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Status Updates posted by Manestream

  1. Happy hearth's warming eve and holidays to you all :)

    1. StarStorm


      Awh, thwnk you Manestream! ^-^ I had a wonderous Hearth's warming, and I hope that you did too! C:

  2. Whew. RL really kicking my butt lately. Got off work an hour late- didnt get to Kat's until around Midnight 30. So much to do, so little time- but this is a good time in my life. I am tired, yeah, but I am working on a forum and project I love. I'm in a job that I enjoy, and i'm advancing upward quickly. Been thinking about starting a blog; I notice a lot of things in my line of work I think would be interesting to share.

    1. Dessa


      go for it! You've got at least one subscriber here.

  3. Jury duty on my birthday! That's new- also ate a bagel; first time in years!

    1. Davroth


      When duty calls, you pay the price.

  4. Watching How to train your dragon and Tangled back to back, all the good music and sappyness makes me wanna cry xD

    1. Chocoswirl


      I really liked those movies! ^^

  5. Just put in my formal 2 weeks notice at Sbux; as crazy as it could be, I'll miss being a hip barista! Now onto being a blackjack dealer!

  6. Bachelorette party is going well, but Internet doesn't work here, and reception is spotty unless in town. Be back on forums soon- sorry guys

  7. bachelorette party was *awesome*!

    1. Davroth


      Was it the best night ever? :D

  8. Had a surprise audition today- didnt quite pass. I thought I did horrendous, but they said I had almost passed- so here's hoping on try #2

    1. weesh


      How much advance warning did you get? A surprise audition sounds terrifying.

  9. Interview over; not really sure if I did well at this one- I guess I'll see. Glad it's over!

    1. weesh


      good luck! don't forget to follow up if they fail to do so.

  10. @BezelFolf I know right? :D *hugs!*

  11. Tryin' this for spin #2. Lets see if the avatar sticks.

  12. Thank you Starbucks, for giving me a year and a half of good memories, challenges, and opportunities to grow. Now, I start the next chapter!

  13. Can't wait to get home to watch MLP- been dying my whole 10 hour shift to!

  14. Though I'll still be poor until January xD important thing is these two women are gonna make it work :'3 and I can log on canterlot at work!

  15. Well- change of plans; seems I'm moving and starting work as a black box tester instead- but I still got my dealing license for blackjack!

  16. Happy nightmare night!

  17. Donne with 6 hour training, now 8 hour shift!

  18. Not sure where i'm living next week- but either way i'll have a new job!

  19. Gotta relish that feeling of being so alive that I can hardly fit inside my body! Music like this makes me want to lock myself in the basement until I become a famous composer!

  20. Watching How to train your dragon and Tangled back to back, all the good music and sappyness makes me wanna cry xD

  21. Getting over illness for the most part; still having stomach soreness around the right side area of my belly button. Going to doctor's soon

  22. I combined three different salad leftovers, and had the ultimate salad for dinner. Way too much salad. x_x

  23. I am celebrating my thanksgiving today! Hooray!

  24. Whew. back from work; and i'm pooped. Theyve really piled on the hours this week, and with all of the site upgrades and contests, i'm one busy mare. Just found out i've got about an $800 car repair bill too; guess i'm going to need those hours! *slips back into her smock*

  25. Work kept me late today; 4 1/2 hours late! Guess I wont be re-uploading the prizes thread tonight. Well, okay, maybe I will after dinner.

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