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Everything posted by RarityDash

  1. "I was born in that dusty little town back before you could even really call it a town," Lady said, shaking her head. "It changes every time I return..." Lady glanced down at Valoren. "I suppose I better wake him up," she sighed.
  2. "Most of us are cruel deep down, we just hide it. I personally don't see the harm in letting it show when it's to our advantage," said Lady in a quiet voice. "That's my philosophy having lived in these badlands so long, at least." "I've made quite the profit off it so far," Lady added, smirking.
  3. "I'm not really sure quite yet. I don't know where tagging along this pony will take me," Lady said in a low voice. "But there's a chance it might be worth my time." "Canterlot, eh? I've never been so far back east," Lady said. "I was born in this region. Never have left it."
  4. Lady was stunned to hear she actually had been recognized. But this stallion was playing cool about it, so she had no reason to react. "Well, I must say I appreciate your kindness," Lady said, dropping her nice act and speaking more directly. This was true enough. That said, she didn't understand it. Her reward was not a small one. She didn't really get why somepony who didn't even know her would go out of his way for her sake "You from around here?" Lady asked to make conversation.
  5. Lady just smiled. "Just to Appleloosa's fine with us," Lady told the stallion. "We'll be deciding where to go from there once we get there," Lady added with a nod.
  6. Lady breathed a soft sigh of relief. This guy wasn't with the law. She was safe for now. She'd just have to worry about remaining elusive when they reached town. "Thanks a lot, mister," Lady expressed her gratitude. "Sure is lucky we found you when we did."
  7. Lady tried her best not to look to suspicious. The stallion's hat made her think he might be affiliated with the law. If so, she hoped desperately that he didn't recognize her name of face from the wanted posters. She wanted to avoid any sort of struggle. Still, they needed the ride. Lady just had to go for it and hope this pony wouldn't recognize her. "Howdy there, mister," she said, approaching the stallion, laying on her charm. "Sorry to trouble you, but as my traveling companion here was sayin', we're in desperate need of a ride." Lady forced a long, desperate sigh as she continued to speak in a nice, polite tone with a thicker than usual drawl. "Ya see, we had a little run in with some no good desert outlaws and Val here ended up with a mighty deep wound in his side. I'm mighty worried he just won't make it if we have to cross this desert all on our lonesome." Lady made like she was sad. "So do ya think you can find it in your heart to help us out, mister?"
  8. Welcome to Canterlot! Please enjoy your time here.
  9. Yeah, this poll is kind of atypical of FiM character polls I've seen. I mean, Fluttershy doing so amazing is no surprise, but usually Dash would be right up there with her. And never does Applejack usually do this good. Maybe it's the fact that it's pick two that has it kind of oddly skewed...? I don't know.
  10. I wasn't here for the Gala, but art like this is really nice to see.
  11. Welcome to Canterlot! Hope you have fun here.
  12. Welcome to Canterlot! I'm great. Thanks for asking.
  13. Definitely still taking ponies. The more the better. Thanks a lot!
  14. "Let's hurry along. If we catch up with them, we might be able to get a ride," said Lady with a nod. This really was a fortunate turn of events. Even with his wound bandaged, the desert would have been hard on Valoren with his wounds. "Hey, wait up, y'all!" she called out to the wagon as she ran toward them. She could notice them begin to slow down.
  15. "I didn't learn it nowhere," Lady said with a shrug. "I taught myself." Lady smiled and gave a nod. "A pony won't survive long out here if she doesn't know how to protect herself. And that goes doubly for a pony in my line of work." The outlaw pony gave a sharp laugh. "And believe me, I've taken enough beatings in my life to know how to hand one out."
  16. Partners? This pony really was too trusting. Putting himself in danger on the basis of some silly verbal agreement between virtual strangers with nothing behind it. If he wasn't as good in a fight as he had just proven himself to be, he'd have probably been dead by now. "You sure you wanna wait around for this guy to wake up?" Lady commented with a laugh. "With how hard my hoof hit the side of his head there's no telling he'll even be able to talk to us when he does."
  17. "Well I suppose I owe you my thanks," said Lady with a smirk. "Even if I really can't understand why you'd do something like that for a pony you don't even really know." Lady gave a sigh as she prepared to continue onward. "I wonder just who those ponies were who attacked us? They were too well armed for simple desert thieves," Lady looked downward and sighed once more. "And it seemed to me the only thing they were interested in taking, besides our lives obviously, was that map of yours..."
  18. Oh awesome. Your characters are really cool and should be great for supporting parts in a story like this. Plus I always thought the military groups and organizations you laid out were pretty cool, so I'm actually pretty excited to have your okay to use them (especially since I was probably already going to make mention of the Royal Equestrian Army at least somewhere in this thing). Thanks!
  19. Lady was stunned as she lay there on the ground for a few seconds. This over trusting, kind of silly stallion had just spared her a potentially fatal wound. More than that he had taken on what looked like quite an injury himself. The bandits seemed to have given up and made their escape, leaving Lady there with the injured pegasus. Slowly she stood and glanced at Valoren and his wound. It was bleeding pretty good. It would be difficult to finish the trip through the desert with a wound like that. It was unusual for Lady to feel compassion for anypony who wasn't a filly or foal, but this idiot had just thrown himself recklessly between her and a blade. After that, just leaving him in the desert to die would be callous, even for her. She studied the wound for a moment as she considered what to do. The first bandit she had bucked in the head had been left behind by his comrades. The blow had rendered him completely and totally unconscious to the point where he wouldn't be going anywhere for a while. Taking advantage of this, Lady moved toward this pony and tore a large section from his cloak. She then took this and moved back toward Valoren. "Hold still," she ordered as she nodded to the other pony. "This might hurt a bit..." Lady then moved in to bandage Valoren's wound with the torn cloak, applying some pressure at the pony's side before tying the cloak tightly to protect the wound.
  20. After letting her back hoof meet the face of another cloaked pony, Lady let her eyes find Valoren. The ones he was sparring from seemed to have their eyes on the map he was carrying. Lady smiled. Was this the confirmation that this pony, and by extension the treasure he was after, was for real? The thought of it made lady shiver with excitement. Though now the mystery was just who these goons were and how they knew Valoren had the map... But this was hardly time to think about that. Lady galloped toward Valoren and then with full force bucked one of the ponies targeting the pegasus in the head. "These guys really don't know when to quit," Lady spat as she kept her eyes open and locked on the remaining cloaked assailants. That was when, very suddenly, one of the downed enemies leapt back up, grabbing his sword and rushing toward her. Lady didn't notice him coming at her until it was too late for her to dodge. Her eyes widened in fright as she faced being skewered.
  21. Lady gave a small sigh. Looks like avoiding a fight was out of the question at this point. "Fine... have it your way," Lady said as she stared down one of the mad attackers rushing at her. These guys were armed, but they also seemed slow and kind of dim. Lady one other hand was skilled at thinking quickly and moving quicker. She slid past her current attacker at the last second before he struck at her with his blade dodging him effortlessly. Then while he was still open, she jumped back and slammed her hoof into the side of his head. He fell to the ground and didn't get back up. She smiled as she stared another of the enemies down. "Come and get me," she said, taunting.
  22. Lady watched as they were attacked. Seriously, were these supposed to be some kind of bandits? They were all cloaked so their faces weren't visible, but Lady had to say she would be surprised if she didn't know them all. She had been at the outlaw game for quite some time after all. Lady evaded a number of swipes as she stared the ponies down. She smiled as she faced them. "If you're after bits, I'm afraid your out of luck, boys. My bag is currently empty." This wasn't a bluff. Lady honestly had left all money in her safe and she hadn't made any winnings from this trip yet. She had only a hooffull of bits in her bag. "Of course, if what you're after is a fight, I'll kindly oblige you," Lady said, twisting her head and staring the ponies down. Lady would have liked to avoid a fight, but she doubted this was a possibility. They were armed and she wasn't after all.
  23. Lady nodded as she backed up toward some rocks. They really were being followed, eh? Lady preferred avoiding confrontation, but she could hold her own in a fight. She was ready for this. "Come on out!" Lady suddenly shouted. "I know you're there!"
  24. Lady just gave a simple nod as she looked at the other. They had been traveling for a long while now relatively undisturbed. But now Lady was positive she heard something. Were they being followed? "Stay quiet," Lady whispered to the other pony. "Don't let them know we're onto them...."
  25. There are definite limits on just what you can do with someone else's character in an RP. You do have to be careful with that. It's good to discuss things like that outside the RP through a PM or something. I find it best when performing a critical action involving my character and another in an RP to give the other players a chance to react rather than just doing it outright. For example, in one of my RPs here, my character Radiant Steel became seriously enraged at another player's character. My decision was to have her charge at and attack this other character. However, I cut off the RP post mid charge, allowing the other players a fair chance to interfere if they so chose (and they did). So yeah, everyone can progress the RP, you just have to be careful not to do too much at once. And if you're unsure about something, talking to the other players through a PM or whatever is always appropriate.
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