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Blog Entries posted by frenzyhero

  1. frenzyhero
    Okay, I'm seeing a lot of stuff about Hell Week. Isn't it about...oh, I don't know, 6 months early? I thought it was sometime around 2 semester. Anyway, I'm posting this because the Freshman in our school tried to hit us with water balloons. Totally unoriginal. So, they're just Freshman, they can't do the hazing in Hell Week, even if it isn't Hell Week. I imagine the Freshies that bothered to try are gonna get some licks, but that's not the matter.
    Garbage bags and catapults.
    So, an average garbage bag can hold ~113 litres, which is ~29.8 gallons, which is 240 pounds.
    240 pounds flying through the air, add in gravity, what would happen if it hit a Feshman?
    See, we have an elevated parking lot overlooking the bus's parking lot, and last year they were only allowed to throw water balloons if they stayed in the elevated lot. At first I thought we could maybe use the slingshots that the cheerleaders use to launch t-shirts, but then my scout instinct kicked in. GO BIG OR GO HOME.
    F*CKING CATAPULT, MATE. If I made one each month, my only challenge would be transporting them. So, I can gather the pieces and assemble them on site. I would have almost 6 or 7 by the time real Hell Week starts. We could layer the garbage bags so they can hold their maximum amount of weight, and then we launch it onto the bus's parking lot. When they hit the ground (or person) the bags would hopefully explode and the water goes everywhere!
    The only issue is, I'm pretty sure 240 lbs hurts like a *****, so...
    Okay, good idea? Any ideas how I could possibly make the garbage bags explode in mid-air so the Freshies aren't hit full force and we don't get into trouble?
  2. frenzyhero
    So, I finished editing "Cheerilee's Garden"'s DT&SS scene, humanized and name/gender swapped for a school assignment. My only concern is the gore factor. As many of you know, it has GRATUITOUS amounts of gore. I am expected to read it aloud in class, as well, so awkward for some, but not for me, other than the fact it's upward to ~4,000 words.
    Would this fic be appropriate for a class of juniors? Remember that with it being humanized and using real people's names and personalities, it may have more of an effect. Normally I would upload the fic for other's to review and comb for mistakes in the transition such as still leaving "her" on a now male character, and on my previous forums, I would have been able to, however, here I am left alone to my own editiing prowess. I'll look through it one more time, but if you request the altered fic, post in the comments below.
    Oh, and in case you are wondering, I have emailed my teacher, he said he would allow it, something about expression of free speech and it fitting our prompt.
    I also edited out the hammer section, due to editing diffuculty and detracting of theme, pace, and overall feel. It would be too hard to change Cheer's personality to our teacher's.
    So, in the comments below:
    (1) Would it be appropriate?
    (2) Encouragement for reading this?
    (3) If you want, request the altered version, read at own risk, not held responsible for any anguish and/or repercussions. 18+ only.
    But hey, I can't know for sure if you're 18. I mean, like Canada's policy that message boards must have an minimum age limit of 13 years, you can just lie and it's pretty pointless, you know?
    EDIT: AH! And, in my previous entry I said that Kain would be Silver Spoon and Cameron would be Diamond Tiara. Though I didn't mean to, I have reversed this. It has no effect on the story whatsoever.
  3. frenzyhero
    I remember this one time, this kid was cheating in 4Square at school, and I bit him. I had to go to anger management. There were all these older kids there. One of them had burned down his mom's house, another tried to commit suicide. They said I was weird...
    So yeah, I DO bite...
  4. frenzyhero
    Shoutout to Lovin'Moonlight! Awesome bro, I tell you what. Give him your hooves, your likes, and your wenches.
    Meh, this entry serves no other purpose other than to do that and to flaunt what he made on such short notice so I'm not empty-handed for my brother's birthday.
    Here's the DropBox link.
    Oh, and that's another thing. DropBox is AMAZING. Check it out. I honestly forget it even exists half the time, but it is the best thing to ever happen to me behind Chrome.
    Speaking of Chrome, big Q for all you: Sometimes when I'm browsing, it will seperate the tab that I'm currently in, close it in that window, and open the tab that I was just browsing in in another window. Now, this wouldn't be a problem if I didn't have a network connection made of fecal matter, so how can I fix this?
  5. frenzyhero
    So, we were writing fiction for our business tec class because...oh, why the hell do I know? So, my friend decided to name his main character Bobby Johnson (I'm Bobby to my friends), who is pale, short (I have no idea, but I'm nationally I'm average. These people are just fackin' tall!) and stout. I'm a supermodel, but I'm not fat, eh...
    He wrote that I had disobeyed our Coach's rules, and then he went crazy and ran me out into the hall where he beat me (in detail) to death.
    I was thinking of adapting the Diamond Tiara/Silver Spoon scene in Cheerilee's Garden, where Cameron (the author) is DT, and his friend Kain is SP, and Coach is Cheerilee. They're abducted after leaving 4th period (his class) that they had disrupted with hijinks and shenanigans.
    Oh, I told him I would go gruesome.
    But, should I adapt it and give it a happy yet traumatizing ending? I want it to be a statement of my unforgiving yet merciful personality.
    Also, we can't leave out bat**** insane.
    My only problem is, do you think they'd put me in the "special" class when I do it? I say when because I WILL do it.
  6. frenzyhero
    Okay, so I sorta just found this feature tucked away. In this blog I guess I'll just be cataloging anything strange or unusual that happens to me in real life or the internet or whatever...
    So I guess just anything over the internet.
    But enough about me...oh, wait. This is supposed to be all about me.
    So uhm... what should I write about in the following entries?
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