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Status Updates posted by frenzyhero

  1. Wow...I'm just going to stay away from the 18+ thread...

  2. Ha! Chrome bypasses my school's web restricts.

    1. PIJIN


      All Hail Chrome! U_U (Moment of Silence)

  3. I'd like to join the chat, but it just won't load for me...

  4. Rose luck and Luna are my favorite ponies!

  5. Wow, this layout is a little much for me to handle coming right out of MLPFORUMS.COM...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. frenzyhero


      Would it take up too much space by having status updates show up on the side bar of the frontpage?

    3. MyLittlePonyTales


      Well, we already have blogs up there. Status updates are mostly for you to interact with friends, not something to public ally display. Some people just post a link, and how boring is that? Also, status updates do not need approval, so sometimes inappropriate things get through since it's hard to check every single profile. And don't want that on the front page for hours before a Mod can get to it. Doesn't look good on us. So, probably just not a good idea overall. :)

    4. frenzyhero


      Hm. That's an interesting take on the matter. I guess it's just not for some places then.

  6. Hello, I'm new to this forum, but not new to forums alltogether. Come welcome me if you don't mind: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/11377-a-bittersweet-moment/

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