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Status Updates posted by Talex

  1. I'm back! But am unsure if anyone missed me... ;n;

    1. Shame


      I missed jooo D:

    2. SonicRainb00m


      I definitely noticed your absence... ;_;

    3. Talex


      Woo! People care! xD you guys are awesome <3

  2. I'm sad! I need hugs! I need cuddles! Anything! D8

  3. I’m drowning in a sea of music, but can you hear my song as it floats along the shore?

    1. StarStorm


      Yeah man, my hearing's 20/20! Lol.. :3

  4. Just read bubbles... it's so emotional ;_;

    1. SonicRainb00m


      Oh god I just read it... I have to admit, it made me cry a bit.. ;_;

    2. Talex


      I know that feel bro *manly crying* ...I *sniffel* Know that feel...

  5. Last weekend untill school. *sniffel*

  6. Might be taking a break from Canterlot, finals and such. I'll pop in every now and then, but no more RPing I think...

    1. MyLittlePonyTales
    2. StarStorm


      You will be missed ^^

    3. Talex


      I'm not leaving entirely xD just going to be on less frequently. I feel loved that you two actually commented though <3 Thanks :D

  7. Mourning a friend. I need someone to talk to. Please chat with me if I'm on.

  8. My 100th post WILL be my character application! *determined glare at the sky*

  9. My feelings fluctuate too much :(

    1. StarStorm


      Aww.. It can get hard at times to decide how to feel about things, for sure. Whatever's going down, I hope it gets better for you real soon, bud. *Hugs*

  10. Oh dear... It seems I have run out of kittens. ;n; Can anypony give me more? Preferably the snuggly kind :3

    1. StarStorm


      My brother will NOT stop bringing kittens home, actually!! Some are SUPER adorable.. There are a couple of twins who always snuggle up on my lap and they snuggle and lick each other and it's really, really cute. *Throws one, then two kittens at you* C:

  11. Over 1,000 profile views? You all are too nice :3

  12. PMVs are amazing

  13. So everyone, I dont know if any of you even care, but I'm not dead! :D I still wont be taking part in rps though ;A; sorry about that.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DreamySunday
    3. Talex


      Wow, I thought after I left for awhile people would have forgotten me. You all are so nice!!! ;u; Thanks!

    4. StarStorm


      Taleeeeexxxx!!! *Runs and hugs*

      I missed you.. ^^

  14. So many feelings... Too many feelings... I can't handle them...

  15. spreading the fandom, one friend at a time...

  16. That moment when you want to sleep but are too creative to... >.>

    1. StarStorm


      Lol, tree drawing..? ^^

  17. There's more starlight in the daytime than in the night time.

  18. Training mysef to lucid dream! whoo!

    1. StarStorm


      Good luck! I've only had one in my entire life, but it was pretty awesome :D

  19. Training mysef to lucid dream! whoo!

    1. Tenkan


      A concept that even when asking my friend about it three times, till now, don't understand. ><

    2. Talex


      what? do you mean your friend doesn't understand, or do you not understand? I'd be happy to explain my understanding of it. ^3^

  20. We shout "hey, hey, bombs away!" as you get rid of my dismay, when instead of leaving me, you decide you will stay <3

    1. Tenkan


      Chocolate cake.

  21. What do people think of the Sea Swirl avatar? O.o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. StarStorm


      I enjoy Sea Swirl c: Though, I didn't know who you were at first because you've always had that one picture of Dash x3 Hehe, I think it's awesome to mix one's picture up every now and then, though :D

    3. Talex


      Whoo~! More approval! Thank you Star

    4. MyLittlePonyTales


      Well, only you friends get Notifications for your status updates. Assuming they have Notifications on. ^_^

  22. Will be gone until sunday or something like that. *places a kitten on my chair in place of me*

  23. Yay! Canterlot thinks I'm "Excellent" ^3^ Thank you everpony! :D

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