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Everything posted by GreyMatter

  1. Doesn't really matter, what about if the time he spends setting it up, he thinks about the day?
  2. Now that everypony is asleep, it is time to begin waking up, or Cainiam can post about what Watcher does overnight.
  3. Great night guys. I think this was the most posts in such a short period of time in bith threads, the RP and this one. We are gonna catch up with that number one spot in no time. As is, we are less than 150 replies away.
  4. Great way ti handle it Cainiam! Okay, ince Swash heads off, it is up to whoever tk start the next day. Still, don't expect Grey Matter for a while, it is past midnight here. Same for Swash, as he is near me, and may already be asleep.
  5. "Earth Writer? Is that you?" Called out Grey Matter, as he spots somepony similar to the description he was given.
  6. Fireraven, that colt is asleep in his room...
  7. Oh, Cainiam, why? We aren't sure if Hinata is even still in the RP, and I'm pretty sure everypony is off to bed, so go ahead and leave that as is, and if Hinata replies, then keep going with it, but everypony else will be asllep, so you will need to wrap it up. If she doesnt, or if she tells me she is not in the RP anymore, then I will pass it onto you, so you can remove that, because the next day can't start until everypony has slept.
  8. That was Easy that said to be tolerant...Unless you were referring to Cloud telling Neon to rest. Nevermind, I see where it came from.
  9. I was by your side, fanning you off, but there isn't really much you can do with you right now.
  10. My guess would be that to start of the night, once Easy regains consiousness, Grey tells him it would be best to head off to bed, before urging everypony that we rest up.
  11. On the wat to Canterlot, Grey sends out his messenger owl to Earth Writer, with a short note attached. It read simply: "Earth Writer, Meet me at the train station as soon as you can--Grey Matter"
  12. Well you can help out too. Just join Snowy one day, especially considerring that Snowy is apt to nearly flip out at Watcher in the future. Speaking of one day, it occurs to me that this has all happened over the course of one day. That being said, I think this would be a great time to wrap up this day. We need to start heading everypony to bed, especcially since Grey just flipped out at Watcher, so this gives him a chance to think about how mad Grey is, and to realize that he is an employee now, and DOES have to answer to somepony superior to him, that he is no longet the ultimate power. And Cloud, I love your idea, and tthat would be a great thing to see Watcher handle in the near future, after the lessons have started, but before he is fully calmed.
  13. Well, since you are on board, that only raises the question of how I go from Snowy being ticked off to being willing to train him. I think flattery will work best...
  14. "No. Well, yes, but only kind of. See, I'm not a robot. You are speaking to a robot, but this sin't me. This is my avatar. I am in Ponyville right now. I figured this was fater than the train. After interfacing with Nemesis for a while, I made some changes to the V2 design, and used it as an avatar to be down there. But yes, Nemesis was my friend, before whateve caused him to lose his memories. He is a very smart pony, he helped design the V2. For just having met two robots, you seem to keep your cool quite well..."
  15. Well, I figure so long as Snowy DOES keep her cool, enough so that can be the reason, OR Grey treats Watcher same as he did Clear earlier, and has Clear make Watcher calm down while Watcher makes Clear fit for the Royal Guard.
  16. So, guys. I have a plan, because clearly, as is, Watcher is going to tick a lot of ponies off. My plan is that Grey sees/hears of/in some way becomes aware of Watcher's actions. Instead of firing Watcher, he has the nicest pony in the complex train Watcher on how to keep his cool, Snowy. What do you all think?
  17. Yeah, I don't know. I haven't seen her online for a while even, so once I do, ill check up on her status.
  18. You are aware that Neon IS a pegasus, right?
  19. Grey Steel slowed down when it caught sight of Nemesis. It glided to a landing, before the wings it used, similar to airplane wings in that they did not flap, popped off of the frame, as they were meant for only the one use in this case, as they were fitted onto an Earth Pony body. He turned to Sketch and projected Grey Matter's voice. "Hello. Who are you?"
  20. GreyMatter

    My mum...

    Well, my family mostly jokes me for being a brony, but my sister has gotten me some Brony clothing. Mostly, I use ponies as a test whenever my sister brings home a new boyfriends. I don't think any have been bronified, too stubborn, but that have to not judge me for being a brony in order to pass.
  21. Then let's keep this train rolling!
  22. Grey recieved the reply from Earth Writer, and instead of writing out a reply, he packed his things, and promptly set off for Canterlot...
  23. Awkward, that what it would be like. Also, the RP has just reached 300 replies! It is the number 2 most replied to RP in the FiM Free-for-all! Do you guys think we can reach #1? The one that is currently number 1 has been dormant for about a month and a half anyway...
  24. It's fine, I just figured that fixing that would be easier than relocating Snowy.
  25. Grey uploaded the last bit of programming into the V2 body, using the avatar programming, so he could control it. He dabbled in the design of the code for when a robotic arm couldn't be programmed, when it needed something that could react, something organic. He dons the suit, which had the sensory coding added in, and powers on his new creation. As there was not a code upgrade, it isn't actually the V2, just the body. Instead, it is something new...the Grey Steel V1. Grey Steel's wing rotated, so the engines faced directly downward, and the roof opened up. The engines started, and Grey Steel lifted off into the air. It rotated again in midair, and took off toward Canterlot, zooming at speeds that rival, or surpassed, even Rainbow Dash.
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