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Everything posted by Ancre

  1. (No rythm no rhymes And no set set of rules There's more to it) Here I am now Cuddled in my blanket November's cold
  2. She's awesome Brian ! You draw fantastically well !
  3. Yes ! The two other ponies agreed to follow Whirlwind on her newfound quest, defeat the evil headless horse ! Ardent Fate still acted a little odd, but that was okay (and sea dog, that was a nice nickname), and Powdered Snow looked like a lot of fun. They were going to spend an awesome night ! The little pink filly waved her fake sword in the air, then pointed at the darkest place of the pumpkin fields. "Ghosts hide in the dark ! And nowhere is it less dark than there ! Let's go, my friends ! There is not a moment to waste !" With that she flew off in the air, making a few loopings, and flying fast in general. She did her best not to lose anypony though. "Come on !" she grinned.
  4. If you play your cards well, soon they will join the herd !
  5. Eeeh I have the same on my laptop ! This screensaver is awesome !
  6. My results : I am not surprised at all !
  7. Hiiii ! Welcome to Canterlot ! I hope you'll have fun here ! About the roleplays : the main section here requires you to post an application for a character, and then you can play him or her in as many roleplays threads you want. They are organised into different regions for clarity purposes and to expand the universe, but your character can travel from one place to another without any problem. The crossover section works the same way, except that while the main section requires your character to fit in the mlp universe, anything goes in the crossover section (so you can play aliens, mechaponies, etc). There is also a free-for-all section, where there's no set rules at all I think (except the general forum rules, no sex no grimdark and being civil etc) ; here we have a roleplay thread that works with a gamemaster and players with character that will only exist during that thread, kind of like a dungeons and dragons adventure on a forum, I think. I hope this explained things better for you, or that at least didn't confuse them more !
  8. Ancre

    Um, Hi.

    Hiiii ! Welcome here ! I hope you'll have fun ! Don't worry about the length of your roleplay posts, not everyone does very long ones ! The most important part is to have fun.
  9. Hiiii ! Welcome to Canterlot ! I hope you'll have fun here !
  10. Hiiii ! South Africa ! That's awesome ! What are the languages you speak ? Do you speak Africaans ? Zulu ? Xhosa ? Tswana ? Another one ? Or just english ? (I love languages !) South Africa is a country that I'd like to visit one day. I've seen Botswana (well, Gabarone and the safari reserves my godfather loves) but not South Africa yet. Welcome to Canterlot and have fun !
  11. Hiiii ! Welcome here ! Roleplaying is fun, and easy to do ! I hope you'll enjoy your stay here
  12. Hiiii ! Welcome here ! I hope you'll spend a good time on Canterlot forums
  13. Hiiii ! Welcome to Canterlot Wulf ! I hope you'll have fun here ! And Welcome Rani too ! The custom here is to make your own introduction thread I think I hope you'll have fun here too !
  14. Hiiii ! Welcome to Canterlot ! I love your avatar. I hope you'll have fun here ! And Rani, it's What Would Big Macintosh Do !
  15. (Ooc : Welcome Conor Colton and Kitsuyena ! ) Mojo's stand sure was attracting attention. Two new ponies had came, looking at the merchandise, while the hippy pony was trading a lamp for a necklace with the blue pegasus. The newcomers were a white pegasus colt, and a young grey unicorn mare. Whirlwind the pink pegasus pony happily waved a hello to the both of them : "Hi ! Welcome to Mojo's store ! Mojo's the brown earth pony, feel free to look around and ask him for whatever you wanna buy !" She wondered for a while if Mojo needed her help. Then decided against it : even after years of living in a general store, she had never been good at selling stuff, and Jubilee and Starflower were already there to help anyways. Still lazily resting on the roof of the wagon, she turned again toward Swift Kite, the red pegasus filly, and smiled. "There's going to be a lot of clients here I suspect. Is it like this at your shop too ?" she began, trying to start a conversation again.
  16. I wish I could draw like you ! Your pony is fantastic.
  17. Ancre


    It's a nice picture ! And you can still app him in the roleplay section, when you have enough time to do so.
  18. "He, thank you," Bumble Buns smiled at the other two players. It wasn't over yet ! And even if her character was in a dire situation, it felt good to see the two other ponies rushing to help her. Thunderhoof stood up, his sword firmly grasped in his mouth, facing the monster, doing all he could to continue the fight - and he couldn't do much more, with the scope of his injuries. The Cerberus growled at the earth pony, then suddenly roared in pain - another one of Gold rush's spells had hit him, disorienting the beast long enough for the druid to jump unharmed to the warrior's rescue. Leafdancer rushed her spell as fast as she could, chanting incantations without even trying to regain her breath. Her horn shone a gentle green aura, and, touching the wounds, mended them a little. Unfortunately, The druid barely had the time to finish her spell - Leafdancer was thrown away, like a rag doll, by the mad monster. The Cerberus had a bone to pick with Thunderhoof, and the druid was in his way. "Yeah, that's right lil'pup, come and get me !" the warrior taunted, feeling much better already - the spell had worked ! He met the monster's charge with a swing of his blade, diving under him, aiming for the neck. "So, I'm the one who strike ! Dice roll !" Bumble Buns excitedly rolled the dice, which gave her a 18. "Ha, luck turns, foul beast !" She merrily commented. Rushing under the dog's paws, Thunderhoof blindly striked here and there, evading the Cerberus' attacks, and rolled back on his hooves to face the monster again. "You missed !" he grinned at the monster, knowing that he had hurt him heavily this time - and that the Cerberus had no friends to help him.
  19. Hiiii ! Welcome to Canterlot ! I hope you'll have fun here !
  20. Hiiii ! Welcome to Canterlot ! I hope you'll have fun here !
  21. "Well, the Nimbusgait Lakes are right under Cloudsdale," Whirlwind answered Swift Kite, "and because of that, it's always kinda wet. So yeah, it rained a lot. I don't know if it was a scheduled storm or just the way the place is, though." All the pink pony knew about the region was stuff she had learned in school ; she never went out of her hometown enough to see for herself how things were. Whirlwind stopped talking about the weather to greet another pony. Mojo's stall was attracting attention it seemed, that was a good sign. The newcomer was a blue and white pegasus pony, a young mare a bit older than Whirlwind, with a strange bird for a cutie mark. "Hello !" Whirlwind simply said, waving her able hoof, while the three other ponies greeted (or swarmed) the new pony with much more enthusiasm than her. Already lying on the roof of the wagon, the pegasus filly rested her head against her hooves. "Hey, what's your name ?" she finally added. (Ooc : Welcome Dusty Relic ! I think we need a general ooc pm thread or something for this roleplay thread ! xD)
  22. Old CDroms Old music obscure groups And memories
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