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Angie Cakes

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Everything posted by Angie Cakes

  1. I don't have time for any of you. that's why I'm behind in this conversation.
  2. I'm going to sit in the winning spot one last time before I go to bed, okay guys? ah, my eyes are all swolen and salty. I don't want to go to school tomorrow =_=~*
  3. angie wangie is as mooshy as it gets. I feel you all should know this by now.
  4. except I love nasty's avi because it's all "lolwut what is it" and such
  5. because nasty is nasty >)3< I'm making a face but people never get it
  6. ah, I'm back on my mac, and yes, that's the version of Safari I use. I tried again today and it still doesn't work on my end for some reason ._. I looked again for any settings that might be weird and I didn't find anything. It probably has something to do with how my dad has the computer set up (he has himself set as the computer's admin so there are some things I can't see/change without looking through his papers for his password). I'll try playing around with it some more to see if I can get it to work, but if it doesn't, I'm fine with just using google chrome. thanks for all your help, I greatly appreciate it
  7. thank ya X3 ah, how did I make it? ah, I drew out my pony on paper first. then after I have the base I drew the clothes and the hair. I scanned it into my computer and traced and coloured it in anime studio :3 for tips, ah, pay attention to the shape of the pony and make sure the clothes look like they fit well? I don't really know what I would give as a "tip" it's just something that comes with practice
  8. From the album: pokemon-type themed ponies

    flying-type pony
  9. From the album: pokemon-type themed ponies

    normal-type pony
  10. From the album: pokemon-type themed ponies

    fighting-type pony
  11. actually, I was thinking this when I saw that. I figured that it was put in on purpose for that reason. on a side note, when I was little, my parents used to give us the option to give up all of our candy except ten pieces and whetever we could eat in half an hour in exchange for a toy of our choice under $10. looking back, the offer wasn't worth it. i shouldn't have given in every year
  12. um, Mac OS X version 10.6.8? does that sound right? if that's the wrong thing, I'll have to check tomorrow since I can't get back on my mac tonight
  13. I'm very sorry for asking you to go through all this. since yesterday, I tried looking around at other problem topics and decided to download google chrome. I checked it just now and it works fine on that. still it is strange that it won't work on safari anymore... I tried looking through any settings I could find and I didn't find anything other than block pop-up windows checked. I turned that off and it still didn't work.
  14. first I'm going to try one more time since last time I was able to get one more image up... nope, doesn't look like it's working here's the link to my DA http://theblueprintf...t.com/gallery/# any of the pony pictures from "Sandy Shores" and above are the ones I'm talking about (except for "change of avatar". that one works fine for some reason) attempt at thumbnail... ah, how do I do thumbnail? I just kinda guessed at how to do it I don't see any add thumbnail buttons ._. (didn't that used to be under the button that looked like the youtube icon?)
  15. I dunno... putting oatmeal in any sort of baking sounds crazy to me... (strong hater of oatmeal in baking)
  16. ah, I hope you don't mind me posting here, but I also seem to be having similar troubles uploading to the gallery. I've uploaded 6 pictures with no trouble at all. this morning I tried to upload three more pictures, but the swirly arrow things kept spinning and nothing would upload. I tried again tonight, and I was only able to upload one more image. this is the information for the image I'm trying to upload now: Size: 299 KB on disk (297,327 bytes) Kind: Portable Network Graphics image Dimensions: 790 × 542 Color Space: RGB Color profile: iMac I'm on a mac using Safari Mac OS X version 10.6.8 all my other images have similar dimensions (a few pixels difference), are the same file type and are under 400 KB. all other information is the same. this is also the same for the images I've already uploaded my process for uploading: go to gallery and click upload select album> pokemon-type themed ponies choose file and upload after that the arrows just keep spinning and nothing happens. I feel like this is probably something on my end, but I'm not sure I'm doing the exact same thing I did before, but it isn't working now for some reason. EDIT: also I haven't changed any of my settings since I last uploaded
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