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Everything posted by DreamySunday

  1. [colour=#282828]If I may request. Could you do mah OC Bluemoon?[/colour] [colour=#282828]Eyes: Orange [/colour]http://tinyurl.com/a8j8pe7 [colour=#282828][colour=#000000]Coat: Cornflower blue [/colour][/colour]http://tinyurl.com/a8scm47 [colour=#282828]You get 100% creative liberty [/colour] [colour=#282828]Thank you if you exept. Thank you if you don't. [/colour]
  2. Bluemoon hoped on the bus and made her way to Knight and Slicks seat, Hoped up on the seat and sat on Knights lap like she said she would. Bluemoon moved around a bit to get comfortable before noticing the hay << [colour=#40e0d0]Um. what's up with the hay?[/colour] >> ((huzzah for short post!)) Also this --> http://cheezburger.com/7107576576
  3. WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterlot!
  4. [colour=#800080]"that's so cool, Bluemoon!! That colour you bought totally matches my eyes!" [/colour]"[colour=#800080]Ohh, this is gonna be a BLAST, girls!!"[/colour] << [colour=#40E0D0]You bet! We'll look fabulous [/colour] >> Bluemoon was Trying to put her Rainbow of socks on when Knight said [colour=#B22222]"Hello fillies. Would anypony like to sit on my lap and talk about the first thing that comes up?" [/colour]Bluemoon Being Oblivious and all responded with a << [colour=#40E0D0]Ya, sure I'm game.[/colour] >> "[colour=#006400]Excuse my mate here, Knight is... not very good at dares... that was an attempt at him being flattering, ain't that right my dear Knight?[/colour]" << [colour=#40E0D0]Well I don't care if it was a dare I'm doing it[/colour] >> She said Completly Obliviously. After finally putting on her socks Bluemoon made her way out side infront of the bus
  5. After finally getting her attention, Bluemoon approached Shade [colour=#800080]"Hey, Bluemoon!! Wanna go in with me and Violet and get some McSoy's?"[/colour] << [colour=#40E0D0]That's what I was going to ask about. What is a McSoy?[/colour] >> Before she could even get an answer Shade had already jumped off the bus. To which Bluemoon Quickly followed Upon entering the gas station "[colour=#800080]It's actually kinda big in here.."[/colour] << [colour=#40E0D0]Ya, no kidding![/colour] >> She said while looking at the gas station. Bluemoon Was in awe [colour=#AFEEEE]This place is way bigger then the market, [/colour]She thought to herself. Her mum had never really taken her to places like this, so most of this stuff was new to her. Of course she still knew what most of thisstuff was, she had just never really gotten the opertunity to try it. [colour=#800080]"Shh.. Nopony saw that.." [/colour]<< [colour=#40E0D0]Hm? Wha? Nopony saw what?[/colour] >> Bluemoon Turned to see Shade atempting to make tea [colour=#AFEEEE]Oh this ought to be good [/colour]She thought as she watched Shade "....Maybe I won't be buying this..." << [colour=#40E0D0]Heh I think that's for the best[/colour] >> As Bluemoon began to walk away from the Coffee machine she heard Shade say "..I always wondered why they sold these, but they sure are fun.." <<[colour=#40E0D0]Huh? What do you mean?[/colour] >> It was then that she turned and came face to face with the Sock dispencer << [colour=#40E0D0]...What...?Those things really exist?[/colour] >> Bluemoon Watched as Shade worked the machine 3 times [colour=#800080]"Okay, I need to walk away now before I spend all my bits on this.. I think that I really only want one of the pink ones and one of the green ones.. You girls want some socks?"[/colour] [colour=#800080]"We could all mismatch!"[/colour]<< [colour=#40E0D0]Wait A second[/colour] >> Bluemoon walked over to the machine and put in some bits and got Some Flamboiyantly red socks << [colour=#40E0D0]Now we can have a differant coloured one on each leg[/colour]! >>
  6. Bluemoon Spectated The Truth or dare Match,[colour=#AFEEEE] Wow, this is getting a little intense [/colour]She though to herself. Bluemoon was about to say something when the bus came to a sudden halt which caused her to fall out of her seat and onto the floor[colour=#008080] [/colour][colour=#008080]"Stay seated, my little ponies!"[/colour] << [colour=#40e0d0]Too late.[/colour] >> She said while being all dizzy and junk [colour=#282828] [/colour][colour=#008080]"Okay guys, be back in the bus by.."[/colour][colour=#008080]"11:30! That's a little more than 15 minutes. Remember, there is a McSoy's inside the station if anypony is hungry with a nice little sit down area that you can eat at. Be sure to use the bathroom now, because we won't be stopping again until we're in the beautiful city of Red Rock! Do you have anything to add, Petals?"[/colour] Bluemoon got up to ask << [colour=#40e0d0]What's a McSoys[/colour] >> [colour=#282828] [/colour][colour=#FF0000]"I would just like to say that now would also be a great time to toss any trash that you may have, and it's TOOOOTALLY okay with me if any of you would like to purchase some snacks for the trip up, but I would appreciate it if you could try to keep any drinks in closed containers." [/colour][colour=#008080]"Alright! Thank you Petals, have at it you guys!!" [/colour]<< [colour=#40e0d0]B-But you didn't. answer my question[/colour] >> Bluemoon watched everyone get out. She looked for Shade, Maybe she would know the answer.She looked and she looked and bingo Mooney quickly tried to get Shades attention << [colour=#40e0d0]Shade! SHADE! BRITCHES![/colour] >>
  7. During the trip down the Lift DreamySunday had not calmed down, infact she was in a worse mood << [colour=#FFFF00]Stupid brain. Making me forget my key, making me not beable to go home, Making me grumble to myself[/colour] >> [colour=#000000]"[/colour][colour=#FF0000]Really now? Well, guess you can never have to many neighbors[/colour]," Was all DreamySunday Heard before the doors slid open << [colour=#FFFF00]You've got to be kidding me, Another New one!?[/colour] >> Dreamy Looked at the receptionist and Said << [colour=#FFFF00]Why do you keep placing the new people in the fourth flour!? And as for you I'm not helping you move![/colour] >> Before frustratingly making her way to the front door
  8. "[colour=#008000]Oh really thank you so much![/colour]" << [colour=#ffff00]Don't mention it.[/colour] >> Dreamy Followed Spring and her moutain of boxes to her door "[colour=#008000]this is the place[/colour]" "[colour=#008000]thank you two so much again[/colour]" << [colour=#ffff00]Again, don't mention it[/colour] >> She said while putting the boxes down in springs apartment << [colour=#ffff00]Seriously though, don't mention it I don't like moving ponies[/colour] >> She said while walking out Springs front door. Dreamy made herway to her door reached for her keys and... << [colour=#ffff00]No. No, no, no, no, nonononononono![/colour] >> DreamySunday Had forgotten her keys at the shop...Again. She let out a frustrated roar before making her way to the elevator Mumbling and grumbling to herself
  9. [colour=#00FF00]"oh my apologies, I'm just moving in here you see and have quite the few boxes" [/colour]DreamySunday looked around << [colour=#FFFF00]Really? I hadn't noticed[/colour] >> "[colour=#00FF00]Oh my I'm sorry! Where are my manners? I'm Spring, Spring Earth. I'm opening a little plant and herb store out here and I'm moving into this house[/colour]" << [colour=#FFFF00]I'm DreamySunday I run the Ice cream parlor In the Solar Square[/colour] >> She said While shaking Springs hoof "[colour=#00FF00]Sorry again about the boxes... they'l be gone once I get them in the house[/colour]" <<[colour=#ffff00]Well...Seeing as how your boxes are blocking my door way. I might aswell help you[/colour] >> She said while picking up some boxes with TEH MAGIKS!
  10. [colour=#800080]"That's HILARIOUS, Bluemoon!! Hahahaaa, was it at school? In front of everypony? [/colour]<< [colour=#40E0D0]Yes it was at school, and Like I said my mum escorted me from class to class[/colour] >> She said getting embarrassed again[colour=#800080] "What did you say when other ponies asked about your bubblewrap?!?"[/colour] << [colour=#40E0D0]I told them it was my mum. Nobody believed me. Thatis until they saw my mum waiting out side the room[/colour] >>
  11. DreamySunday Walked into the Lobby of the appartment complexe, Back from a "Hard" days work at the Ice cream shop << [colour=#ffff00]I can't wait to get home to read my book[/colour] >> She said While Getting into the Eleventor. Dreamy hit the 4 button quickly anticipating the arrival of the flour so that she could get home and just Crash with her book. Upon the openning of the doors, She came Face to face with a pile of boxes << [colour=#FFFF00]Haha of course[/colour] >> She navigated the little box maze to find the culprit-er Owner of these boxes (Sping Earth) << [colour=#ffff00]Hey...What's up with the boxes?[/colour] >>
  12. (( How did I not see that coming? Also I'm flipping a coin on the choice so I have no idea which one I'm gonna take)) Bluemoon Listened to Shade explain the rules << [colour=#40e0d0]Sounds easy enough, So who are we gonna start with?[/colour] >>"We can start with you Bluemoon." << [colour=#40e0d0]Oh! uh sure I'm game [/colour] >> She said with a bit nervousness and a bucket full of N[colour=#000000]aïveté [/colour]"Truth or dare?" << [colour=#40e0d0]I guess I'll pick [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]Truth[/colour] >> [colour=#afeeee]What could possibly go wrong [/colour][colour=#000000]She confidently thought to herself [/colour][colour=#800080]"Can we hear an embarrassing moment story?" [/colour][colour=#afeeee]That's what could go wrong... [/colour]<< [colour=#40e0d0]Um... Well This one time I slipped down the stairs. Which By itself can be pretty embarrassing, but My mother was there and saw the whole thing. Now you're probably thinking " But bluemoon what's so bad about that? * Well It's bad because my mum is VERY protective So When I hit the ground I quickly got cocooned In rubbing alcohol covered bandages and interogated "Where does it hurt? does it hurt here? how much does it hurt? etc" But the most Embarrassing part is that my mother Made me wear a Bubblewrap suit for like the entire week she even escorted me tomake sure I didn't take it off[/colour] >> By the end of the story Bluemoons Coat had went from her normal Cornflower blue to A bright red << [colour=#40e0d0]So I guess it's my turn?[/colour] >> She looked at the participants << [colour=#40e0d0]Puzzlebeat, Dare or truth?[/colour] >> Truth [colour=#40e0d0].[/colour] Dare
  13. [colour=#282828]Name: DreamySunday[/colour] [colour=#282828]Gender: Female[/colour] [colour=#282828]Species: Unicorn[/colour] [colour=#282828]Appearance: Banana yellow coat, whip cream mane(colour) Violet Eyes[/colour] [colour=#282828]Personal info: She is Stuborn and smart mouthed, sort of like a cactus in the sense that She comes off as a very unpleasent pony at first but get to know her and she'll be a very loving Friend DreamySunday lives alone (If someone wants to bunk Then go ahead ^^[/colour] [colour=#282828]Place of birth: Ponehville[/colour] [colour=#282828]Occupation: Making some super great Ice cream treats ^^[/colour] [colour=#282828]Likes: Frozen treats, Books, silence, The PARANORMAL! Heat (ironic right?) Sleep ,Foals[/colour] [colour=#282828]Dislikes: The cold, Loud noises, Ponies she deems idiots, the snobs, being awoken, routine Know-it-alls (despite being one)[/colour] [colour=#282828]Random Fact: The billionth digit of pi is 9[/colour] [colour=#282828](( Beta Character All subject to change))[/colour]
  14. You know I would call the one on the leftGood OC and the one on theright Normal OC
  15. [colour=#DDA0DD] "A fight could have broken out."[/colour] << [colour=#40E0D0]Well I know that. I just meant, what would the aftermath be like[/colour] >> "[colour=#800080]Hey Violet, Puzzlebeat.. Bluemoon!! Pony next to her!! You guys wanna play truth or dare or something?" [/colour]<< [colour=#40e0d0]I don't know what that is but If it's going to give me something to do Then I'm in![/colour] >> Bluemoon said with a pinch of curiosity and exitment (( I laughed so hard XD ))
  16. [colour=#800080]"Nice to meet you too. It's kind of my thing to not be seen. Do you know where we're going? I didn't really pay attention to that part." [/colour]Bluemoon giggled at Pockets comment <<. [colour=#40e0d0]I, personally don't care weather I'm noticed or not It's no big deal really[/colour] >> Bluemoons attention was quickly stolen by the argument that had ensued. She whatched and whatched as the situation got tenser and tenser, looking like it was going to snap at any moment. But lucky for her and everyone else things finished on better turms << [colour=#40e0d0]Could you imagine what couldhave happened? [/colour] >> She said while looking a Pocket whatch. (( Pretty much ^this )) (( I would be perfectly fine with a post limit ))
  17. Bluemoon Got up to introduce herself << [colour=#40e0d0]My name is Bluemoon, I like exploring new things and places, I like food and I like my new friends[/colour] >>
  18. On the way to her seat Bluemoon heard someone call her over [colour=#800080]"Bluemoon!! [/colour][colour=#800080]Come sit in the back with us!! I don't think we could fit anymore in this seat unless I sat on Violet's lap again but you can sit with her and be right here she looks nice!" [/colour]<<[colour=#40E0D0]That sounds alright cool[/colour] >> Bluemoon went over to her new spot and sat down only to hear her name being called by someone else [colour=#AFEEEE]Wow everyone's so nice [/colour][colour=#000000]She though to herself. [/colour][colour=#DDA0DD]"Hello, I've seen you around before but we've never really spoken. My name is Pocket Watch." [/colour]<< [colour=#40E0D0]Hi My name's Bluemoon I don't think I've ever seen you around but it's a pleasure to meet you[/colour] >>
  19. ( Why procrastiantion!? Why?! ) Bluemoon was exited about This feild trip It wasen't too often that her mother let her go on feild trips so when she did, Bluemoon made sure to enjoy every second of it. Her wings were buzzing with exitment as she got closer to the bus. [colour=#008080]"Okay everypony, just show me your permission slips real quick as you enter, I'll check your name, and we'll be ready to go" [/colour][colour=#000000]<< [/colour][colour=#40e0d0]My name is Bluemoon[/colour][colour=#40e0d0] [/colour]>> She said as she gave her slip to The teacher and hoped into the bus. Bluemoon walked to the back Getting herself hyped for the trip << [colour=#40e0d0]**heheh this is gonna be great![/colour] >>
  20. Bluemoon Walked to her seat with exitment in her step and a flutter in her wings. She leaned over to Fresco and said << [colour=#40e0d0]This is going to be great! [/colour][colour=#000000]>> [/colour]
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