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Angie Cakes

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Everything posted by Angie Cakes

  1. it's almost as if I wasn't answering any questions. almost as if that question was answered years ago.
  2. fawkes we can't fuse if we fuse we'd never get any more likes all of our likes come from each other. we'd get fourth place then stagnate. we'd be lesser than the sum of our parts.
  3. the poor child, gone forever. he may have left the forest and our lives, but he never left our hearts. the curse no longer affecting him after leaving our home, may he rest in pieces.
  4. glad to have you stay. we've been thirsting for another bombs expert. ever since... *sniff*... conor left us
  5. there's a long standing curse on this thread, back from the ancient times of 2011, that prevents anyone from dying while here
  6. I am trusting this stranger to look after the kid. make sure she isn't alone with her thoughts too long. I left some snacks on the counter. don't open the attic, we haven't gotten the racoons out of there yet.
  7. DEFINITELY didn't have more than the fawkesequus I'm sure
  8. I remember you not having a chance at surpassing me lmao you had like what,, 300 something?? unless you got hundreds more after I was banned
  9. also I mean like,, can I use anything other than numbers and letters?
  10. fawkes cakes the tag team hybrid ruling this thread with our lengthy essays and short one line sarcastic remarks
  11. what characters are allowed in current names? I will have to choose what kind of special I want to be.
  12. check out me and my gf we're so cute together
  13. even after all these years I'm still in 12th place (not including maxed out admin). if I fanart some more I might be able to reclaim my throne as the most loveable canterfarts member http://www.canterlot.com/search/?type=core_members&sortby=pp_reputation_points&sortdirection=desc&page=1
  14. *writes on memo pad* "no fanart for davroth"
  15. welcome to my scream house 


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ciraxis
    3. Rosewind


      You should come visit my cake house sometime, sister!

    4. tacobob


      The Reality=


  16. nothing's stopping me from retroactively editing out all the annoying faces I used all throughout this thread. I can erase from history what a giga loser I was and rewrite the books to make myself look like an average loser.
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