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Everything posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. Quick Q, does anypony here hav or know where to find the lyrics for "Art of the Dress"? I've been inspired recently to write up a filk parody of it.
  2. Shanna nickered happily at the questions, now that she was sure the place was not going to burn down around them. The bay pegasus smiled as she sat down "We are still expanding our range by ourselves, but we have been to the desert of Appleoosa and even met some of the buffalo when we set up to watch the strange century comet that leaves a trail of gleaming sparkles. Of more interest to you, we got our Cutie Marks on the family trip to Zebra lands. Our mother taught us to navigate by the North Star during the trip and Hoss decided to try that out one night while our parents were busy with her observations. Naturally I had to follow along to keep him out of trouble... We had to escape a Mantacore and had to navigate our way back. We arrived while the zebra herd Chief and his Shaman were organizing a search with our parents. While we were having our tearful reunion, the shaman pointed at our flanks, letting us know we had just recieved them right then and there, for the stars and our knowledge brought us back to our parents." She looked thoughtful for a moment, then smiled at Zecora "Since you want to see more than you have, perhaps you can come with us on our trips. Some are far enough away to spend one or more days there, giving you a chance to see the sights and meet the locals." (ooc; this might be a good excuse for Zecora to start in or find her way into threads far from the Everfree and Ponyville locations)
  3. Candy neighed happily as she helped bring out the food. She smiled as she and he professor set out the salads, then helped spoon out casserole for everypony. "Ohhh this smells soooo good." As she sat down, she did not notice the squirrel sit up and look around in panic over at her saddlebags. "CHIRRRK-Ik-ik!!!" Candy suddenly looked up "Oh no! The squirrel may be dazed and confused from the venom!"
  4. Leadfarmer looked at the others, his ears moving like radar arrays. The earth pony stood wondering what misbegotten mess he was in now with this assignment (whatever it was going to be), and who was most likely to have his back when the roadapples hit the air oscillation device. The.. Inquisitor pointedly ignored them, apparenty waiting to see which of them would prove to be a heretic, well it was not gonna be him, nosiree! He did not survive the battle to save a word just to end up purged as a heretic! He looked cooly at the Psyker, then decided the psy-pony had not determined him a threat and nodded pleasently to him. There was a Space Marine among them too, likely a hard-nose who considers everypony here, including himself, expendable. He had no illusions that they werent expendable, he just saw no need to hurry the inevitable along with gung-ho ferver. He may or may not have your back, but standing behind him would be awfully handy in a close firefight and all that armor... He kept his eyes from resting on the battle sister. The fillies of the Order Sororitas were as deadly as they were beautiful, and rumor had it just ogling them could bring dire punishment. -with gelding being the least of the punisments. Lets just let her show how far she will let her mane down... He then looked to the desert garbed IG pony. At least he's a fellow ground-pounder and most likely to have his back as he would his. Maybe he could find out for sure when they tossed back sasparillas and hard ciders later.
  5. Madam Bistro arrived on time, and was pleasenty surprised to be greeded personally by Maximillian. She smiled and fluttered a fan over her muzzle as he lifted her hoof in greetings. "Mr. Rockefilly." As she was seated, she ordered Rose wine along with a Grand Canterlot Salad and watercress sandwiches. "I am honored to be here tonight." Madam Bistro sat quietly and listened to Maxamillian's words and raised a brow. She looked to the others to see how they were reacting to how close to her plans he was hitting, then arose. She could generally tell when a Manehattanite was being truthful or speaking a load of street apples, and he was truthfully laying all his cards on the table. Bistro smiled and politely clopped her hooves on the table in applause. "I see you have taken our love of this town and our concerns to heart. I have brought up many of those concerns and you have just dragged in several more as well. I have been concerned about our proximity to the Griffons, for instance. Perhaps they would be less inclined to do any damage to this town should national relations sour, if they already have a paw at stake here. Yes, I like the sound of that." She rubbed her hooves together and steepled them "Now we can properly speak to you and be sure we are treated as equal.. "shareholders' in this town since you will be living here for an extended time. Let me the first to say "Welcome, neiiigh-bor!"
  6. Hoss neighed happily at Jubilee "Oh yeah! I wont forget tonight either! I cant wait to see your act again! I'll really try to wow you when I fly tonight." Suddenly the party host shouted from his corner and stormed out to clear his head. "Looks like he's still upset about the fight somehow. I hope he'll be all right..." Shanna smiled at the handsome blond maned stallion as he commented on her dancing vs. his. "You just need more practice... with me." She smiled a she danced with him, her wings arching out part way to keep her balance. Just then, Big Time shouted and looked at them before storming out. She nodded at Bull Dozer's comment and hugged him "And how are you holding up, big guy?"
  7. Leadfarmer groaned as the announcement sounded "Why in all that's holy do they always! ALWAYS! call these things while I am in the head?!" There was a clattering and clanking as he scrambled to get out of the vacc ready toilet, then a steady psssssshhhhhh! as the vac toilet "flushed" - a minute later- A rapid gallop echoed up the hallway, then a clatter as the pony pulled up short before coming into view. The red roan wearing an Imperial Guard uniform tried to casually walk into the room and stand at attention. "Imperial Guard, 45th regiment from Boxer, Scout/sniper platoon, Cpl. Leadfarmer reporting for duty, SAH!" He tried not to show any indication of his distress at meeting with an =I=nquisitor...
  8. All right, made a slight change to the cutie mark, to a plow. This will be my first experience with Inquisitor RP and equipment on the impy side of things. I played the wargame back in Dallas a few years ago, as ork, though my Roomies then were getting into Inquisitor as well at the time. I just could not afford both, sad to say
  9. Shanna sighed and gave Mojo a gentle hug "Oh Mojo, I'm so sorry. I's been one of those days for you, but dont' let it get you down... I think you finally got them together and admitting what they feel." She decided to change the subject. "I thought I heard somepony say something about a giant spider where you were in the race. Did you see it?" Meanwhile, Hoss smiled as he danced with Jubilee above the dance floor. "We have no plans for the evening. The Weather Patrol scheduled everything so there's only a minimal crew tonight, and even that made of some of the race spectators. Shanna raced today and I'm laid up, but was slated to race today as well, so we're not even on the astronomers schedule for tonight or tomorrow." He leaned in closer "Shanna has already taken advantage of the schedue earlier this week and arranged a date with that huge pony from Fillydelphia, So if you are open for a date tomorrow, I...I would like to, Jubilee." He smiled at her "And what were you planning for tonight, now that you asked?"
  10. As she sat down alone at last wih Bull Dozer, the blood roared in Shanna's ears and she wondered if he could hear her heart beating. Then again, His was probably as loud to him. Shanna nodded at each pause as Bull Dozer worked his way to the words she was hoping to hear. She held her breath when he looked away from her and said “...I love that about you...” Her hide trembled as she waited for more, He turned his eyes to hers and spoke again “Shanna...I love you.." She heard every word of his declaration of love. When he finally looked down, she hugged him tight with both her hooves and wings, crying. "And I would always choose you! I love you too Bull Dozer!" She kissed him for the longest time, finally pausing for air. "T-the old mare's tale.. It was that a pegasus would trade feathers...w-with their... soul m-mate. I figured.. well, No harm in giving my feather as a promise to visit o-often... but it worked! You gave me your most p-prized posession, f-for my feather!" She cried happy tears as she held him. She finally sniffled and smiled as she dug into her underwing pouch, bringing out what her brother had hidden there. "I..think it's.. y'know...time..." Her wings snapped out behind her, trembling with emotion and backlit by the moon... (OOC: time for fadeout after your response? )
  11. Hoss smiled and nodded to Louise as she wispered to him. he whispered back "Happy to do it for her. It's so good to do something nice for her." He then leaned over the side of the cart to get Granny Smith belted in and pop the seatback up into place for her. "Are you comfy? can you still look around okay?" With her settled in, he gave a wave at her kin and started hitching himself up as the sherrif came out. Hoss chuckled as the Sherrif made his position on flying clear "I suspect you'll change your tune soon enough with a certain pegasus around.." He turned to Louise "I'm ready. Go ahead and direct where we go this time now that you've gotten to feel how this particular cart handles. I'm sure you'll impress your new neighbors."
  12. Shanna found herself flapping rapidly and forced herself to pace her rythem. *..Dont' wear yourself out, filly...* She hoped he was enjoying his flight, but at least he was not freaking out or getting airsick. Shanna took a peek behind her and smiled, then looked back ahead. The stars were already brighter, but they would be really bright soon. She did not want to pick the nearest cloud either, she wanted nice, fluffy and tight clouds, that wont' slowly disperse out from under her cart. Shanna remembered there was a set of hills somewhere ahead that cause an updraft that got clouds stuck in an eddy current. An inconvenience when herding clouds around, but a known place to find somewhere to sit and rest. This late, nopony would happen to need a rest either, and the stars would be really bright out there. Finally, she saw the ghostly shine of moon on clouds ahead. She rose up a litlle and did a cursory loop around the biggest cloud to be sure there was nopony around, then set down with a gentle bump. "We're here!" Shanna looked back at Bull Dozer before unhitching herself. "Remember, do not leave this cart without a parachute or a cloudwalking spell..." She paused, looking like she wanted to smack her forehead "You know, that spell would be a great idea for our next date. This was pretty spontaneous." Out of harness, she set the parking brake and bracing legs of the cart, then she pulled a horse blanket from one of the storage spaces and passed it over the side for him to spread out. Shanna went into a hover and made sure she was backlit by the moon before setting down before him inside the cart. "So, what do you think of Luna's stars up here? This is my world on every night possible." She waved a hoof where she knew the Milky Way would be from his angle.
  13. Any more room? Name: Leadfarmer Physique: Average sized pony stallion, lean and muscular (Quarter Horse type pony) Colour: Red roan with black mane and tail, white socks. Cutie Mark: plow Brief Background: Member of the Imperial Guard from his homeworld of Boxer. Sole survivor of his Battalion from the battle of Animal Farm. For his survival skills and sheer dumb luck, he has been optioned to the Inquisitors special teams at their discretion and mercy. Proposed Role: Imperial Guard, light weapons, sniper weapon. Personality Analysis: Subject is eager and agressive to the point of recklessness. He may blame himself for being the last survivor of his unit, so the Inquisitor will have to keep reminding the subject not to damage Imperial Property, namely himself. Hazardous missions are at the Inquisitor's option.
  14. Shanna waved a hoof at him in mock severity "I saw that whack you got in the head earlier. I want you working with a helmet. if you wont borrow yours back, you wear mine until I get you a new one from Cloudsdale, as a gift." She smiles "My hail helmet is a universal fit." Bull Dozer then gave her a quick peck on the lips, silencing her for the moment. She watched over her shoulder as he buckled in, taking a little time to do so. She nodded when he said he was ready, and smirked when she saw where he was looking. Shanna then looked forward, "Here we go." and took off with a showy trot, arrowing up and turning West when she cleared any buildings nearby. If he looks up any higher than her tail, he will see her checking the stars for direction every minute. Her heart pounded quicky, her tension building the closer they got to being truely alone. She looks back to him when they reach the outskirts of the city, the dots of streetlamps below ending abruptly. "I want to get us far from these lights so we can see the stars, and also for some... privacy."
  15. (OOC: the player posted in "Jingling Satchel Repair Shop" the other day, Kalpira is having tech difficulties getting online lately.) Hoss stretched his wings to relax them from the flight. Suddenly the matronly mare of Sweet Apple Acres came out and started asking Louise for a ride. Hoss watched in surprise as the elderly lime green mare badgered the pegasus mare, insisting on a ride in the air chariot. Finally Louise looked back at Hoss in dismay, asking him to help out. Hoss bowed to Granny Smith "I would be honored to have you as a passenger, Granny Smith, and for free. Me and my sister are sometimes on the Weather Teams you call out to handle your farm. You have a way with words when it comes to handling the Ponyville Weather Teamleader." The bay stallion comes around to the back of the cart, tipping it backwards into becoming a ramp for her "just step right in and sit down. That panel becomes a seat back, and there is a lap belt here. Just ignore the other straps unles you want to be trussed up like a turkey for the ride."
  16. Shanna waited at the entrance, her hide twitching with exctement as she wiggled to double check the harness fit. Her mind kept wandering to thoughts of what it might be like. The class in school left so much unsaid... She shook her head, snapping back to reality as her mate.. um, date returned. She looked at him curiously, thinking * Why is he carrying his helmet?..* Her heart pounded as he took it in his hoof and held it out to her. He kept his gaze steady with hers, shining with emotion as he explained. She sat back on her haunches, partly hanging in the traces as she took the helmet in her trembling hooves. "Oh Luna..." She teared up and suddenly put her hooves around him in a hug, the helmet dangling from one hoof "Oh Bull Dozer! I thought it was an old mare's tail, what it means when you give a feather to a special male... and here you give me something as precious to you in return.." She kissed him with great and firey passion. When she finally let go, she wiped tears from her eyes, smiling. "I'll tell you the old mare's tale, once we get up there, and after you tell me what you were going to say earlier." She winked "And I'll let you borrow the helmet back for work, okay?"
  17. Shanna giggled happily as the stallion came up to examine her quite closely, seeing her in harness then blushing. She unhitched herself whie he put the food away in the storage spaces and came over to help him buckle in. Shanna nuzzled him with a smile "It looks a bit confusing, but that's because the Professor we work for does not trust the spells that keep ponies from being blown off when we must carry him to a vewing location.. Actually, Stargazer does not trust flying at all. He's not happy with it unless he's basically in full harness within the cart." She pointed out two brightly colored halves of a lap belt. "Those are all you need with me flying. let me pop this seat back up for you so you can face forward and... enjoy the vew." She winked, then blushed. When she got him seated, she leaned into the cart and buckled the belt across his lap, her hooves trembling so near a portion of his body she has not seen, and her nose twitching with his rich sweat musk. She blushed when her wings snapped out again and smiled sheepishly "Oh dear.. Better make this quick then..." With that she got in harness, and took off, her pony rump moving ahead of Bull Dozer as she flies to the construction site. She lands neatly at the gate and relaxes back against the cart, supported in harness. "I'll stay here while you get what you forgot, okay?" and smiles at her date.
  18. Shanna had smirked and winked at the flat response "It's annoying at times, but a fair trade if you dont have local money for food." and took off. She kept watching him as she hitched up, enjoying the earnest devotion in the way he sat down. After being sure she was firmly hitched up, she flapped her wings, lifting the bright yellow cart straight up into the air a few feet, then flapped through the air toward Bull Dozer. She strutted as she landed before him, smiling at him daringly. "Well? How do I look in harness?" She looked back at the cart as she unhitched herself to get him settled in. "The storage spaces are easy to open and latch tight, and I'll help buckle you in before the quck stop at the construction site."
  19. Hoss chuckles as Shanna speaks to the mares in the room. "Well, it is a relaxing job when dangerous beasties arent after you. We are lucky that damage was a rock kicked onto it and not the hydra's foot. I'd hate to see how the artificer would have reacted to a flattened telescope with scale marks.." The stallion hmmms and mentally checks the traveling expenses allotment, then nods "35 Bits are fair for this repair. Thank you!" He watches as Klondike trots out to get the furnace preheating, then double-takes as there is a bright, bright flash of flame. Shanna trots up beside him, watching wide eyed as Klondike rushes in for a strange cannister, then races back out and fights the fire. "Ummm, is that a chemical fire or is water okay?" "We can grab a small cloud to help... oh nevermind.." as Klondike comes back in, with the fire put out. The twins look at each other, then nod "Tomorrow will be fine, Mr. Klondike." Shanna nudges her brother "I'll be along after I talk to these mares for a moment longer...
  20. (OOC: bumping the thread a bit) Hoss chuckled and folded his wings "Somehow I think you and Professor Stargazer would get along very well, Sherrif Silverstar. We sometimes have to fly him here and there from Canterlot for celestial observations." Manwhile, Madam Bistro pointed outside " Well, well. It looks like the cart has returned with the Sherrif. You have your chance to ask about flying, Granny Smith." She giggles and shakes her head "Oh poor Sherrif, I dont think he has his sky legs yet..." Thorn looked up from the counter "Shall I make peppermint tea for the sherrif?" She hmmed and thought for a moment "Not yet, but get it ready to be made..."
  21. Shanna kept looking over at Bull Dozer as much as at the scenery from ground level, enjoying watching his body move over several blocks. The mare got a cute blush when he complimented her voice "Oh.. Compared to others I have heard, like Jubilee, I'm not spectacular enough to go pro. Now that you mention it... Me and my brother have had to sing for our supper sometimes on our field observation trips. Theres this one little unicorn filly over in Ponyville though... She sings like nopony I've heard before and got really embarrased when she saw we were listening. She will go professional for sure." She twitched an ear questioningly "Why she's still a blank flank though is completely beyond me..." Shanna suddenly looked up, seeing they were passing a statue of the unicorn founder of the university "Ah here we are, wait right here and I'll get the cart." She jumped up in the air, flying upward in a spiral to gain altitude and flicked her tail teasingly at her date below, before leveling off and flying to the top of a nearby building set up for pegasus parking.
  22. I have been trying to attract more players here for a little bit of "A Bird in the Hoof" level comedy involving a squirrel if you want to give it a try. http://www.canterlot.com/topic/3072-ponyville-inn-for-the-night-open/
  23. (OOC; The twins are good at first aid as demonstrated in the last thread since Weather Patrol is so dangerous at times, but I can whip up a nurse (unicorn?) for submissions if need be. ) Shanna took advantage of the sudden arrival of a messenger pony to put the rest of the group between her and Dusty. Hoss worked at doing an imitation of empty air as he kept a weather eye on Dusty, which wasnt too far off since the furniture was similar to the twins coat color, and patiently waited for the food to arrive. He thought *...Funny he should come into a place where Aqua has unlimited amounts of water to draw on. He must not be aware we are here yet...* Trying to make small talk, and be less suspicious, he sniffed curiously at a small bottle at their table and looked to Aqua "Lemon juice? So that blends well with the tastes of the ocean food?"
  24. (OOC: I could not even check the subforums at all until sometime today, even with the workarounds suggested in IRC. ) Shanna smiled as she saw how he reacted to her humming the Song of Equestria (mlp theme ;P ) and decided to do that more often. The mare tossed her ribboned tail as Bull Dozer spoke to her. "All right, lets go then. Although, I would feel better getting that side trip out of the way first after I hitch up. I lose track of time easily enough watching the stars under normal curcumstances, I can only imagine how easily we would lose time seeing the... stars together." she winked. Shanna checked the balance of the stuff on Bull Dozer's back "Let me know if any of it is slipping, I can take some of it if it does." With a nod at the final check, she starts a light trot toward the university and the building she parked on. "Let me know if we pass any more landmarks."
  25. Shanna smiled and hummed a pleasent tune as she helped wrap everything up, and set them on Bull Dozer's broad back, then gathered the trash and dropped it in the nearest wooden trash barrel. She giggled and nodded as she placed B.D. on his back. "Awww he looks cute back there." Wen he asked about putting the leftovers in his locker, she thought for a moment. "Hmmm I think they can come along. There's small storage spaces on the underside of the cart." She paused for a moment, considering the best way to handle getting the cart then smiled at Bull Dozer "I was thinking though, we are close enough to the university it would be just as quick for us to trot over together as waiting for me to fly over and back with the cart. I'm ready for a quick walk if you are."
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