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Everything posted by PurpleBird

  1. These are what I come up with. Entwine Comet Comet Shine Nebu-lina Stary Rain Hope these help
  2. I haven't really tried that, but, I will consider it! And of course, when it's up on FIMFiction I'll gladly post it here.
  3. I get ya! This is very helpful, for sure, I for surely don't want to be putting stuff in unnecessary clogs. That would be just a mess... knowing what is right and isn't is sometimes hard though.
  4. Mhm, pretty much what I do! But I never really thought of dialogue though, which actually doesn't sound like a bad idea! I know how to structure it and such, but. I guess it wouldn't hurt to make it more indepth so than I'm not stuck! Thank you
  5. I was wondering why it was being so slow for me yesterday. Hopefully it isn't like this for long, well, so I can post my story and such.
  6. I agree with Talex. I think it depends really. Some stuff is better in it's original language than a foreign language. Hence why most English dubs are super awkward...
  7. Yeah. I wouldn't mind just watching the Japanese version if it really comes down to it. *Shrugs*
  8. I remember watching the first one and had a heart attack in admiration! I loved Pokemon (The games anyway) and the anime series as... Eh. But, when I watched this I was so confused on whether this was legit or not... But soon enough I was given the sad realization it was a promo and nothing to my undying dream to have an actually well-done Pokemon series. The animation is so slick, so... Amazing... But I do understand how doing such animation would take up much more time, than the usual 'stay tuned next Sunday' or whatever. But still... I think this would make Pokemon more popular (Well they still are pretty popular... Pretty much the Disney of Japan if you think about it...) in the hearts of all the older fans, and even new ones! I will admit though... First season dubbing was terrible... Actually, all the English dub 4Kids did ruined the show for me. But... Maybe if this does become a thing.... Can we NOT have 4kids (Or whatever is on TV right now... Is it still on? I don't know anymore) get their grubby hands on it? A lot of expectations but... @_@ C'mon.
  9. Ah! I knew a little bit about organizing but, doing them with highlighted points in chapters is actually a good idea! Thank you! Though, I am keeping this one a short story, with a few chapters, since it is my first time with a FanFic. But thank you very much, nonetheless~
  10. Mhm! I do like the editor/proof reader idea, I was going to offer up to anyone that wants to proof read it and see the mistakes before posting it up and such? But I find it hard finding the right editor that won't take something of yours and turn it into theirs Maybe I'm just running into the wrong people.
  11. Hey everyone(pony)! (Sorry if this is in the wrong Thread @_@) I am an aspiring writer/young author myself and I have never been geared towards fan-based writing before... not until I had a whim of inspiration for a Derpy Hooves one! I don't know if Derpy FanFics are super common or not, but, heck! I still want to try it out. Derpy being one of my most favorite ponies. I had this silly/sad Derpy short story floating around in my head and I am unsure how to go about with it. Should I think it through? Wing it? etc. I know I made a blog post about this but I figured I'd get more attention this way. I'm not even sure if people would be interested in reading it if I were to post it... So... Any advice is helpful! Thank you. -PB
  12. Welp. I am an aspiring writer, but, writing a fan based story has never really settled with me... not until I came up with an idea. I mean, it's my first time, but, I would really like to do a Derpy Fanfic! Not so sure if there are many of those or not, but, I had this goofy plot in my head for a while... But, I wasn't sure if people would be interested if I were to post it? I dunno *Shrugs* How would anyone(pony) go about writing one anyway? What are some suggestions? How should I plan it out? Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you~ -PB
  13. Awe! That is quite adorable. I don't personally ship them, but I do respect others that do. I'll contour something up for you and see from there, ya?
  14. We must have the same glasses than! Lol.
  15. 3/5 Back story is pretty cool! http://tinyurl.com/7f5v223
  16. Alrighty. I wouldn't mind knowing the jist of your fan-fic before maybe starting?~ So than I can maybe go around it? If that is alright. (Well that is if you are still interested in me drawing you something)
  17. I could help. But I may consider it a commission? Depending on how detailed you want it and so on.
  18. I wouldn't mind seeing a Trixie episode next season. Though, I am a little concerned on how it will be played out... The redemption idea seems a bit 'meh' but the idea of her wanting revenge would be interesting. I think it'd be funny to have a bigger issue at hand and Trixie has been following Twilight around just to 'prove' herself. But Twilight ignores her presence, trying to handle the bigger situation, and in the end of it all Trixie saves the day without realizing it. *Shrugs* I dunno
  19. Lol thanks! Those glasses are a replica of my own actually, lol. Hence 'ponysona' and such X]
  20. From the album: OC's

    Might as well upload this here as well. It's Canvas a Ponysona more-so than a OC. Lol.
  21. Eeeee! Fluttershy looks like such a cutie! I hope in season 3 they have a winter episode (Other than another Winter Wrap up)
  22. Luna for me has the 'prettiest mane'. But, out of the mane six it is a tie between Fluttershy and Rarity.
  23. I know! Wasn't sure if it was possible but I remembered an episode where Rarity had lipstick on So.... *Shrugs*
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