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Everything posted by QueenofHearts

  1. A dark figure walks onward, the streaks of light across his body glowing a dark orange. On his back was a frisbee-type device, and on one leg was a baton of sorts. (picture this in a pony form) http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSNVJFyZF5ZLAB04wTUPrKwJTUA00KSEe1TwrwHVSgZeqCraukbyA
  2. Mandaline chuckled from beneath her helmet, and drew out yet another odd weapon. This one looked like a frisbee, but when Mandaline threw it, it cut through a Terminator like a knife through warm butter.
  3. After her grand entrance, Mandaline says to the Terminators "I'm not gonna fight you. I'm gonna kick your ass!"
  4. Shalidor left the bakery after some thought. He headed for the woods, unsure of where he was going. He kept his Disc drawn, in case any violence was required.
  5. Balinor looked at Zero, and said "Now my only problem is figuring out how to get OUT of the suit...."
  6. Shalidor stooped himself, remembering that they didn't have Joey Buzzers here. He facehoofed himself, mainly because he had been hanging around Flynn too much. He touched Brown Bat with the the helix piece, and electricity jumped from the helix to Bat.
  7. Shalidor entered the bakery, looking around. He kept his visor up, so as to cover his partially derezzed face.
  8. Balinor said in reply "I was never told that these things were armed to the teeth."
  9. Shalidor walked around for a couple minutes, trying to remember what Tron had told him to do. He tried his best to blend in, but the light streaks across his body did not help any. "Do as the Users do..." He said to himself.
  10. After a few moments of searching, he found something that looked like a double helix. He took part of it, and smiled reassuringly at Brown Lily, and said "This should wake her up. It's like a Joey buzzer."
  11. Shalidor walked away, trying to figure out what to do. As a Program, he wasn't used to being around so many organisms.
  12. Shalidor's visor vanished, revealing the partially derezzed face that he bore."This place is nothing like the Grid...." He said under his breath as he searched through the information on his Disc.
  13. Mandaline was sitting in a dark corner, the light streaks in her body, as well as the Identity Disc twirling on her hoof, making her presence clear. She had one glass eye, but the other was a metallic grey.
  14. (Don't ask me! I just joined!) After a few more twirls, Shalidor got up, went into park, and began tossing the disc. Unfortunately, it was still locked in combat mode, and cut through a couple trees. Shalidor looked at the trees in confusion. "Why didn't they derezz?..." He asked aloud.
  15. Shalidor pulled a disc off his back, and began twirling it on his hoof. His metallic blue eyes showed a state of boredom. "Well, it looks like the User world is not what it was cracked up to be..." He said to nobody in particular.
  16. Shalidor sighed, and said "I saved her ass from a CP soldier earlier, so she invited me here."
  17. Mandaline looks around, and runs inside, incinerating any hostile that dare cross her path.
  18. Mandaline looks around, and runs inside, incinerating any hostile that dare cross her path.
  19. Mandaline looks at the building and picks up a stray Grim Reaper. She unleashes a rocket at the wall, blasting it open.
  20. Mandaline looks at the gun, then at Echo. "I'm not getting rid of this! Not after three hours of constant work!" She deactivated the Übercharge, but does not look happy about it. She then saw the building they were to inflitrate. "He's in there!" Mandaline called out.
  21. Shalidor put his Disc away, looking hurt. "I AM technology. I'm not an organism like you. I don't even bleed!" He said, purposely cutting himself. The cut was visible, bit it wasn't flesh. It looked pixelized, and sparked a little. The cut healed after a few seconds, and Shalidor sat down.
  22. The Terminator looked at Mandaline, who said "Let 'em rip!" At the sound of this, the Terminator signalled to the rest, and charged forward. Mandaline, however, activated the Übercharge on Echo, and burned hostile forces with her flamethrower.
  23. Shalidor drew the Disc again, and held it out. As it did so, images of TRON City were projected from it. "This is the Grid. A digital world inside of computers. This Identity Disc tells who I am, what I know, and what I have done in the past." As he spoke, he offered Brown Lily to have a look.
  24. As Mandaline spoke, two Hueys flew in, but they were much faster. They looked like like chopper that had been blueprinted on Mandaline's desk, only more heavily armed.
  25. "My Identity Disc? I have it for when I pay my visits to the Grid." Shalidor replied, placing the Disc on his back.
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