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Everything posted by RuqyoHighsong

  2. RuqyoHighsong


    I wish she'd clear my skies...err, uh... *cough*
  3. VDFRHUWCRGTWDH *drools* *kidnaps her from Fancy Pants*
  4. You foals! It's a tank armadillo. >=)
  5. "Ms. Sparkle, are you trying to seduce me?" "Affirmative." "HNNNNGG."
  6. EEEEE! Thank you Ginger! I can't believe I didn't see this until now. <3 <3 <3 It looks absolutely lovely. And yes, I agree about hair bows, they are tres cute!
  7. So much green. So much awesome. 8D
  8. Just looking at her, I feel I'm on cloud nine! Great work, Bri!
  9. Suddenly, I understand Spike's fascination with her. WOWZA. I'd be ever so honoured if she dedicated a song to me...
  10. Turns out I'm most like Fluttershy. Not too surprising. As happy and hyper as I can often seem (I definitely have a bit of a Pinkie Pie side to me), I am actually quite a quiet person, and I'm not fond of a lot of noise. I also definitely have a Twilight side to me, as I absolutely love reading (I CAN COUNT TO BOOKS 8D), and I hope my local library will review my application to volunteer there. I don't know if it sounds silly or not, but I think shelving books seems very fun/relaxing/interesting.
  11. That is a glorious picture.
  12. I wouldn't call this so much of a paradox, really. In fact, I don't find it to be all that surprising. Usually (but not always), with age comes better understanding and appreciation of things. I find, in my case, that the older I get, the more I tend to appreciate/like things I didn't when I was a kid. For example, I used to absolutely loathe winter. Now, winter is setting in once more, and...I'm okay with it. Perhaps even a little happy about it. I relish the calm and the quiet, shoveling (I know it's weird, but I love to shovel, and besides, it's great cardiovascular exercise), and curling up inside under a warm blanket with hot cocoa/tea and a good book. They say things often get better with age. I hope that is the case for all of us.
  13. Crystal pushed open the door, stepping into the dimly lit club. It was early afternoon, a time when no one would be frequenting a club, and so the lights were dimmed, and the bartender was not present behind the bar. As the door closed behind her, Crystal scanned the interior, taking it all in. So this is the club that Mr. Turn Table owns, she thought to herself. She remembered giving him her manager’s card a few weeks back, suggesting that he schedule a singing gig for her. He had indeed done so, wasting no time at all in contacting her management; he certainly was eager to see her again, and this made her nervous. Her nervous thoughts bounced around in her mind as she moved forward, stepping out onto the dance floor. “Hello? Mr. Turn Table, are you here? I came to have a look at the club before my gig tonight.”
  14. Hajimemashi-te, watashi wa Crystal desu. :3 Welcome to our forums, Thunder-san! [had to put that hyphen in 'pleased to meet you' because the board thought I was saying the 's' word ]
  15. Well, I remember a friend of mine on FurAffinity had a whole bunch of journals and pony art that he did, and I was like 'LOLWUT My Little Pony?' But, seeing as I'm fairly open-minded about stuff like this, my curiosity got the better of me, and I had to see what it was like. 5 minutes into episode 1 of the first season --> "WHY DO I LOVE THIS OMG I MUST WATCH ALL OF IT" And now I am forever hooked. Ponies = the best drug.
  16. Could very well be a younger version of Mr. Freewings.
  17. *BUZZER* I'm sorry, it is you who have failed the test. While most people do the usual 17 syllables, 5-7-5 form, that is not the /only/ way it must be done. In fact, haiku are more about the feeling, 'the moment', than about strict form. [ http://www.ahapoetry.com/haiartjr.htm ] Now, I guess I better throw a few haiku in here ===== scattering dead leaves with a wide sweep of my hands, looking for green grass. - Rainbow Dash overhead, the wind captured in her wings-- a sonic rainboom - the last sip of the sixth infusion, and my eyes are heavy, drowsy; first snowfall of the year. - peeking under Mother Nature's skirt: the willow tree. - I saw the crow caw sadly at the sky and I just had to weep - quivering leaf still hanging in winter's midst - heavy snow. a fir tree breaks. ===== There, a nice little sampling of some of my haiku. That Rainbow Dash one I just wrote now, because I wanted at least one pony haiku in there.
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