalty to their cause. To take away the possibly of treachery in its entirety is to remove the criteria which define exemplary subjects. Of course things are not as they were during my time, and the methods of deception have moved from the realm of combat stratagem, to shadow pony operations and treachery. I agree with your spell oath, as it is a necessary evil at this time."[/colour] He knew his words likely fell on mostly deaf ears, but he had proven himself worthy of keeping around. The fact that The Red Fox even asked his opinion and pretended to care gave him a small sense of pride and accomplishment. Though the concept of the spell oath thread on a line which Chronarch rather not cross.
  16. .hack music, yes. Oh, and I finished that griffon app on the other page.
  17. Mane: I simply cannot and will not chose between Twilight, Sweetie Belle, and filly Rainbow Dash. Background: Tough one. Gonna have to go with the spa twins here.
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