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Status Updates posted by frenzyhero

  1. 'Allo! Didn't know you liked Soul Eater!

  2. 147852369326159487

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. frenzyhero


      BLOPS reference is reference. This is a special string of numbers though.

    3. Linkhopper


      Woah! You got the reference on benders big score. You just got 999999999 prop points.

    4. frenzyhero
  3. Actually, I said "fanon" 4 times. You get no cookie.

  4. AGH! Bleeding Enderman knockin' meh off my house! Swear, almost didn't make it to the lake.

  5. akimBrony, I am False Perception, or otherwise Frenzyhero.

  6. Apparently I broke 100. Yay.

  7. Best video is best video.

    1. StarStorm


      Hehe, I'mma check it out right nao

    2. StarStorm
  8. Bill, it was a different time. It was back when we didn't know the Russians were incompetent!

  9. Blegh. I have a bad feeling.

  10. BWAH! CHAT ROOM IS DOWN!?! Or is it just me? Nvm, going to sleep.

  11. C'mon Cage! Let's fight his music with OUR music!

  12. Can I call you Linky-poo?

  13. Can someone link me to a nice Luna Google Chrome theme?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SunsetSombra


      She's also a synthetic - but shhh, don't tell anyone...it's a secret!

    3. Tenkan


      Scouts honor.

      Wait...should I be reading this?

    4. frenzyhero


      Well, this got offtopic.

      @Tenkan are you a scout? I'm a scout!

      @Rose, most mods are, lol!

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