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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Pictures for reference: Fluttershy: http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/152/2/1/human_fluttershy_by_midnazora-d51w0ga.jpg Pinkie Pie: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/277/1/0/____mlp___human_pinkie_pie_____by_xxhidden_soulxx-d4bud05.png Depressed Pinkie (Pinkamina Diana Pie): http://img.ponibooru.org/images/ca/cae91cebc96957cc9382fb3219f78acc Rarity: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/132/e/8/rarity_human_form_by_angelofhapiness-d4zgg6p.jpg (sorry all links on iPod cannot picture them)
  2. She is in her own world, she isn't good with groups do she only talks if alone, just heads up. She will talk to a teacher as she sees it necessary. So pawn doesn't do love but he would be great, so basically it would be perfect but would never happen. :,(
  3. I think I need to RP Rarity for 2 reasons: 1) Rarity + Gym aught to be most fun! 2) if she watched the chess match and sees him cheat she will probeley hit him over the back of the head and give a nice little chat on how his is such a loser!
  4. Pinkie Pie sat and sipped the remained of the juice and sighed in relief, "Oh yummy," she said and rubbed her tummy, "Hmm not what can we all do?"
  5. Pinkie pie took a sip of Pumpkin juice, "Oh My yes as yes!" she smiled and gulped the rest down, "Oh so delicious!!"
  6. Sounds good also I vote for all having same classes to keep it easy and simple.
  7. Pinkie Pie smiled, "Oh yummy, oh sorry to make you go back but could I get some!?" she asked happily, "oh it looks good, oh I wish I could make some cupcakes right now!" she smiled warmly and happily
  8. Yay I'm the Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy? Which ever is better OR BOTH!!
  9. Pinkie Pie cheered happily, and took the drink and cheered, "oh so yummy!" she then ate some gumdrops, "Oh yes those are great!"
  10. "okey dokey lokey!" she cheered and smiled, "yuppies that be me!"
  11. "my my pleasure to meet you," she held out a book, inside we several sketches of TwistedSouds, "I love your work!"
  12. "yes well that is quite alright.." she froze and looked up and blinked, "Wait you said Twisted Sound? As in the artist?" she seemed shocked.
  13. "Yay! GUMDROPS AND DRINKS!" she cheered and jumped around around, "Yes please!"
  14. Sure enough a pony was coming her eyes filled with wonder and joy as she looked around. It was her first time to this mall and the party pony was ready to find a party shop and a candy shop. Then she spotted the ponies and in a blink was beside them. "Oh my Celestia thanks I four some other ponies here, thought I would be all alone!" she spurted out with no due haste, "I'm Pinkie pie oh pleasure to meet you, oh do you like candy and party!?" her eyes wide with excitement.
  15. She began to flip through a appointment looking book, "let's see," she begins to search, "Yes here 2 weeks from now," she smiled warmly and began to 'write' it down in the book, "May I have your name miss?"
  16. She nodded, "welcome," she smiled, "Now about that card," she slipped out her own card, "I'll coed you for now, just dont dissapoint me," she gave a warm smile as she checked out the books and pushed them over
  17. The mare stepped from behind a counter and sat down and closed her eyes and her horn began to glow. A small glowing aura was seen on the book as she checked if then moved on. It took a few minutes but she finally found them and lightly pulls them down and set them on the counter. She trotted back behind the counter, "here we are," she smiled, "may I see your Canterlot library card?"
  18. Suddenly two green eyes appreared from the Dark corner, a sleek and sort of Petite younger mare stepped out, "Books?" she smiled and looked around, "this place is full of em!" she giggled and stepped into the light. She had a dark violet pelt and her mane and tail were a light Ice blue, but despite her cold and dark colors her facial expressions were warm and open, "So how may I assist you?" (I actually originally had her planned to be a librarian there but they said it wouldn't work as then she would have a past with canon characters)
  19. One does her name is Moonlite frost and she is a unicorn I can link later but she should be on first page of applicationsp
  20. I would like to rp I had 2 mares and could make a stallion if you wanted
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