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Everything posted by WhiteSlash

  1. Name: Rebel Rouser. Son of an old famous rock star called Rabble Rouser. Most ponies call him Reb or Rou etc. Race: Earth Pony. Coat colour: Navy blue Earth pony. A gruff darker patch of stubble around the mouth. Mane colour: Red white and blue Mohawk mane. Red tail kept short and jagged. Personality/Qualities: After leaving a vault and the ponies he left with he has changed quite a bit from what he once was. Rebel is calm and collected in most scenarios. He possesses little feeling when it comes to life and death. He understands how the world works and lives by the moral that "What a pony can do. A pony will do." He doesnt see ponies as either good or evil. He simply see's ponies who have never had to be anything otherwise. He is often distrusting. But prove your a capeable character and your in with a shot. Enjoys a stiff drink and a good smoke. Mare's are welcome and drugs are good. He tends not to hesitate on the trigger. History: He left an old vault alongside six others. They were intended to be the elements of Harmony. He was, oddly enough. Generosity. Though things have changed. After their misson he took to the wastes to simply live life as a desparado. Surviving the only way he knew how. By the bullet. Lucky for him he's a darn good shot. On his journey he came across a large Raven. He found it odd at first but he soon befriended the odd creature. It didnt seem to flee in his presence. It was brave. Rayne has stuck with him since. Bits and pieces/Equipment: A rucksack carrying his gambling equipment, various alchoholic beverages, guitar maintenance equipment and a pack of cigaraettes. He also keeps his family airloom an acoustic guitar with him. A comb alongside brand mane wax. He likes to collect odd bits when outside. He wears a leather sherrifs duster with armor plating on areas such as his knees. A worn black desparado cowboy hat complete with feather. A checked bandana to cover his mouth. Weaponry (sorry for the seperate part) Primary: "Solution" A heavy frame stainless steel 44. Magum with an ivory grip and speed loader. A special design etched onto the barrel. It says "Your the problem" with an arrow pointing down the barrel. His personal work. Runs like clockwork. Secondary: "Hero Maker" A hunting rifle with an old flag from his familes heritage tied to the rifles stock. Family airloom. Up until now it was just a decoration on the wall. The flag is from the land of S'coltland. Melee: "Two for Flinching" A katana complete with a refurbished polished blade and balacned grip. A special etching on the blade and colour scheme to the grip. Along side a matching scabbard. Obtained outside the vault.
  2. Go sell crazy someplace else. We're all stocked up here.

  3. Sadly this idea has been put on hold indeffinetly until I can find time to iron out details. Sorry XD The Idea may even change completely to just being an original superhero idea. Not so centralised on X-Men so Im not sure wheres its going XD
  4. I dont even. What is up with me lately XD D:

  5. Sequel XD Serenity has to be one of the best movies I've ever seen. I really recommend watching the original series
  6. If you enjoy spacey shows. You should totally check out Firefly. It was sadly cancelled. But it was just so amazing! XD
  7. Red Dwarf is so amazing! Craig Charles is so amazing! XD...Just jumping in here
  8. This was topic 10000 and I find that oddly amazing XD
  9. Its hard to pick a faveorite. But I would have to say Applejack XD She's a hardworking farm pony living in a rural community with awesome family values. I share this lifestyle She's the element of honesty. A trait I admire so much in anyone! Her mannerisims and accent coupled with her friendly personality and the afore mentioned traits make her my faveorite
  10. Have fun in Scotland! Weather sucks here right now :L XD
  11. So much for a warm summer D:
  12. Im from the UK XD But way up north over the wall O_o Its cold and wet here in bonnie Scotland D:
  13. If whomever in question does not have a sandwich making machine, they really should have one.
  14. Do who? If not! They should! Sandwiches are the best XD
  15. I think the true answer. Is to not wear pants XD
  16. Im taking this moment to ask a question. Is your faveourite pony Fluttershy? XD
  17. I think I played a game like that on the N64...Odd. Im not sure then XD
  18. Not yet. It has been a busy day. Rest assured I will. I'd feel bad if I didn't :L
  19. True, both versions have very different overall feels to them. Though that is the way of alot of covered songs XD
  20. (8)Kitty at my foot and I want to touch it!(8) XD

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