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Status Updates posted by TheInvisiblePony

  1. Life's a laugh and death's a joke, its true. You'll see its all show, keep 'em laughing as you go; just remember that the last laugh is on you!

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Always look on the bright side of life!

    2. TheInvisiblePony


      That entire song is a surprisingly good life lesson. Not to mention that its hilarious.

  2. Listening to a Doctor Whooves audio episode. My god, is it brilliant.

  3. Might I apologize for not exactly posting my quota on the forums? I've been somewhat busy/exhausted of late

    1. weesh


      (sigh) well alright, you can make it up, with interest, over the holiday break. :)

    2. TheInvisiblePony


      You, sah, have yourself a deal

  4. Movie of the week - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead. Spoiler: the main characters die at the end

    1. weesh


      Fantastic movie.

      But it has been a long time since seeing it. My memory was that they may have been dead for the entire thing. Does it clearly progress chronologically?

    2. TheInvisiblePony


      Oh, I'm not quite sure, I'm a bit fuzzy on the whole thing myself. Something like that, though. Heck, their deaths may have not even really been 'deaths' persay.

  5. Naaa nanana nanana na na KATAMARI DEMACY

  6. Oh dear, I'm at a lost. I'm not sure if I should play a paladin, rogue, or sorcerer for my next dnd meeting. Why is this so hard?

    1. StarStorm


      ..For as little I know about dnd.. I've always just liked magical characters best.. So I vote sorcerer.. xD

    2. TheInvisiblePony


      That's about the only vote I've received thus far, so sorcerer it is!

  7. One, two, buckle my shoe. Three, four, shut the door...

  8. Oooo, this is a wonderful way to share what I'm thinking at the moment, isn't it? Shame I didn't find it earlier...

  9. Pay no attention the poster behind the profile feed.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales
    2. TheInvisiblePony


      Yes, but you didn't hear it from. Partially because you're reading this, not listening to it.

  10. Personal quirk of the day - flipping a 50 cent coin to make all trivial decisions

  11. Random quote time! "Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm the rest of his life."

  12. Recently I've discovered the amazingness of the webcomic XKCD. Somewhat NSFW every now and then, but a truly funny comic

  13. Saturday cannot come fast enough, can it? I honestly can't remember the last time I've been excited for a TV show

  14. Shot through the heart, and you're to blame. You give love a bad name!

    1. StarStorm


      I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt anyone, it just sort of happened!! There's a hole where that heart used to be nao, you know.. but it's okay, it'll grow back C:

  15. So apparently some scientists are getting together around 2020 to merge together (insert large number) lasers to create a superlaser. Seems like something I should look into

    1. Tenkan


      You may fire when ready.

  16. So apparently there's this 'urban sleep schedule' which involves taking multiple naps rather than a night's rest. Sounds intriguing.

  17. So my dog is asleep, and he appears to be dreaming. How can I tell? He sleep barks.

    1. Tenkan


      Haha, that's adorable.

      Sorta like how my pet rabbit used to sleep run. :3

  18. So of late I've begun to get into the touhou project fandom. Quite a curious thing, though I have no idea where to start

  19. So today I learned that the humble doily is indeed the key to ULTIMATE COSMIC POWER! ...somehow

    1. TheInvisiblePony


      Wow, okay, my imagination works over time when I'm tired. Dear me.

    2. MyLittlePonyTales


      Remember that ULTIMATE COSMIC POWER comes with an itty bitty living space.

    3. TheInvisiblePony


      Meh, pros and cons. Mostly pros.

  20. So today I restarted my Fire Emblem for the bleventeenth time. Its amazing how they get the characters down to where they aren't great, but you still feel horrible when they die.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheInvisiblePony


      Zat would be sacred stones. I must be honest, its one of the two I've played, along with shadow dragon.

    3. frenzyhero


      It's funny because that happened to be one of the only two I played as well, the other being Radiant Dawn for the GC.

    4. TheInvisiblePony


      Well, you know what they say about coincidences. At least, I hope you do. Cause I got nothing.

  21. So today I've been working on a British accent for a play audition. Wot wot.

  22. So, recently I've been toying around with the idea of starting a vlog. Now that tennis season is over, I may actually be able to get around doing it.

    1. StarStorm


      Oh cool! Good luck if you do it ^^

    2. Tenkan


      Ah, vloggity vlogs. Have fun!

  23. So, the end of the world was fun. Played cards with Cthulhu, him being the class act elder evil he is.

  24. So, today I was turned into a newt. Let's hope I get better by tomorrow.

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