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Everything posted by Chocoswirl

  1. I love Serperior, and I also loved Venusaur. Serperior is easily my 5th strongest pokemon that I own in the game, It's also depends on the nature and characteristics of the Serperior. Every pokemon has different uses depending on how you want your team to be. Your team could be a major powerhouse, a group of speedsters, diverse, or even more combinations. It all depends on the trainer, and there really isn't a such thing as a useless pokemon, only a not-as-useful pokemon. Venusaur is a pretty good choice if you're looking for a pokemon that has great special stats. It's also really useful for inflicting status problems, not to mention it's a memorable part of Pokemon history. But hey, they also have their faults too.
  2. Talex, would you like me to give you lessons in Pokémon? It's only 500 for a week of lessons. :3
  3. Am I the only one who got banished to the moon? :3 XD
  4. I'm planning on starting a whole new team in BW2. My team for BW is Charizard, Swellow, Serperior, Luxray, Lucario, and Zoroark. I may carry over Charizard though, since she's my fave pokemon. I raised her in Pokemon Leafgreen, transferred her to Sapphire, then to Platinum, and then to Pokemon White. She's been with me since the start. :3
  5. XD Lots of your answers are either really fitting or hilariously funny!
  6. Noes! X3 Well, at least I'm not stuck with a G3 pony.
  7. So, I saw this on My Little Brony, and I wondered what anyone else would get. I was banished to the moon with Apple Bloom. :3
  8. I don't really hate Twist, but I don't really like her either. I really like all the ponies, but I hated the Diamond Dogs. A lot. I also dislike Prince Blueblood. Maybe if he was a girl, I wouldn't mind him so much, since his attitude seems 10X worse when he's male, but would seem a bit better suited for a female. SMARTYPANTS TOOK BIG MAC AWAY FROM CHEERILEE. BURN SMARTYPANTS. XD
  9. 1000 views!? *falls down flight of endless curved staircase and is crushed by a piano*

    1. Talex


      No! My piano! I was using that! >n<

    2. Chocoswirl


      ಠ_ಠ *emerges from piano and pulls out a JB doll instead of gun*

      JB dolls are more effective than guns when it comes to killing people. You're next. ಠnಠ *points doll at*

  10. "Well, I plan on using various acrylic and oil paints, and I also have various brushes for when different types of strokes are needed." Electric pointed with her wing over to a basket of materials. The contents of the basket were brushes with bristles different shapes and sizes, as some were thick and broad, while some were long and narrow. There was also an assortment of different acrylic paints and oil paints lined up on her canvas. She planned on using the acrylic paints as an underpainting to help plan out the basic details of the portrait, and would use the oils to paint over the basic structure. The acrylics would show a bit through the layers of oils, but this would be good since it would influence the finished product.
  11. EXACTLY. I have nearly every single game in the main series, just missing a few. Having Black 2 or White 2 would make my collection even more awesome! And I love the looks of the game! I also really like the design of the male protagonist, Kyouhei. He might be my favorite so far!
  12. SOON. SOON ENOUGH, MY FRIEND. Nope. Chuck Testa. XD If Nintendo does this, I'll love them a 2000% more.
  13. It is beautiful. But it's not the anime yet. SOON. SOON, MY FRIENDS. SOON.
  14. Well, it is my opinion... ;-; But then again, I also agree. It would be hard for me to imagine a Seiyuu voicing an American cartoon character.
  15. Yup. To be honest, I like Japanese voices better. It just seems more natural for anime characters, especially these ones.
  16. I agree completely. I actually want it to stay in Japanese and have only subtitles. Or Nintendo themselves will be in charge of the dubbing and just let Cartoon Network show it, but not give CN the rights to change things. Though I dunno if that's possible for the latter.
  17. My productivity level is always zero. XD THEN GET IT ONCE SCHOOL ENDS. IT'S NEVER TOO LATE FOR TEH POKEMANZ.
  18. If there's one video game I'm uber-super-amazingly experienced and knowledgeable at, it's Pokemon. XD The translation comes out later this year. It's out in Japan already, though.
  19. Seviper is the snake. X3 As the rival said in the second video, "I'm gonna rage now" if Nintendo doesn't.
  20. I know! It really is top notch! I would go all out fan-girl, which I rarely do, for this anime if it was the official anime. I love how they don't use the super tall kawaii eye for characters any more. They use the more serious and professional looking eyes, the VA/Seiyuus as the call it in Japan are great too. I wouldn't mind if this didn't come out in English, but they made more episodes with subtitles. They don't use the green/purple/blue/whatevercolor background when the pokemon attack anymore. They actually SHOW what the pokemon is doing while being given the command. The CG is also really good.
  21. I feel the same way. ;~; I'm still uber-psyched for the game, but I'm ot partying yet until they make this the anime.
  22. It isn't an anime yet, just a promo. But people are making petitions to make this the official anime. I swear, I will hug the BEJEEZUS out of the guy who makes this into one. I love everything, it's also ALOT MORE SERIOUS, I mean, everything is soo bad*** like and it's not all happy peppy anymore.
  23. I just found these new animated short promos on YT. I've always disliked Ash's adventures after Kanto (But I'll still always love the first movie), but this, this is a REAL anime. Now, I'm not saying the past ones weren't, but this is QUALITY action anime. I love the different styles of art, I like the new way they portray the action, I like everything about it. MEI HAS A FULLY EVOLVED STARTER WITH HYPER BEAM AT THE FIRST GYM!!! Now that's just epic. I really hope they make this into an anime. It would be way more popular. For now, it's just to promote the new games from what I hear, but I REALLY hope this becomes the anime for the game. English Version Japanese Versions Here, we can talk about the promos, and about the upcoming BW2.
  24. Electric Vibe looked around the line. Everyone seemed deep in conversation, and that caused Electric to become a bit nervous. What if somepony were to talk to her? Usually, if it were Electric to start up a conversation, she'd be perfectly fine about it, but when someone else would, she would get a bit, shy. As the amount of ponies began to increase, she began to get a little nervous. She had run into this problem quite a few times, such as times like this when waiting in a long line, or going to crowded places. Shuffling her hooves a bit out of stress, she gazed at the front of the line, hoping for this almost-nightmare to end soon.
  25. ;~; I like them. When the larvae isn't in a human.
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