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Angie Cakes

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Everything posted by Angie Cakes

  1. https://picarto.tv/AngieBakeryCakes come watch me draw come request things (18+ warning doesn't really mean anything but the cat might want to get a parent to sign off on this first anyway)
  2. I summoned you and now you are here ! my summoning spells have worked !
  3. I swear on my honour as a potential scream house inhabitant.

    1. Davroth


      Scream houses have no honor, only loyalties. 

    2. DreamySunday


      And Screams. Don't forget Screams.

  4. at the very least tell conor he's invited to my 18th birthday on friday & if he comes he'll get free art
  5. bring me conor tell him I need to beat him up. tell him I'm ready for a fight.
  6. are you telling me that someone broke your record as world's youngest person?? I'm sorry to hear that ):
  7. if I @ people does it get their attention?? @Conor Colton @IRockZ28 @Bronies For Life @Brony-Vas-Normandy @AsthmaticPegasus @Appliance @Sulvuss @Tenkan @Apolline Allura I don't think any of these people are still active though so :\
  8. I miss Conor I miss Rocky I miss Noah I miss Normandy I miss Peggly I miss Appy I miss Sulvuss I miss Tenkan I miss Apoline I miss friendship :'I
  9. yes and also give us embedded .swf files again even though that probably takes some work to do idrk I'm no computer whiz
  10. never had a straight up cup of coffee but at least coffee can be diluted enough to taste good. I still haven't found a way to make tea taste good.
  11. unfortunately, yes that's why I got rid of all the tea bags
  12. there's different flavours. it's like if fruit candy was a drink. candy juice.
  13. 363d4165c9b5e26b450de33b20c4f7af.png

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Davroth


      For some people I guess it is.

    3. Rosewind


      I mean sure, pastel cartoon horses are a good way to bring people together!

    4. MicroChip


      All this time I've been in LPW, and I could have actually gone out with someone?


      I'm not as upset about that as I feel I should be.

  14. nah, I'm good. we got a lot of brits around here competing to be the most british. you absorb a lot of it over time. *pours self a steaming hot cup of kool aid* *puts a straw in and watches it melt away* just how I like it shame we lost so many good subjects when the world ended. I miss the competition for power. with nobody around it just falls to the kiddo who was always the least competitive. how sad.
  15. well you should've thought about that before I replaced all the teabags with Kool Aid Singles™ >:I guess I'll go put the pot on myself. it's not the kind of task I'd want to leave to a brit anyway
  16. ah, the cat! go put on a fresh pot of kool aid will you? please and thank you.
  17. hm, it's been over two weeks since Fawkes showed his face around here .. guess I'm in charge now :I *climbs onto Fawkes' throne* *strokes the armrests* sorry you've been left by yourself for so long there buddy. I'll take you out for a walk tonight. *replaces all the teabags with Kool Aid Singles™* yes, this will do for now.
  18. 1:23am the sound of some sort of machinery in the distance a strange smell in my room my window is open the city is spraying for mosquitoes tonight I die by mosquito spray for I am not but a mosquito
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