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Everything posted by Armony

  1. Somebody hacked my battle.net account, that's exactly what I wanted to wake up to...

  2. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  3. I dedicate this, my 600th post, to letting you know that you are awesome and I'm sure it'd be great fun to hang out with you if we lived anywhere close to each other.
  4. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here! I should hope you're a brony, otherwise I'd wonder what you're doing on an FiM forum
  5. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  6. Arnica was taken aback by the comments from the blue unicorn, and felt immediately certain that she had somehow managed to guess incorrectly. That thought made her heart sink, as she noted the orange pegasus, who must be the doctor, was drinking while dealing with a patient. And not just any patient, but one that was very clearly suffering some sort of delusion about the world ending, or the office burning down, or being adopted. Well, she thought, the part about being adopted might not be a delusion, and depending on how harsh of a reality check it had been, might have caused a minor case of insanity... She shook her head when the unicorn interrupted her thoughts by claiming himself to be Doctor Betterbones. She audibly sighed in relief at having been utterly mistaken with who was who in the room in front of her. She even gave bit of a giggle, deciding that his sense of humor was something that she could get used to working around, even if it was a bit... morbid, to be joking about the office burning down or the world ending. "You observe correctly, doctor, I am here on business, of a sort, today." Today and many days afterward, she couldn't help but silently hope to herself. It was tempting to take the other doctor up on his offer for a private conversation in his office, more out of nervousness than anything else, but she decided against it. Delaying the moment would only cause her nerves to get worse and increase her chances of screwing up the last hope she had for finding work down here. Summoning her courage, she explained her presence in more detail, "I recently came to Solstice Heights from Canterlot, hoping my skills could be of better use, but I haven't been able to find any place to set up an office. A friend of mine from the hospital I used to work at mentioned that you had an office already running and that you might be looking for help, so, um... here I am!" She knew she had ended on a rather weak note, but she had at least gotten her purpose across without slipping up or apologizing unnecessarily. "Oh, do you have any place I could set these down at?" She asked, tilting her head meaningfully toward her saddlebags. "They're kind of heavy for me."
  7. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  8. 13 hours of sleep last night. It feels so good to have time off work. Now, off to more Skyrim.

  9. You seem to be the only one here able to ninja posts from me consistently
  10. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  11. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  12. Well, today took an unexpected turn for the absolutely depressing. At least I'll have days off of work for BroNYCon in January

  13. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  14. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  15. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  16. Oh god, the adorableness... it's too much to take in all at once! Thank you!
  17. This morning began the same as the past several had for Arnica. She had taken up temporary lodging down in Solstice Heights about four days ago while she looked for somewhere to set up her practice. Having only the medical supplies and a few bits in her white saddlebags, she hadn't had much luck in finding a place to set up, and she still wasn't sure about accepting a tip she had gotten about somepony who might be looking for a partner. Instead, she set out from her room after eating a a meager breakfast of daisies and began her hunt once again for any kind of cheap plot of land or building she could set up an office inside of. As she stepped out into the marketplace; however, Arnica spotted something, or to be precise, somepony, unusual. While ordinarily nopony was out this early in the morning down here, something she had to yet to get accustomed to after living in the busy city that was Canterlot, this particular morning there was a grey coated stallion in the open market. His cutie mark, a pair of gears, stood out on his flanks almost as much as his brown mane and tail. She thought he looked familiar, but couldn't quite place where she might have seen such a pony before. As he swiveled his head about, Arnica couldn't help but feel that he might be lost, and decided to procrastinate on her own mission for the day in an attempt to help him. Walking toward the stallion, she hailed him from across the market, calling "Hey there! You look like you're lost, is there anything I could help you with?"
  18. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  19. Arnica made her way swiftly through the empty streets, her destination address written on a small scrap of paper hovering in front of her. It had already been just over a week since she had closed her office in Canterlot, deciding to practice medicine in a place that didn't have a ready supply of doctors on hoof at all times. A friend of hers from one of the larger hospitals had given her this address and told her that she might stand a chance of joining up with somepony in her practice there. She could hardly believe that there would be a noteworthy doctor down in Solstice Heights. As she rounded the corner onto the street, she was passed by a dark purple pegasus mare who was struggling to open a bottle of pills while still walking. Odd that, she would have thought that any pegasus would have preferred to fly rather than walk. She suppressed her curiosity, carrying on with her mission and placing the scrap of paper into her white saddlebags when she spotted her destination. After double checking that the flaps on her saddlebags were secure and still had their roughly sewn on red crosses, she entered the office into the empty waiting room. Not just empty of patients, either; there was absolutely nopony, doctor, nurse, or even a receptionist. She considered leaving immediately, feeling that she had wasted her time in coming here, and that this building was obviously abandoned. Arnica decided to trust in the friend that had sent her here just a little longer, and, hoping that the office was just closed and nopony had remembered to lock the door, sat herself down in the waiting room. She withdrew a book from her saddlebags about the proper treatment of wounds, opened it up to where she had left off, the chapter about preventing infection, and began to read. She very nearly finished the chapter before she heard the door to the office down the hall open. She put her book back in her saddlebags and vacated her seat, setting off at a light trot down the hall to the door that had opened. Peering around the door curiously when there was a lack of pony walking through it, she was greeted by the sight of a sky blue coated unicorn stallion wearing a white lab coat and an orange coated pegasus holding a bottle of what looked to be an alcoholic beverage. Not feeling quite so confident as when she had started out, and not sure of who to interoduce herself to, she went with the obvious choice and extended a hoof to the unicorn in the lab coat. "Hello, um..." Arnica had to think a moment before she could remember the name of who she was supposed to be meeting here. "Doctor Betterbones, is it? I'm Arnica. I'm kind of new around here... is now a bad time?"
  20. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  21. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  22. Just finished watching the new episode. In the interest of not saying spoilers, all I will say is... *SQUEE*

  23. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  24. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
  25. Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here!
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