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Everything posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. Candy Catch-em giggles "Three of me? you must have really rung your bells profesor. Equestria probably thinks one of me is quite enough." She keeps a steady wing on his back, guiding him through the door. "Let me get you something to drink, Professor." With that, Candy trots off and comes back with a glass of water on a tray balanced on her wings and sets it on the table near him. Satisfied of his comfort for the moment, Candy sits down nearby and pulls out her first aid kit and the squirrel, setting it on her bedroll. She genty gave the weakened squirrel an exam, finding a swollen bite on one thigh. "Oh my, fortunately it's mostly a paralytic." She mixes a little antihistamine and powdered antidote into a bit of nut butter and helps the squirrel eat...
  2. Hoss and Shanna stop at the train station's Hoovz Rental counter for a moment. Hoss haggles and Shanna bats her eyes and in moments, they come back to the group with a small 2' x 3' four wheeled cargo cart hauling their telescope case. Shanna smiles as her brother pulls the cart by it's handle. "Now we can move faster." Seeing the group entering the shop ahead, they follow along inside. They looked from left to right at the seating, then pulled their cart to the left, near the largest open group of seats. The twins put their heads together for a moment, whispering and pointing wings at the menu board. Hoss turned to the keep "We'll have two Kelp and Seaweed salads, and we want a single small portion of fish wrapped in seaweed so we can give it a try between us." Shanna nods "Yes, if Aqua mentions it as an option, it should be exotic and okay for us to try." Hoss nods to the open welldeck with seats on the right "Do Hippocampi come here often? (OOC: fellow herbivores, namely deer, have been seen occasionally eating small fish IRL )
  3. I think I'm about there. I want to go ahead and finish the pic of her first though. Let me know if there are any questions about her.
  4. Shanna nickered happily as she felt Bull Dozer rock under her with each hoofstep, enjoying the sensation as he pointed out the shopping mall. She clopped her forehooves together. "Oh my! It's amazing to see something that open and airy and not be made of clouds, or with magicked stonework like Canterlot. Do you know if that was made by the construction company you work for? Ooh, I wonder if they have cloud-enchanted items I could use.." She made a mental note to stop there sometime... As they made their way by the cemetary, she grew quiet as she listened to his explanation. She finally spoke "I see, We have our own cemetaries on the highest points groundside we can find, and they are just as spooky." She patted his shoulder "Thank you for sharing about your grandfather." As they reached the carnival her spirits picked right up. She giggled as he asked if he wanted to keep riding "While it would be funny, It would be hard to do anything together, unfortunately." With that, she slipped a leg across his back and slid off to the ground, landing with all four hooves clopping to the pavement. She smiled brightly at the large stallion "Ready!"
  5. Shanna giggles happily at the nuzzle and keeps her legs tight on the stallion's barrel, resting her forehooves on Bull Dozer's shoulders as he starts moving. "This is more fun than I thought!" She rode happly down the street, enjoying how warm and fuzzy he feels under her as he pointed out the sights. Shanna giggled as some ponies stared and pointed at them, but she simply waved a hoof at them. "That place sounds great! Maybe we can go there sometime, my charming steed?" She occasionally flapped her wings to keep her balance. "How far is the carnival now?"
  6. Hoss neighed and smiled at the awesome spectacle of the equipement floating down the steps and exactly into place. "Cool!" When Shanna saw she would not be needed to help with the equipment, she trotted back over to Survey. "Oh I'm sorry, I thought you followed along. How have you been since the race?" She looked over at Hoss, then back at Survey as she waved her brother over with a black-banded wingtip. As her twin trotted over, she asked the shy unicorn "Have you met my brother, Hoss? Oh and this is Survey, one of the racers, bro." The stallion waved a wingtip "Hello, I think I saw you from above before I had to help rescue ponies. you have a very unique shade of green there."
  7. Shanna smiled as he moved closer to her, she felt as if she was flying even while she was touching the ground. She watched his face as he explained about the booths and the machines, enjoying the way his hazel eyes danced talking to her. His face lit up as he seemed to have an idea, and grew excited. The bay mare stopped as she realized he was behind her now and looked back at him, seeing he had mischevious grin. Before she knew it he dove forward and flipped her up on his back. She gave a Fluttershy squeak and giggle, then fluttered her wings for a moment to balance herself and settle in place. Her hind legs wrapped around his thick barrel, which moved nicely under her. She leaned forward to nuzzle his mane and ears. "Oh yes please! A filly could get used to this.. I think the word is 'giddyup' right?" she winked at him.
  8. Hoss picked up his prize and trotted proudly back to Jubilee after cutting some slots in the shirt for his wings and wiggling into it. He chuckled and completed the look by taking his goggles out and putting them on his forehead. Hoss then did a dance move ending in a spin before Jubilee, making his ponytail ring flash in the light and jingle. "Ta-dahh! How do I look?" Across the floor, Shanna smiled happily as the blond maned stallion tucked her feather behind his ear. "Mmm, you look nice!" She ohhed as he suddenly looked sad that she did not live nearby, but felt relief when he got a determined look. He then chuckled charmingly for her sake. “Well....I s’pose that means I’ll just have a greater walking distance to come and see you.” Shanna giggled in relief that such a nice, handsome stallion would make such an effort for her and that made her heart pound in joy. "I will do my best to save you the trips. I travel a lot so thats plenty of chances to make it here." Her ears perked curiously and her eyes shone brightly at his next words, and such a cute blush he had over them. "A token, for me? Oh I would love that! Yes, please, Mr. Bull Dozer."
  9. Candy had the squirrel tucked safely into her saddlebag, where it was still too stunned to move about. She flew happily alongside the Professor, satisfied the hunt had gone so well and chatting with him along the way to Ponyville. Sudenly he turned to look at her as they were coming into the middle of town, butr ahead of him... "PROFESSOR! LOOK..." WHAM!!!! "...out.. Oh ponyfeathers..." Candy looped around and landed next to him at the base of the statue, helping him up. "They realy should put lights around or on this thing..." She put a wing on him to steady him as they walked into the Inn. "Are you feeling better, Professor? I have pain killers in my first aid kit."
  10. Shanna giggled "Probably not, but I would not mind trying sometime just for fun. I'm sure you would fit in our pegasus cart too if you ever want to visit Cloudsdale." She trotted happily alongside Bull Dozer as they left the restauraunt, smiling back at him as he gave her a silly grin. She found she liked that grin on him. Well she had better see he does it more often! Shanna brushed his side with a wingtip "I would be happy to see more of Fillydelphia with you to point out the sights anytime." She thought a moment about something then asked him "Oh do you have to be careful taking down the carnival? or is it just parts that arent the machines?"
  11. The orange pegasus with a bush hat on her coppery streaked mane set down in Ponyville, in the area where the Inns are set up. Candy Catch-em trotted up to the Prancing Pony Inn and looked back to watch Professor Clyde Krashkop land. She knelt to open a paper bag and shook a spider out into the decorative bushes "There! Now you cant find any Poison Joke here." Candy stood back up and looked to the Professor. "I cant wait to try some of that casserole of yours with those mushrooms in it. Oh I hope they dont mind me working on this injured squirrel in the commmon room. it' much cosier in there..."
  12. (OOC: since the OP prodded us I might as well answer with Shanna alone this time since Chonico wanted some replys to be occuring between the customers as a seperate bunch) Shanna smiled at Zecora and cleared her throat "Okay here goes; << Bright the Morning! Bright the day! May fortune light your way! >> She blushed "I hope I remembered it correctly, Um, Miss Zecora, was it?" At the zebra's questions, she replied "Well, we sometimes have work to do in Ponyville, and we heard about how you cured six of the residents of the effects of a hazardous plant. We have not met you until now." She earperks at a thought "If you sell some of those Super Naturals, our mother will be certain to pay you a visit. She loved some of the herbal remedies she got from the Zebras on our last family trip to your lands."
  13. Shanna amost giggled at the effect she had on the brown earth pony when she stretched. That helped put the scary unicorn out of her mind for now. Her ears suddenly perked up and she looked right into his eyes, her smile bright on her face "A carnival?!" Ohhh! I havent been to one groundside in forever!" She suddenly felt his hoof on hers, making her heart race at his touch as he pushed it back with the bits and note. Shanna nodded, blushing "Oh. r-right. Thank you, Bull Dozer." She rose from the seat eagerly, her raven-shiny tail swishing happily "How far away is the carnival? Will I need to fly you there?"
  14. Candy hmnmmed and rubbed her chin "Sounds promising enough for a field test at least. Perhaps we can discuss that back at the Prancing Pony." She ahhhed in satisfaction as the knife came out "Thank you Professor. I will be careful." Taking it in her muzzle, she tested it on the web finding it cut it easily. when she tried a sticky line though it stuck. Candy pulled a small bottle of oily bug repelleant and dripped it on the blade, the oil unsticking it quickly. She bounced on her hooves. "Awesome! and unlike the alcohol, the oil will stick to the blade!" She quickly raced around chopping up the webs. One creature was found stuck in a web, a squirrel weak and sleepy from a paralyzing bite. "Well Professor, shall we go? I'll need to tend to this critter right away!" (ooc; continue the tread after your post or start a new one? )
  15. Shanna nods and sighs, "There have been rumors over the years, usually tales told to foals to make them go to bed, but I met one recently, an outlaw unicorn. He used shadows to move around like a doorway... " She shook her head, not yet wanting to admit she owed this unicorn a kiss as part of a attempt to bait hm away from a robbery "One is more than enough..." Changing the suject , she took a moment to stretch again, loving the effect it seems to have on him "Where shall we go next? A movie, a dance?" Whle she waited, she pulled out a napkin and a pencil, writing a note and laid several bits on it "This is a tip and thank you to the owner for even making that Filly Cheesehay..."
  16. Madam Bistro managed not to let out a 'whew' of relief as her tea semed to be having the desired effect of easing his aches and his attitude. Her pride was taken down a notch as he seemed intent on staying somewhere else though. Worse, she could not keep a surrupticious eye on him ...To make sure he would not do someting devious... or so she told herself. Taking a chance, she cleared her throat with a nicker. "Oh, Mr. Rockefilly. We will discuss wether to have the dinner here or at the Town Hall. Where shall we call upon you to let you know the time and place? The train? Or, if you have noplace yet to stay, I have some very fine rooms kept at Manehattan standards...
  17. You can bet the twins would show up a such an event, especially if Luna were in charge. If it's a big enough event, I would be tempted to write up apps for their parents so they could attend too.
  18. (ooc; I had the RotL pegged as before Big Time's party, but the rp fun with Jubilee during the race turned that around. Finally cleaned up, Shanna trotted into the After-race party. She stretched her wings in relief, glad all the syrupy sap was completely gone from her feathers. Looking up she saw her brother and Jubilee dancing in air. The bay stallion waved a hoof "Hay sis! Good news! I'm going steady with Jubilee!" Shanna waved back "That's great!" She sighed, wishing that handsome stallion from Fillydelphia was here. Oh well, at least she can dance with some of her new friends. She stood up on her hind legs and smiled "Who's ready to make this place shake with their dancing?"
  19. Candy found several more empty web traps with her stick as the Proessor spoke. She perked her ears and turned to him with an interested look. "Oh Professor, When you say the dragon repellant failed.. In what way did it fail?" Candy smiles deviously "Did it simply fail in driving away the dragon, or fail as in "drew it like a magnet"?.." She rubbed her forehooves together "Ohh my job could be so much easier sometimes if I could lure a wayward dragon into a trap instead of having to fly for my life through my trap ahead of one..." She hmms "Speaking of traps, do you have anything that can cut these webs up? I really dont want to come back every day to make sure no one gets stuck."
  20. Shanna nickered happily to herself, very happy that he wants to try different places to eat with her. The next date was already going to be epic fun! She watched him hanging on every word as she told him about eclipses and her mother's warnings. Shanna nodded quickly when he got the hint about the Nightmare. She saw him look at her wonderingly, then got a determined look. She smiled warmly at him. "I can guess you would think it a boon for me if she had won. Well, it would be for a while, untill the food ran out. Nothng would grow but mushrooms." Shanna finished her sandwich "I can live with only having short times to see the stars, besides, I met a Nightmare worshipper before. Those... they scare me." she shuddered.
  21. Shanna nodd "Yes, that's the usual kind of Eclipse we see. But... There are ancient records of the shadow of the moon blacking out the sun, with only a firey crown visible of the sun. Can you imagine how amazing and scary that would look?" she finished with a smile. Shanna went wide eyed as the plate slammed down before her, making her give a Fluttershy squeak. She smoothed her feathers back down, and picked up the sandwich and inspects it critically. "At least it looks good..." and takes a bite. She munched on it carefully and swallowed, her face suddenly looking much happier. "Ohhh this is great! Too bad this is the last out of him. Maybe next time we can go someplace that specializes in these? Make a fun time of touring the city by restauraunt?" She smiles at him, glad to see he isnt' dismissive of the subject and actually seems interested "I would love to see an eclipse, either a full eclipse of the moon or the sun. It's okay if this is all new to you, admittedly there are ponies who even question why our job exists since the Princesses raise and lower the sun and moon and stars, but Mother tracked and quietly issued warnings of the star alignment that released..." She looks around, then whispers "you-know-who". She sits back up and winks at Bull Dozer "We do not know if the warnings were heeded but we like to think they helped the Princess somehow."
  22. Candy nickered happily "A nice coincidence then, I prefer that inn when I'm traveling in the area." She watched and stirred the leaves aside as they were blown, tracing the outline of the web, then off to the side she sees something amber "No trapped ponies, but are those the mushrooms you need?" She set down and held the stick aside "if those arent enough, there are probably more under other clumps of web or in the gully." As she poked under the next pile of leaves, she watched the professor and the mushrooms "What do you teach at the University?
  23. Shanna finished her stretch, and stifled a giggle at the reaction it had on her date. She thought about doing that more often for him since she enjoyed his lovely blond mane and adoring eyes over a sexy blush... She thought her answer out carefully since she didnt want to embarrass him after he fumbled on the word. "Oh believe me it would be more convenient during the day, but Celestia puts the stars out for the daytime." Shanna sighs dreamily "There isnt much anypony without a full fledged observatory can do in the daytime. I would just love to see an eclipse sometime, but those are rare since the moon and the sun are hardly ever up at the same time. My Mother got to see one caused by a comet before we were born."
  24. Shanna smiled pleasently as she was led to a booth, then set the bouquet on the table so she could sit when the hunky stallion let her sit first "Why thank you Bull Dozer." She watched wide-eyed as the restauraunt owner came up, looking like a stock character from a stage play in Cloudsdale park. One of her ears lopped down for a moment in concern when the owner said he would "dust off" the grill and try to remember how to do one. *...Oh dear, I hope it works... * she thought. Her ear went back up as Bull Dozer smiled reassuringly at her. She looked up at the waiter/owner/cook " I cant' wait to try one! I'm sure it will be fine, sir." She smiled and looked back at Bull Dozer dreamily. then realized he just asked her about the weather patrol. "Oh yes! Feel free to let me know if you have any questions at any point." She daintily nibbled one of the damaged flowers "Anyway, we get a general schedule for the week of what the weather should be and when, and usually handle the area from Canterlot to the edge of the Everfree. We get rotated around a lot since we can only do the morning shift because we have Astronomy fieldwork at night." She nibbled some more and shrugged "Oh I should have asked for something to drink... Anyway, some weeks we help on weather over the plains and into Fillydelphia, Manehattan, Whitetail Woods, and all the little vllages too small to have a name on the map. Basically , here, there, everywhere some weeks." She sat up and stretched her wings a bit, trying to make it a somewhat elegant move "Oh excuse me.." she smiled.
  25. Here's a recipie I just found I plan to make soon, but should be perfect for any fan of the Apple family; APPLE BUTTER BARS 1 (18.25 oz.) package butter cake mix (or substitute with yellow cake mix). 1 stick unsalted butter, melted. 1 jumbo egg 2 1/2 cups apple butter. 1 cup oatmeal (are you crazy? ) 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon. 1/2 cup brown sugar. 1/3 cup unsalted butter, melted. 3/4 cup pecan halves. 13 x 9 inch pan, greased with cooking spray (or butter, etc.) Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Use a spoon to mix together the cake mix, 1 stick of melted butter, and 1 egg. Once thouroughly mixed, pat the mixture into the pan. Spread 2 cups of the apple butter over the mixture (keeping back the remaining 1/2 cup for later) Smooth out the apple butter with a spatula. Stir together the oatmeal, cinnamon and brown sugar. Then mix in the remaining apple butter and remaining melted butter. Spread the oatmeal mixture over the cake mixture. If it looks dry, swirl together your bottom apple butter layer a bit. Sprinkle pecans over the top. Bake for 40-45 minutes or until mixture is set. Cool for an hour before slicing. When I make this, I will take pictures and submit it to the other thread showing recipies in action...
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