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Status Updates posted by Autumn

  1. I just bought: 'SSX (Xbox 360)' by EA Sports via @amazonuk http://t.co/GqHkW1WJ

    1. Dessa


      OMG, is it good? I want to play!

    2. Autumn


      I dunno... give Amazon a chance to at least put it in the post first, eh? ;)

      Besides, it's not released till Friday. :(

  2. You'll all be happy to know that @Mirelmture and @Manestreams do not snore in their sleep.

    1. Dessa


      I am happy to know that.

    2. shyshy
  3. So... I've just played the Forza Horizon demo. Got an urge to go play TestDrive Unlimited 2 again now... wonder why?

    1. Hippo


      ive always been a Gran Turismo guy

    2. Autumn


      Thank you for your irrelevant statement, it will be filed under 'B'.

  4. This is all Bezel allows me to eat. It has to last me the whole weekend. :(http://t.co/VwjaDj15

    1. Rosewind


      At least there's pickles. Oiii! OIIIIIIIIIII!

  5. In Delhi one more night. Visited Lodi garden/temples & the Delhi gate (picture). Off to Pushker early in the morning. http://t.co/UtmPOrrN

    1. Tenkan


      Looks pretty awesome.

  6. Goonies Never Say Die!

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Oddly, I walked out to the living room yesterday to find people watching that movie. O_o

  7. Boss is sat right next me right now... Having a nervous breakdown. Mwahahaha! #maybeishouldprotectmytweetsnow

  8. I now have a 240gb iPod 5G !!! It's working perfectly. :D

  9. Dear Hollywood. Please stop using pump-action shotgun cocking sound effects when ever someone holds up a rifle in a movie.

    1. Dessa


      And while they're at it, they could stop having them "cock" the gun after it's been fired, unless it's a revolver.

  10. Just been to crematorium to see my little sister's... Been just over a year. It still hurts just as much.

  11. Another one of those depressing stress-filled days surrounded by argumentative people (now known as sacks of year-old toenail clippings) .

    1. BrainedBySaucepans


      Do I ever know that feeling... hopefully you can cope better than me old chap.

  12. Watching 'IronSky'. Most ridiculous thing I've ever seen... has made me laugh a couple of times though.

    1. BrainedBySaucepans


      I bought that in May and never got round to watching it. I really should...

  13. RT @BezelFolf: @ArtaxUK is now taking photos of a pizza he's just had delivered #obsession #shouldibeworried

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      I still have a picture of your pizza order from June of last year.

  14. If you work in a restaraunt please don't stand over me whilst you wait for me to finish a mouthful for me to only lie any "yeah it's fine".

    1. Hippo


      I just do what dogs do. Growl at whoever dares come near me while I'm eating.

  15. I can't decide if I want Retro City Rampage @RetroCR on Steam (or GOG) or wait till it's on EggBox360. :(

    1. Hippo


      When in doubt, get both.

  16. More baby Wookie-Otter! http://t.co/1xTdoYLr

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      That doesn't look like a Wookie or an Otter...

  17. Imma just going to throw this out there; do what you will with it: https://t.co/2LnsNgAt

  18. For those that don't know... Black Mesa has now been released! http://t.co/NHEULz1r

    1. Tenkan


      Sweetness! If only I still had HL2. :(

  19. Don't trust anyone who only has two Weetabix.

  20. I want to be an owl.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Everyone is fond of owls.

  21. Ooh.. tingly sensitive skin, shoulders ache... Migraine time imminent. Woo! :-P

    1. Rosewind


      That's too bad -- I hope you feel better!

  22. LOL, no I will _not_ associate with your fake business with the hidiously vague website. XD

  23. Hospital treatment done. Tired and uncomfortable.

    1. shyshy


      why chu needs hospital? :(

  24. Horse Friday! - Snuggle a Sarcidano today!

    1. Dessa


      But I dont know any Sarcidanos!

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