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Everything posted by NemesisPon3

  1. Couldn't agree more right there!
  2. Nice to meet you fellow UK residents =D
  3. I don't bother with pony merchandise at the moment because I find it very awkward lol, and sorry to hear about the flooding, its been pretty bad here too =/
  4. I know right? Today the sun has actually come out. I don't remember the last time I saw the sun XD
  5. Oh believe me its been wet and chilly down here too. Had several floods too. the rain has been merciless this year
  6. Your artwork is very nicely done! I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future =D
  7. Hey everyone hope you are all doing well Just wanted to know who here is from the UK? I ask because I would like to get to know some UK bronies and hopefully get a few meet ups going and what not. So yeah obviously I am from the UK. I live in Rotherham. A town in south Yorkshire.
  8. ( ooc: Thanks for the catch up! ) "Hey!" a distance robotic voice was heard "wait for me!" when the pony got closer it was revealed to be nemesis, he had found his way back and followed a trail..many thanks to his scanners, he came to a half near the portal "How long has it been since the maze??" he asked thinking he may have been in stasis "is discord still on the loose??"
  9. (( OOC: can someone bring me up to speed please? I lost track of this RP about 6 pages ago D= )) Nemesis had became seperated from the others, the last thing he remembers was been in a ever changing garden maze, discord showed up and then nothing...he woke up on a hill in a field just on the outskirts of ponyville "Rebooting....Location: Outside of Ponyville..Power: 150 percent...Mission: Regroup with allies and Defeat discord." With that he stood and activated his engine and took off to the sky..
  10. Welcome to canterlot.com! I hope your stay here is a very enjoyable one =D
  11. ah...um sorry" Brightfire said feeling nervous "Like I said before I am not use to this kind of thing"
  12. "I..um thank you again" BrightFire felt even more nervous now not sure what to say, he felt like stuttering but didn't know what to say...
  13. BrightFire blushed "I um...um..t..thanks" this surprised him a lot "A lot of ponies think I'm blind because...well You can't see my pupils...I don't know..some kind of family inheritance from my mothers side."
  14. "Its...um...I don't know myself...I just can't look at any pony for longer than a few seconds" he once again looked up at moonlite for a few seconds then averted his eyes to somewhere else "I'm sorry, I don't have a problem with you....its just something I can't help doing" he laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his head.
  15. "fire and ice eh?" BrightFire asked "Hmmm. I never thought of it like that before" he smiled a little more "and um...your coat and mane is um..very nice too" He took a quick glance at moonlite and instinctively looked away, he wasn't because he didn't like her, it's just his nature compels him to look away and not make eye contact for longer than 2 seconds...
  16. BrightFire blushed slightly also "I...I'm not sure" he chuckled nervously "I don't really know much about these kind of events" He took a quick glance around "y'know I'm surprised no one has complained about my oddly bright colours" he turned to moonlite "my coat and mane colours aren't hurting your eyes are they??"
  17. BrightFire listened to moonlites story of how she got her cutie mark "my word" he said, he was touched by her story and was some what inspirational "that's amazing what you did. and now I can see the cutie mark fitting you well" he smiled warmly
  18. "oh my cutie mark story really isnt all that special...um..Oh yes I was trying to see what my top speed is when I'm flying, when I thought I reached my limit I burst into an aura that looked like fire and I was boosted forward for 10 seconds when made me go faster too...kind of like a boost ability...I could only do one a day but I can now do at least seven now" he went into deep thought and remembered when he first did it "that was a good day" he added. "What about your cutie mark? its certainly unique, how did you get it?"
  19. "oh" he said worryingly thinking he may have gone a bit too far again "I understand. sorry" he chuckled nervously "um you don't have to if you don't want to." He wasn't sure what to say next as he grew nervous once again, the conversation was nice and she was a rather interesting mare but he could never maintain a conversation...one of his cons in his list of pro's and con's.
  20. "I'm sorry to hear that, but I bet she's proud of you for carrying on the tradition! wherever she is now" he said with a small smile of confidence "I wouldn't mind reading one of your stories sometime, a trade I guess, I'll give you one of mine to read too!" he chuckled a little and he thought to himself "this is going better than expected"
  21. Potions? really now?" he asked "I tried making a potion once...the results were...explosive but I'm sure you have made some rather excellent potions I'm guessing you had the proper training unlike me." he said with a nervous chuckle "yeah I'm not good at socializing either to be honest..I only came here because a friend asked me to...glad I did show up though" he smiled "I'm sure you wrote some good stuff too"
  22. BrightFire breathed a sigh of relief and he felt more confident in talking to this unicorn mare "my interests?" he repeated after moonlite asked the question "well...um...I like to travel, I like to write and I love listening to techno music and I also enjoy a bit of friendly racing through the clouds every so often" he finished with a big grin "what are your interests??" he asked showing a genuine interest in this mare.
  23. BrightFire's cheeks went bright pink "um...th...thank you" he said nervously "um your name matches you too...moon lit nights are always pretty..." he turned away rather uneasy and thought to himself "oh my...that was too much"
  24. BrightFire shook slightly as a unicorn mare approached him she looked around the same height as himself. He took a deep breath "Hello there" he said as confidently as possible, he listened to her name "Moonlite Frost?" he said "that's a nice name" he made eye contact for a few seconds "my name is BrightFire!" he said with a small smile.
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